Yeah, I keep getting an error message when I try to download the desktop sync app (beta? total side note wtf btw) and I keep getting an error message:
"Windows Phone requires .Net framework 4.0 Please install from '' and restart setup"
But when I try to go to that address it's a dead end. Best part now, as I read this blog, even if I were to download the sync a bunch of people are having problems with it. Was the windows 8 release a total surprise to microsoft or do they just expect people won't notice their ****s not working?
I also subscribed to the super expensive xbox music pass but I can't get it to work on my 920. Online it says music pass should appear under the "new" menu in the xbox video/music app but, NOPE!
I must say this has really got me thinking if windows 8 mobile is ready. I'm burnt out on iphone and its lack of innovation but at least their **** worked. I'm wondering now if I should return my 920 and xbox and get a galaxy with a sweet speaker system instead.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to trouble shoot / thoughts about making a switch to a better functioning ecosystem.
When I tried to download the phone app, I got the same message about needing the .Net framework, but in my case the link worked. .Net and phone app both downloaded and installed with no difficulty. I then used the phone app to sync a 7GB iTunes playlist, and that only took a few clicks and ran fine. On the PC tab, the phone app looks like a mini-clone of iTunes -- it lists all my playlists and music. On the phone side, though, it's not clear that the idea of a playlist has been implemented. Windows Explorer shows that each album has its own folder, and then there are separate folders for "Album" and "Artist", which must serve some purpose that isn't clear to me.
The phone app is labeled " preview", and the OS just came out. I've been here before with new technology and there's always some pain on the bleeding edge. Apple's recent Maps fiasco is only one of many examples. MS certainly has some coding talent to throw at these problems, so I figure things will be getting better.
Maybe sync is a lot smoother if you've never used Zune, and don't expect it to work on WP8.