Well unless they improve it tremendously it was a stupid decision. As it is currently both the desktop app and the metro app are just slightly prettier file explorers right now. They don't aggregate artists or actually sync anything, they just transfer, and I have to dig around in my folders to find anything. I'm actually using Windows Media Player for my syncing, even if it won't transfer pass music it's still leagues better than the Windows Phone apps.
I don't do a lot of music, and mostly what I do use is what I own DRM free, but I listen to several podcasts, and I'd like to be able to have them update hassle-free. I wouldn't care about doing it just in the phone if there were an easy way to mark the existing episodes as played, as some of the podcasts have hundreds of episodes that I've already heard, and unless there's a trick I haven't figured out, this seems to be much more of a pain to do than in WP7 - beside the fact that I did it in Zune - but I'm thinking there was a simpler way to do it in the phone before I actually started to do it in Zune (trying to remember that far back).
I have been able to continue using the Zune Client, which does work on Windows 8, to manage my music on Windows 8. Here's how:
1) Download the Desktop Sync Client Beta (NOT the Metro Windows Phone App from the store)
2) Install and launch the WIN 8 Desktop Sync Client and use the Windows Libraries management option. Once initial setup is done, if you want to Sync All, use that option and sync to phone. DONE. If you want to be selective...continue.
3) Organize your playlists in the Zune client.
4) Once organized, launch the new sync client again and opt for syncing by playlist. Choose the playlist(s) you want, and Sync.
Not ideal, but it works. Haven't tried it with Podcasts.
What is the name of this Desktop sync client, and do you have a link for it? I'm not coming up with anything searching for "desktop sync client" and "windows phone 8"
It's this, but just FYI, if you're syncing to Windows libraries, it won't sync podcasts as podcasts, just music.
Windows Phone App for Desktop (beta)
Now here is where it gets really weird. "Blondie > Dead Air > Dead Air" (Artist/Album/Song) is showing up as "Heatmiser > Dead Air > Dead Air" (A/A/S) in the Music App even though the directory is correct in the phone.
EDIT: Changed the path via regedit
I guess I am confused on this sync issue. My wife and I just got a 920 each, she is coming from an iphone, and I had a Titan II.
I haven't tried syncing anything yet, but thought I would ask this before I jumped in. I have a Win 8 Desktop, and she has a XP Laptop. Does it make a difference which one we use? If we both use the desktop will it sync two different phones easily?
Neither one of us has any playslists created in Zune or iTunes. With iTunes, we just use the option to sync check songs, and it works amazing with her iphone. Zune was not as simple. I had to drag the songs I wanted onto the phone.
I guess am not sure how it works now. I am sure once I start, it will begin to make sense.
I hate how when it syncs or matches my personal library with their cloud library, it seemingly automatically goes for the "Edited" version. Try listening to some good old school Tupac where everything is edited out. And its a PITA to go through and manually match it to the "Explicit Content" version of the albums. MS needs to FIX this ASAP as well. This whole WP8 thing is becoming very exhausting. Don't get me wrong, I love the phone, just beginning to wish Nokia made this for Android. Google Music is too legit.
What I ended up doing (and hating) to get my podcasts is installing iTunes, and the Windows Phone app for desktop (beta) and using that to sync from iTunes to the phone. Lousy compromise, but the podcasts synced to the phone. I haven't finished any yet, so I don't know yet if they'll delete from the phone when I sync again afterward, or if they'll mark as played in iTunes, but we'll see....