Gameloft Ryan's Massive Gameloft Thread

I understand the piracy and hacking issues. But why limit the single player mode? Can't the devs tweak the games in such a way that only when rewards/leader boards/multiplayer are used the game will require an active connection to proceed?

I am not a dev and i don't understand the complexity to produce such software but its food for thought.

That's a good thought (y)
I'm disappointed to say the least :(

I'm sorry ):

I understand the piracy and hacking issues. But why limit the single player mode? Can't the devs tweak the games in such a way that only when rewards/leader boards/multiplayer are used the game will require an active connection to proceed?
I am not a dev and i don't understand the complexity to produce such software but its food for thought.

I'm not a Dev either and don't have a technical background so I can't say. All I know is that they are actively talking about options that aren't online-only but can still accomplish these main goals.

Will Brothers in Arms 3 be available next month on windows phone? Any release date?

Brothers in Arms 3 is undergoing a big overhaul. When we first previewed the game at CES this year, the community gave some great feedback based on the first videos that were released. The Dev team took that feedback to heart and is changing a lot within the game. Due to this we don't have a release date in mind yet, but it's still very much in our plans.
The Great Wall Update included a lot of cars that are unlocked after events take place. When the events are live, top finishers will be able to win certain cars prior to everyone being able to buy them in the shop. Stay tuned because the vehicles will be up for grabs soon as long as the timeline is the same!

Whew, I was worried that it would literally be a case of only being able to get the car if you win those events. :P Good to know they'll be coming to the shop too later on.
After time I must say I am very dissatisfied with Captain America.The game often crashes and now I can't connect to the game.Of course I have internet connection.This is really bad joke from gameloft dev team.
After time I must say I am very dissatisfied with Captain America.The game often crashes and now I can't connect to the game.Of course I have internet connection.This is really bad joke from gameloft dev team.

I posted about this briefly in a Captain America thread and there is a reason for this. The original link that was posted by WPCentral was actually a link we were using for device testing, meaning it wasn't released to the public and ready for mass downloads. So, if you used the link from WPC, there is a chance that the game will be crash prone. The actual public link for DL should be available later today/tomorrow depending on when the store refreshes.
I reinstall the game and I still can't connect to the game.I have shield with star and under Connecting... on my screen and nothing happens.What can I do?Btw game isn't available still for public download.
What about those of us who already bought the game?

You'll just need to uninstall the game and then reinstall it from the public link that will be available in the store later on.

What about minion rush update

We announced a little while back on our social media outlets that the Anti-Villain League zone and Moon mini-game will be coming to Windows in May. We also have another update for Windows coming later on in the summer months, but I'm not sure what content that will include at this point.

I reinstall the game and I still can't connect to the game.I have shield with star and under Connecting... on my screen and nothing happens.What can I do?Btw game isn't available still for public download.

Correct, since you're still using the device testing link, the game will more than likely not work for you. Once the game link actually goes live on the store, you'll need to uninstall the game and then reinstall it using the public link. This should solve the problem! Once my co-worker gets back from lunch I'll be touching base with him on when CA:TWS will be up and ready to go.
I find the public link and the game still doesn't connect me.It seems this game is in the beta version and not prepared for the release.
I find the public link and the game still doesn't connect me.It seems this game is in the beta version and not prepared for the release.

Hmm...That's weird, let me check on this and see!

I have the same problem.

I'll post back once I hear something! Sorry for any inconvenience!

Any updates for Kingdoms & Lords in sight?

I haven't seen any updates recently, but that could be changing. I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for new content and let you all know!
I would love it if I had a friend in Kingdoms & Lords. DadStar is my gamer tag. Add me please!
hey ryan sorry was not able to attach screenshot in pm so attaching here
On my pc when i try to play kingdoms and lords i get this screenWP_20140430_001.jpg
whereas you can see the asphalt 8 which requires more powerful graphic then kingdoms and lords run fine and smooth.WP_20140430_002.jpg
i tried six guns also but it crashes everytime.
Sorry I didn't read it as a question, just as more of a statement >.< We are still supporting UNO & Friends on all of the platforms it's currently on, so more updates will be coming that will help the stability.

Thank You Ryan for Reply but yeah I can help u in identying that Bug while programming has to be done by ur dev's side .

the Bug is that whenever we play 6-7 games on UNO and Friends the Application crashes automatically and then when we again opens that App then it couldnt load the save file because the Game was crashed without saving I think the save file gets corrupt and then the game doesnt opens it again . Unless it doesnt crashes once then it works fine but after 6-7 games it automatically crashes.

PS : Sorry my English is poor :)

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