Hardware and Software Projections and Wishlist, what do you think, or want in the future?

  • Skype, on Win10 desktop and iOS/Android, with encrypted chat storage at rest and MF'ing SMS RELAY goddamit.
  • Full smart-home-hub brought to Cortana on Xbox. Its the assistant we all already have in our living room, make it useful.
  • Improve performance of Cortana on Xbox and skillset on all devices. This includes a room-open-mic replacement for Kinect...
  • Adblock extensions on Edge Mobile for iOS/Android. No reason to switch from Firefox on Android/iOS until this happens.
  • I'd love to see a great foldable hardware, but i'd rather see a great one next year than a halfass one this year, so get it right.
  • Xbox VR. Not that we need it, but if PS is the only install base supporting multiplat VR's in 2018/2019, thats bad for MS
  • A mobile platform. If its MS Launcher, get off your *** and make it better than Nova. If its Windows on ARM, lets get it polished. If its a Windows-Android variant, maybe cut a deal with either Google or Amazon because apps are a dealbreaker.
  • A wearable platform. No one has nailed this yet. Either they have great hardware and terrible software (Samsung), or they have great software and terrible hardware (Apple WatchOS, AndroidWear). Buy fitbit, ungimp their OS, keep them multiplatform?
  • Buy Pandora. There is so much consumer good will there, and its on everything, and with the premium transition, its going to get even more prevalent. The Radio is better than spotify, even if spotify has a larger library and the interesting discover playlists.
  • Build a linux version of Edge. With Extensions. Tell us how much you love linux again.
  • Add support for usb devices to Windows linux subsystems. whats the point of using a subsystem for dev if im stuck on ntfs only drives?
The Surface Crevice... which will quickly be axed after Samsung and LG release their flexible OLED screen folding devices with no stupid crevice in the middle.
Ok for 2018, I'd like to see a Surface phone ( or "not phone" but with phone capabilities) certainly the return of MS to Mobile computing.

Longer term, there was a concept in a book called Abundance that I'd like to see them take up.

That of a tricorder.

a hand held device capable of medical diagnosis. There was an X-prize for it recently.

The difficult bit seems to be more the sensors than the computing capability. Given the experience with Microsoft Health and Band, I think this would be an interesting new area for Microsoft to venture into.

How's that for something different?
Love to see a surface device that can be used for telephony and super portable. Just don't call it a phone and it might sell.
More Cortana skills and moreover MS keep her alive.
Better Xbox with more apps and entertainment and smart home focus

Better developer support and re assurance that the platforms are going to live a healthy life.
There is lot more than just Azure and Windows
These are some great posts. Love the Tricorder idea. Its funny, while the actual Tricorder is out of reach for the moment, the idea behind it is not so far fetched. My Wife is a nurse and I can imagine her using a central hand held device that can be paired with wireless leads for monitoring and recording vitals that automatically attach these reading to the patient's chart so that doctors and other specialists can get real-time updates even if they are not in the same part of the campus. Very good idea. I heard that they are actually working on something like that, but not that incorporates a handheld wireless device. You better run and put a patent on that, lol.

QuietNine, that's a pretty comprehensive list I would love to see a lot of that too. My son would love that Linux compatibility as well.

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