Hope we made the right decision sticking with Windows Mobile

Which phone do you have right now? Maybe a hard reset would make things much better, or perhaps you could reinstall software with Windows Devices Recovery Tool and come back to Windows 10 mobile. The second one would take you about six hours though. No need to have anything with support in your country. ;)

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone

At the moment, Lumia 640. What do you mean by Windows Device Recovery Tool and coming back? I have no preview build. 14393.693 is the latest I can install. If you ask me, I would rather try the slow ring build instead of a hard reset. I once did a hard reset long ago and it didn't help. I even resetted my sd card. But at the moment, I think I have no other option left. What exactly do you advise? Hard reset, going slow ring or Device Recovery tool?
I will go to sleep now. So thank you very much for your answer.
There is no real support. It's worse than asking here. The support is limited to a few fresher or more capable smartphones. Else I can only use it like forum with less users than here. On WP 8.1, when my phone was new, mostly everything worked. Then WM10 came out and it was and still is buggy for me. From my perspective, it's just a matter of Software. I don't think the hardware is at fault. I will try to do something with hard resets etc. tomorrow, but I have no hopes.
At the moment, Lumia 640. What do you mean by Windows Device Recovery Tool and coming back? I have no preview build. 14393.693 is the latest I can install. If you ask me, I would rather try the slow ring build instead of a hard reset. I once did a hard reset long ago and it didn't help. I even resetted my sd card. But at the moment, I think I have no other option left. What exactly do you advise? Hard reset, going slow ring or Device Recovery tool?
I will go to sleep now. So thank you very much for your answer.
I meant to tell to reinstall Windows Phone 8.1 with Windows Devices Recovery Tool, and then to install Windows 10 mobile again.

And since you tried hard reset before I think this is better option. I used to try to solve such issues by installing insider builds, but that rarely helped. I just think it's better to stick production, just like you have been by now.

Keep in mind this would take about six hours. And if you do it, do it like this:
2. w10m with Upgrade Advisor
3. hard reset
4. update ask apps, but updating Store first may make updating process faster.
5. open Outlook calendar and make sure the tile works (this us what I do just in case)
6. update OS
7. update all apps again

By the way, for how long have you had w10m on your phone?

It's possible that hard reset would help, but if you try with WDRT you still know that you have tried everything.

If you had w10m on your phone for a long time such as since Threshold 2/version 1511 (or in other words, since spring 2016.) I think this will solve at least most of these issues.

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone
Guys, please be honest. Do you not have crashes, glitches or bugs all around WM10? And I mean in the Microsoft preinstalled stuff only (phone, calendar, photos, camera... etc). I have so many issues, I think it would be better to be without a phone instead of WM10. Seriously can't take it anymore but don't have the money for a decent phone right now.
To the topic: No. I don't think sticking with WM10 was the right decision.

Like what are you referring specifically in regards to issues and how frequent?

Well I guess sometimes I have weird glitch like camera seems frozen or I look at my phone and it told me it restarted but it's not all the time. And I see the same for everyone's phone, they go try to do something and it doesn't quite respond how they are expecting.

Like today, I noticed my whatsapp wasn't linking to whatsapp web properly. Every time my phone screen timed out, web whatsapp would say connect your phone. A phone reboot fixed it. Rest of the day, I listen to myTuner Radio pro all day, checked, replied my emails, browse edge, news app, played some of my turns on my turn based games, skype preview SMS my hair dresser to get a hair cut (action center replies). Took calls from a new boss.

It was fine.

you mentioned calendar, what calendar issue(s) do you have? I don't remember any calendar issue ever. I have google calendar and microsoft calendar hooked up.
Keep in mind this would take about six hours. And if you do it, do it like this:
2. w10m with Upgrade Advisor
3. hard reset
4. update ask apps, but updating Store first may make updating process faster.
5. open Outlook calendar and make sure the tile works (this us what I do just in case)
6. update OS
7. update all apps again

Did all of it. Didn't help. But with doing all that, I noticed, that the videocamera seems less glitchy without the digital stabilizer on.

Like what are you referring specifically in regards to issues and how frequent?

Actually I'm sorry, but a detailed Version is too much to write and explain. MS App Crashes, pictures not saving, videos have framerate drops, looking at photos and sliding to other pictures sometimes has problems, even zooming has sometimes problems.

you mentioned calendar, what calendar issue(s) do you have? I don't remember any calendar issue ever.

A few weeks ago, the app randomly stopped reminding me of daily events. Had to set up a new daily event to prevent it. Also it did crash about 2 times but I'm not using this app much.

So it sounds like you bought a device that isn't working properly, you quickly got bored with even trying to find support, and then you just gave up. Well, unfortunately you're probably stuck then.

I'll send it to repair in two weeks or so. I'm pretty sure it won't help anything. But we'll see. If it runs smoothly after repair, I might give WM actually another chance.
Guys, please be honest. Do you not have crashes, glitches or bugs all around WM10? And I mean in the Microsoft preinstalled stuff only (phone, calendar, photos, camera... etc). I have so many issues, I think it would be better to be without a phone instead of WM10. Seriously can't take it anymore but don't have the money for a decent phone right now.
To the topic: No. I don't think sticking with WM10 was the right decision.

Honestly, we don't have crashes, glitches or bugs "all around" WM10 current production release.

I'm sorry you are having a bad experience, but we are not.

To the topic: Yes, absolutely, sticking with WM10 was the right decision for us. It keeps getting better.

Best Wishes
Did all of it. Didn't help. But with doing all that, I noticed, that the videocamera seems less glitchy without the digital stabilizer on.

Actually I'm sorry, but a detailed Version is too much to write and explain. MS App Crashes, pictures not saving, videos have framerate drops, looking at photos and sliding to other pictures sometimes has problems, even zooming has sometimes problems.

A few weeks ago, the app randomly stopped reminding me of daily events. Had to set up a new daily event to prevent it. Also it did crash about 2 times but I'm not using this app much.

I'll send it to repair in two weeks or so. I'm pretty sure it won't help anything. But we'll see. If it runs smoothly after repair, I might give WM actually another chance.

Hope that helps.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Honestly, we don't have crashes, glitches or bugs "all around" WM10 current production release.

I'm sorry you are having a bad experience, but we are not.

To the topic: Yes, absolutely, sticking with WM10 was the right decision for us. It keeps getting better.

Best Wishes

I do have crashes, glitches, and bugs. I also did with Android. I had glitches and bugs with the iPhone I briefly used (no crashes, though, so they have that going for them). I just assumed it was me.

More importantly, I'm still happy with WP/WM, and am content with using it as long as I have the option.
Hope it works out for you. As for me, I'm done.

This weekend, I had 4 different problems handling photos and videos, two within W10M and the other two with apps. Since MS announced their focus on enterprise rather than consumer, my Lumia Icon has grown increasingly buggy to the point where it's rare I go a day without some frustratingly stupid error or another. App support for it is trash, even for a lot of mainstream apps. My parents have used Windows phones since W8 was out and asked me yesterday for recommendations that weren't Windows phones. My dad, who is not tech-savvy at all, described Windows 10 Mobile as a great platform that just wasn't fully developed. I couldn't have said it better, and unfortunately after tolerating these issues for two years I've lost hope that it will ever get there.
Hope it works out for you. As for me, I'm done.

This weekend, I had 4 different problems handling photos and videos, two within W10M and the other two with apps. Since MS announced their focus on enterprise rather than consumer, my Lumia Icon has grown increasingly buggy to the point where it's rare I go a day without some frustratingly stupid error or another. App support for it is trash, even for a lot of mainstream apps. My parents have used Windows phones since W8 was out and asked me yesterday for recommendations that weren't Windows phones. My dad, who is not tech-savvy at all, described Windows 10 Mobile as a great platform that just wasn't fully developed. I couldn't have said it better, and unfortunately after tolerating these issues for two years I've lost hope that it will ever get there.
Well, in enterprise it is even less acceptable for bugs to happen. What does one have of Continuum when the phone bugs like hell? I'm not saying this is the case for everybody, mine works decently too, but the OS does have bugs, we cannot deny that. And it takes them too damn long to fix these issues. That cannot be their excuse, enterprise users need even more reliable devices than a consumer. And yet, for at least one month these enterprise users on w10m don't have working video calls in Skype Preview. Heck, they don't have a non-preview Skype app for half a year. :D
Support Windows mobile phones, if you like them, or be part of the problem.
Haha, and how do you suggest us to support it? :D By finding and sharing workarounds? That's what we already do. :D But Microsoft had to fix these issues.

And not to get my me wrong, I am satisfied with my w10m phone, I don't intend to change the platform, but right now they have so many issues.

For about a year now users cannot do a hard reset on a Redstone build without losing functionality of Outlook live tile. :D

I could recommend this OS to somebody who doesn't use this for work, and to whom I would be able to help if needed. But not to enterprise user. Yes, the OS still has it's benefits, but reliability is not one of them.

EDIT: Ha, now I couldn't copy a text from Outlook mail to an SMS. OS for enterprise users... :D There only solution is to stay calm. Which I am.

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone
Last edited:
Ha, now I couldn't copy a text from Outlook mail to an SMS. OS for enterprise users... :D The only solution is to stay calm. Which I am.
OK, so this works well after a restart... :)

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone
Guys, please be honest. Do you not have crashes, glitches or bugs all around WM10? And I mean in the Microsoft preinstalled stuff only (phone, calendar, photos, camera... etc). I have so many issues, I think it would be better to be without a phone instead of WM10. Seriously can't take it anymore but don't have the money for a decent phone right now.
To the topic: No. I don't think sticking with WM10 was the right decision.

I am on the latest fast ring build and I won't lie, it isn't perfect. I have had random restarts, apps occasionally crash too. But that is expected from the fast ring builds. What apps are crashing for you specifically?
Are you sure you mean "done with Microsoft Windows Mobile"? I would think you are more like me and done with this version of what Microsoft has to offer on mobile devices. If the next thing from MS is different and perceived better than what we have now, I, for one, will be back in a flash. done just sounds so final.

Sorry for the late reply; I still use my Dell Venue 8 pro running Windows 10. I will continue to use Windows tablets and PCs as well as Microsoft apps. I have no plans to use their mobile operating system in phones ever again. They're too far behind the curve with Apple and Google.
OK, so this works well after a restart... :)

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone
I have posted feedback on that. Irritating bug.

At least I haven't seen "unfortunately com.android.<insert app here> has crashed" error messages like I would pretty much every day.

Sent from mTalk
So it sounds like you bought a device that isn't working properly, you quickly got bored with even trying to find support, and then you just gave up. Well, unfortunately you're probably stuck then.
Start a thread and try to get people to help. And 'yes', some will probably recommend trying a soft or hard reset, and you'll just have to figure out if it's worth trying or not. Thinking it won't help is one thing, knowing it didn't help another.
Personally, I bought my Lumia 950 for about $350 or so (can't remember), and to me it seemed like a very good deal for a phone of that capability, plus a dock. Part of the way I think about it is that I actually bought what is essentially a small computer with a screen. Just like Android and iOS there are going to be users that have problems with the devices. If that happens to me I will contact support, because I paid for the device. It's no different than any other device I've paid for. I bought professional speakers, had issues with them, contacted support and sent them back for new ones. It's just the way things go.......

After I got camera Problems, I decided to send it to repair. There I had mainly 2 issues. The camera not saving Pictures in full resolution and the Music Player being slow to Play Music files. They sent my Lumia 640 repaired with a letter in a box. In this letter, they only stated, that they couldn't find any issues with the Music Player. Oddly enough, they put Windows 8.1 on my mobile and I had to make this whole upgrade and hardreset stuff again to Windows creators update and even no idea what they did to my Lumia to repair the Camera Problem.
While my phone was away, a friend gave me his old Galaxy S3. Since many Apps were just faster on the S3, I decided to Keep it as my daily driver and use my Lumia for a few Apps, which I mostly use while I'm at home and for Navigation.
Though I do not use the Lumia as much as my S3, the Lumia definetly has more Bugs all around. For example using Maps without Internet Connection is just frustrating, though I installed all the Mapdata on my phone. The Groove Music Player sometimes Needs about 15 seconds to start playing a track.
So my Point now is, that my Problems didn't occur through a broken phone. Windows 10 Mobile in General just has many Bugs and gives a bad user experience. It's kinda sad, because every App looks better on the Windows phone than on the old S3 and of Course it's weird, since People Claim to have no such issues :/

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