How many WP8 owners don't own XBoxes?


Aug 2, 2012
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So far the poll is showing 75% of people only have a WP device and 3/4 of the Xbox owners got one independently of the gaming integration.

This is a far cry from these "millions" of people I've seen quoted that jumped to WP because of Xbox.

No offense but the only one I see claiming millions of people is you. For those into gaming (not me) integration is an added bonus. For others, including me, it is absolutely irrelevant. It is cross platform capabilities that is a plus for me, not one element (i.e. gaming). Even if someone were to claim millions of people, so what? Every company is the market stretches the truth in their advertising.


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Aug 6, 2013
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No xbox here, that had no bearing on me wanting a WP. I do very little console gaming. I used to do more, still have an old ps2 and a few fav games, but rarely touch it.


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Feb 2, 2013
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I've been a PC gamer for a couple of decades, but only bought an Xbox 360 maybe six years ago. I did not get a WP device because of the integration with the Xbox, but brand loyalty did have something to do with it (plus Android was working my nerve at the time). My brand loyalty and commitment to the PC will prevent me from ever buying an Apple product. I did buy a PS3 a couple of years ago.


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Jan 31, 2012
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I don't own a current gen console. I own a PS1 and PS2 but don't use them anymore. I primarily game on PC.

The biggest draw of WP for me was the integration of the products and services I use (like office, skydrive and fb/twitter integration) as well as the fact I liked the UI.

Dave Bhullar

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Apr 19, 2013
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I have a PS3 and I had it before windows phone even came out, I'm probably gonna buy a PS4 next year too because all my friends are on PSN.


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Nov 7, 2011
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I have zero interest in consoles or even gaming in any form. I'll never even look at an Xbox or any other console.

Hey Laura, always enjoy your input, quick question, just curious, when looking at consoles regardless of manufacture do you see them as a "gaming" tool mostly and since you don't game they have no appeal or value to you? In my eyes that was true with the first gen of consoles, the second gen was still basically a gaming tool with "added" functionality but still basically made for gaming, however the new gen especially the Xbox One has started to diverge from being just a gaming console to being more of an entertainment console, with its new capability's a person could actually save quite a bit of money when creating there home entertainment environment, for example, a person could replace spending the extra dollars on buying a tv with internet capability's as well as replace a BluRay player and for some who only use a home based computer for email and social web interaction replace it with a console like an Xbox One, this would in theory save a consumer quite a bit of money as well as make their living rooms a lot more functional and user friendly, some of the biggest gripes of die hard Xbox fans is that the new X1 sacrificed some of its gaming strength to broaden its entertainment value, in other words it made a console that was more centered on user interaction rather than gaming, IMO i think the X1 should appeal to people who DON'T game but would love to be able to sit on the couch and watch a movie or sports event with a friend using Skype, or watch a sports event and have the fantasy stream live on their screens. I was just curious since your a non gamer if you would consider a device like the X1 for its over all entertainment and social interaction ability regardless of the fact it can play games.


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Feb 14, 2012
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If I would own an Xbox I would most certainly neither care about achievements, nor about Xbox branded games on Windows Phone. But I don't and I'd also choose an PS4 over an Xbox One if I'd buy a console in the near future.


May 15, 2013
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It is the other way for me, one of the many reasons why I pre-ordered the xbox 1 was that it was tied to WP8. I have had xboxes but never owned them myself longterm - essentially just borrowed from close cousins as they ended up staying there indefinitely, therefore I have decided the xbox one will not be taken over and they will have to come over with their own pads if they want to play lol.


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Oct 22, 2013
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Strange because my 1st windows phone 8 (920) got me curious about the xbox in the 1st place. I was/ am a playstation kind of guy with over 50 games on ps3. ( a good proportion of those have only got 20mins of gameplay from me though! street fighter 4 takes 90% of my gaming which is now like 2hrs a month)
Got a 360 in jan all geared up with 1yr gold membership! 4 -5 kinetic sessions later, gave it out to my nephews and not missing it for months now! Really don't care for gamer points, so the so called integration is so, so.. 😊 ( smart glass is cool but its not wp exclusive)
The media prowess of xbox one is interesting though! Will wait and see how well it works with cable tv in uk. Not in a hurry for this generation of consoles.


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Jun 16, 2013
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If I would own an Xbox I would most certainly neither care about achievements, nor about Xbox branded games on Windows Phone. But I don't and I'd also choose an PS4 over an Xbox One if I'd buy a console in the near future.

Ditto. I'm yet to understand all this fuss about achievements. The way I see it, they're just a distraction from problems in today's games.


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Nov 16, 2013
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Thanks for the poll, this was a surprise to me because I'd thought XBox integration was a larger draw than 7%. If you combine it with the 2nd option where while not a deciding factor it could still have had an influence (if only in awareness) it comes a little close...but I would've guessed 20-30% of people who grabbed WP during WP7 did it in part because of the XBox connection.

I got WP7 within a month of release. Integration with XBox was a motivating factor. I'm equal parts gamer and technology enthusiast, but was a PC Gamer who also liked consoles until 2008 when I got my 360. Now I'm play more on 360 than PC even though my computer is better in many ways. Achievements and connectivity play a LARGE part in that for me, it's cool to see that some of you have escaped the lure. There are times I wish I could play a game on PC instead, but I like the couch, controller, and mostly the achievements.
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May 28, 2013
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Thanks for the poll, this was a surprise to me because I'd thought XBox integration was a larger draw than 7%. If you combine it with the 2nd option where while not a deciding factor it could still have had an influence (if only in awareness) it comes a little close...but I would've guessed 20-30% of people who grabbed WP during WP7 did it in part because of the XBox connection.

I got WP7 within a month of release. Integration with XBox was a motivating factor. I'm equal parts gamer and technology enthusiast, but was a PC Gamer who also liked consoles until 2008 when I got my 360. Now I'm play more on 360 than PC even though my computer is better in many ways. Achievements and connectivity play a LARGE part in that for me, it's cool to see that some of you have escaped the lure. There are times I wish I could play a game on PC instead, but I like the couch, controller, and mostly the achievements.
I'm very addicted to the xbox achievements too (I reached the legend status some months ago XD), but they don't push me into xbox stuff when I have better alternatives: for instance, I played all the Assassin's Creed on my PC because of better graphics and better input controls (I prefer keyboard+mouse to joypad).
I then bought them for xbox too because I wanted the achievements XD... but PC first!

About Windows Phone... I bought a WP7 primarily because I'm a developer specialized in MS technologies and I wanted to stay in the MS ecosystem. But it was crap to me.
Then I bought a WP8 because I wanted to give credit to MS, thinking that after 2-3 years they would have improved their OS enough.
Now I'm tired of this toy and I'm planning to buy an android as my next phone. The xbox achievements don't have a voice in here XD

Chris Sandiford

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Jun 30, 2013
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No offense but the only one I see claiming millions of people is you. For those into gaming (not me) integration is an added bonus. For others, including me, it is absolutely irrelevant. It is cross platform capabilities that is a plus for me, not one element (i.e. gaming). Even if someone were to claim millions of people, so what? Every company is the market stretches the truth in their advertising.
No offence taken :smile: I was quoting this fella from the original thread in my first post and assumed as a gamer he'd know more figures than I.
Funny how non-gamers show up and try and downplay one of the beat features of Xbox gaming, on any platform. If Microsoft tried to get rid of achievements on the Xbox the outcry would be huge so please don't try and put a negative spin on a feature that has been embraced and is valued by millions already.

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