Yusuf Kurniawan
New member
The graphics are downscaled or something? Is it a worthy download cuz I also have a 520 and was thinking of downloading it.
Sometimes my screen got blank. Normal again back to the game, got blank again.
The graphics are downscaled or something? Is it a worthy download cuz I also have a 520 and was thinking of downloading it.
CVH-38218-497 thats the ticket
Why do alot of Gameloft games require me to play online?
Like Modern Combat 5 and Rival Knights.
Not everyone has unlimited data.
Why not give the option for offline play?
Gt racing 2 crashing on my L925. I have reinstalled it 2 times.
Do the Gameloft titles support 1080p??
Thanks that's good newsGood question! I just recently asked the Windows team about this and we actually release games in 720p. One of my coworkers is actually checking to see if we can launch games with 1080p and have that support for higher end devices, specifically for the Windows platform.
any idea about launching gt racing 3 for windows phones?
gtr 3 ???
Thanks for the Rival Knights updating the app crashing on the splash screen!
Thanks that's good news
because I'm sure you understand it's a little annoying when you have a 1080p device but the games don't support it...
Plz can you report the developing team of blitz brigade that the servers are really bad...and you most of times it says that no connection...
Ty !
Id: 8316288
Any idea about launching GT Racing 3 for windows phones?
Hi Ryan, I just want to let you know that for some reason my mc5 squad got ripped off on one of our squad challenges.
As you can see we have a healthy lead at this point. And then this happens.
Any idea why that happened?
Thanks for the Rival Knights update fixing the app crashing on the splash screen!
Hi Ryan is there an incoming update for heroes of order and chaos? I really liked the game but it force closes on me so often. I'm using a Lumia 1520 with 8.1 GDR1 +Cyan.
Hey Ryan so I just switched from the 920 to the 930 and well... I was expecting a performance boost on total conquest since it lagged constantly on the 920 and the 930 has a way better chipset... (sd800)
And to my surprise it lags just as much Can you ask the total conquest guys if they are planning on optimizing for newer hardware?
It's a little ridiculous that MC5 runs great on my 930 but TC lags like crazy! lol