Guess who got selected to take part in a WP7.5 Usability Study??


New member
Aug 14, 2011

Just got this email from Microsoft:

"good catch, you're right. it was supposed to say "windows phone." =) (question 11 said something about 'how do you use your iPhone, and I asked if it was supposed to be there)

please let me know your preference for the time slots below (list up to your first, second, and third choices). we're juggling a few participants, but we'll try our best to get you one of your top choices. thanks!"

D5, I promise I will do you proud.

Getting $100 to take place, and now my next WP7.5 phone will be a little bit less!!
I know you will. I can thank of no one more opinionated or dedicated if they had asks me to help make the choice I would have picked you. I know Windows Phone will be well represented.
Opinionated? I like to think of it as confident in my thoughts! :-) I will have a full report for you when it's done.

I'm sure I will get my choice of Focus S or Nokia Ace for my time too!
Opinionated? I like to think of it as confident in my thoughts! :-) I will have a full report for you when it's done.

I'm sure I will get my choice of Focus S or Nokia Ace for my time too!

Congrats indeed and you do well!
Pretty random. Saw it on a WP news site, sent an email, got in. Either that or a friend of mine at MSFT Mountain View (where I'm from) put in a good word. Either way.

I did one for Plaxo, and it was pretty cool.
Just got the confirmation of my time/day, very nice! I will have some info of some kind for you guys by noon PST next Wed!

When I did it for Plaxo, they asked me to look at a screen, tell them what I noticed first. Then, what I thought different icons/text meant. How I thought it could be easier. What would make it a better experience for me, that kind of thing.

I will tell them the best way to make it easier would be to offer a pretty big discount on a WP7.5 to all of the people signed up here at I'm sure that will work, how could it not!!
Actually probably the best thing they could do is advertise the thing so people buy it, more devs and OEM's are attracted, sales rocket, we enjoy a healthier platform. Win!

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