Hey, I have an issue with MC5 on my HTC 8X running 8.1 preview.
The game runs fine. I complete the first mission and end up on this screen
It stays on this screen for a very long time, all the while my phone is getting hotter and hotter; this is the hottest I've ever felt it. I had the phone charging and the usual red light was on to indicate charging, but as the phone's temperature increased the light started flashing red and green, I assumed this was a warning about the heat so just closed the game and let the phone cool.
I launched the game again and it took me to the main menu instead of starting the first mission as before. I had an achievement for completing the tutorial but it would not let me start the second mission, I only had the option of playing the first mission again. I played it again and was stuck on the same screen telling me to be patient

After some time and the phone cooking itself, I closed the app and re launched to be greeted by the woman saying I could enter multiplayer etc, but again, I can only choose the first mission.
Any thoughts?