Sorry, I forgot to look for your first post.
This is interesting.... I'm now inclined to flash back to stock with the Nokia Care Suite and re-do this to see if I can get the update again...I am not sure exactly why this wouldn't work? I don't think it would be firmware dependent because I have the same firmware as you. (....14404.07019)?
Not that this matters, but I did notice on Navifirm+ that the Lumia 830 (RM-983) had new firmware available early last week, but when I went to go compare it to what I had already on the stock ATT image, I noticed it was exactly the same as what I had?
Maybe, they did something to the stock Denim firmware?
Anyway, I'm gonna flash back to stock via the NCS and see if I can get update 2 -If I can't, oh well...I have my 635/1520 for update 2.
I'll report back on the status as soon as I can.