How happy are you with your new HTC one M8 for Windows ?

Kevin Hill2

New member
Jul 16, 2014
I am in the middle of the 3rd week with this phone, and I have to tell you I love it more every day. From the look to how it feels in your hand to the super great battery life, this is finally the Windows phone I have been waiting for. My two years with the 920 was up and I was looking for my next Windows phone and as much as I loved my 920 I was really tired of the flat brick look. I know all you camera lover's out there say the HTC's camera is not as good, well that might be true, but it is fast and it takes really nice pic's that are good enough for me and I like fast. I thought I might miss the Lumia app's but not so much, I have Here map's and Here drive so i'm good. And as far as updates go I have DP so I am covered. OH, OH, the speakers and sound are the best, and I have read on here that the 1520's sound is as good, well that's a lot of bull my wife has the 1520 and it is a nice phone but there is no comparison in quality of sound the HTC blow's it out of the water. and the nay Sayers will say it is a gimmick well if it is, it is a great one. Let everyone know how you like your M8 for Windows.
This is how happy I am.

I upgraded from a 928, and has been loving it every day. I also noticed myself using tablets less now. I hope HTC will port all the android apps over, so we maintain parity with the Android version. HTC, please don't give up updating this phone, please!
Had it 5 days. Upgraded from 925 and love it. Bigger lag, SD card...awesome!!
Of all the Windows phones I have (had), this HTC One M8 has been the most satisfying so far performance-wise (for me on T-mobile). I'm extremely happy with it. Now --- with that said I am even more anxious to see what a future high-end Lumia will be like.
Hm. I'd consider the HTC One m8 for Windows for my next purchase, but I like the design of Lumias more... not that into the appearance of the M8.
Love(d) it.

Sadly, I went back to Android today. Not because the phone sucked (far from it), but because Windows Phone didn't have the apps I truly want and in some cases, need.
I'm liking it. I miss the physical camera button, and I miss the ability to put numbers on a block list, but other than that, I'm enjoying it. (I'm also enjoying the free XBox-branded dot view cover I got, too.)
I ordered the Urban Armor Scout case from Amazon, which will match nicely with my Surface Pro 3 UA Scout case.
The only thing I miss is Wi-Fi calling from my T-Mobile L925. Frustrating when I lose signal in a building and can't do anything about it.

Other than that, it's a lovely device.
External speakers yes but headphones no-
Not sure if this will help you or not, but I found that turning the BoomSound off when my headphones were on actually improved the sound quality for me. Sounds weird I know. You also don't have to worry about turning the BoomSound back on when you unplug your headphones, as that setting is always on with the external speakers.
Not sure if this will help you or not, but I found that turning the BoomSound off when my headphones were on actually improved the sound quality for me. Sounds weird I know. You also don't have to worry about turning the BoomSound back on when you unplug your headphones, as that setting is always on with the external speakers.

thanks - I will try it!
Not sure if this will help you or not, but I found that turning the BoomSound off when my headphones were on actually improved the sound quality for me. Sounds weird I know. You also don't have to worry about turning the BoomSound back on when you unplug your headphones, as that setting is always on with the external speakers.

Boomsound is also an equalizer.

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