Hope it works out for you. As for me, I'm done.
This weekend, I had 4 different problems handling photos and videos, two within W10M and the other two with apps. Since MS announced their focus on enterprise rather than consumer, my Lumia Icon has grown increasingly buggy to the point where it's rare I go a day without some frustratingly stupid error or another. App support for it is trash, even for a lot of mainstream apps. My parents have used Windows phones since W8 was out and asked me yesterday for recommendations that weren't Windows phones. My dad, who is not tech-savvy at all, described Windows 10 Mobile as a great platform that just wasn't fully developed. I couldn't have said it better, and unfortunately after tolerating these issues for two years I've lost hope that it will ever get there.
Well, in enterprise it is even less acceptable for bugs to happen. What does one have of Continuum when the phone bugs like hell? I'm not saying this is the case for everybody, mine works decently too, but the OS does have bugs, we cannot deny that. And it takes them too damn long to fix these issues. That cannot be their excuse, enterprise users need even more reliable devices than a consumer. And yet, for at least one month these enterprise users on w10m don't have working video calls in Skype Preview. Heck, they don't have a non-preview Skype app for half a year.
Support Windows mobile phones, if you like them, or be part of the problem.
Haha, and how do you suggest us to support it?

By finding and sharing workarounds? That's what we already do.

But Microsoft had to fix these issues.
And not to get my me wrong, I am satisfied with my w10m phone, I don't intend to change the platform, but right now they have so many issues.
For about a year now users cannot do a hard reset on a Redstone build without losing functionality of Outlook live tile.
I could recommend this OS to somebody who doesn't use this for work, and to whom I would be able to help if needed. But not to enterprise user. Yes, the OS still has it's benefits, but reliability is not one of them.
EDIT: Ha, now I couldn't copy a text from Outlook mail to an SMS. OS for enterprise users...

There only solution is to stay calm. Which I am.
Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone