How to convince iPhone and Android users to make the switch?

I agree. I always purchase whatever device works best for me out of the box at the present time, rather than what may or may not arrive at a later time.
Laura, take a stroll over to your old Crackberry stomping grounds and convince the whaaa brigade that moan and groan about how BlackBerry has deserted them because their 3 year old phones aren't being updated. They're universally convinced their phones are future-proof. Wait, that's WinCen too right?

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
Laura, take a stroll over to your old Crackberry stomping grounds and convince the whaaa brigade that moan and groan about how BlackBerry has deserted them because their 3 year old phones aren't being updated. They're universally convinced their phones are future-proof. Wait, that's WinCen too right?

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
Oh, I've been there and seen that!
The problem with WP today is that users have literally just 4 to 7 options to buy from.

So it's the same as for iPhone users then?

1 GB devices are not enough for W10M. SD200-400 are again not enough. Sure it works, but it's not a perfectly smooth experience.

Ok, but then again, how many Android phones are under-powered for heavy usage?
W10M is a good OS but needs serious polishing to fix design inconsistencies and bugs.

Is it that inconsistent though? What are you thinking of specifically?

With the instability of the platform and abandonment from Microsoft

I wish people would stop spreading misinformation like that. It's pretty annoying and is also not really doing you any good.
The problem with WP today is that users have literally just 4 to 7 options to buy from.

Where I'm from its basically Microsoft or Amazon, but if my recent WP purchasing experience is indicative of anything MS is no longer in the race which now leaves one. So yeah I agree limited resources for buying ain't helping one bit.
Is it that inconsistent though? What are you thinking of specifically?

I wish people would stop spreading misinformation like that. It's pretty annoying and is also not really doing you any good.

There's lots of inconsistencies throughout W10M. We can start with copy and paste as an example. Some parts of the OS uses the clipboard icon while other spots make you hold and a text menu pops up. Some settings are accessed through a cog wheel, some hamburger style menus and some still use the old ellipsis style menu. What about selecting text. Some of Microsoft's own apps don't even know what to do here. Some use double tap to select a single word, some need to touch and hold while others respond to single tap.

As far instability goes. I started a Groove Music thread that had over 40k views and plenty of responses. There has been instability complaints for a long time now all throughout this forum so that's not really misinformation. You can go to microsoft's own forum and see the 70k views on how the recovery tool bricks phones left and right.

As far as abandonment goes Microsoft no longer even handles Window phone warranties or support in house. If that's not a clear sign I don't know what is. Windows Phones rarely ever gets any updates and if it does it's only to those on the preview version which usually breaks more things and adds features without fixing much of any bugs and inconsistencies. All people talk about is WAITING for Microsoft and how it's going to change the mobile world with some sort of Surface Phone but in the end I think it's very clear they are done here. Even if there was a Surface Phone, they've pushed away enough users that it would fail for the same app gap and buggy OS anyway (Due to the same lack of users).
There is really no compelling reason to switch to a Windows Phone. To be honest, I only use a Windows Phone as a secondary device to watch videos. Although I do like the idea of contiuum, it's not just polished enough.
There's lots of inconsistencies throughout W10M. We can start with copy and paste as an example. Some parts of the OS uses the clipboard icon while other spots make you hold and a text menu pops up. Some settings are accessed through a cog wheel, some hamburger style menus and some still use the old ellipsis style menu. What about selecting text. Some of Microsoft's own apps don't even know what to do here. Some use double tap to select a single word, some need to touch and hold while others respond to single tap.

Ok, so I looked at my phone and from what I can see you're correct that there are differences for what the settings "path" is. However, it does seem logical to me to have a dropdown menu in some cases, and in others it makes more sense not to have it. If I'm opening maps for example, do I want a menu up top or do I want to use the screen real estate for the map? On the other hand, if I'm in a different app I might have enough area to have the drop down instead. So that makes sense to me and it doesn't annoy me in the least. I'm basically faced with looking at the top of the screen or at the bottom. Very easy alternatives.

Text selection I checked on Outlook, messenger, calendar and Edge. All single-tap. In addition, once the text is selected in those it's all the same icon that pops up. So again I'm not seeing an issue (as they're in this case identical).

As far instability goes. I started a Groove Music thread that had over 40k views and plenty of responses. There has been instability complaints for a long time now all throughout this forum so that's not really misinformation. You can go to microsoft's own forum and see the 70k views on how the recovery tool bricks phones left and right.

Ok, well if Groove is acting up I'd agree that's an instability, but it's not necessarily a platform instability. I use computers for work all week, and an instability in the platform is vastly different from one that is app-centric. If the problem is the platform then you typically see the instability in the apps that live 'on top of it', and it'll be a widespread issue. If I'm on a computer with issues, and say for example that there's an issue with memory management and access, then any app using memory (all) will be subject to instability. If the issue with the platform has to do with multi-threading then again any multi-threaded app will suffer. But I do have experiences with instability of some softwares on some OS where it's limited to that software. I'll run one software perfectly and another has issues. While it's possible that an app can be coded in a way that it doesn't expose a platform issue surely we should expect a lot of instability in general if the platform was unstable.

So, in my experience, there is little to suggest that the Windows 10 Mobile Operating System is suffering from instability. I do not dispute however that some individual apps have that problem though. The difference is very important.

As far as abandonment goes Microsoft no longer even handles Window phone warranties or support in house. If that's not a clear sign I don't know what is.

It's not a clear sign. Many companies outsource support. Sometimes it's 100% transparent, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's called Company X Support, but really you end up in a call center in India or wherever.

Windows Phones rarely ever gets any updates

That's obviously not true. In addition to that my experience with my LG G2X was two updates. Period. Over its life time. Talk about 'abandon-ware'.

and if it does it's only to those on the preview version which usually breaks more things and adds features without fixing much of any bugs and inconsistencies.

Nope. I've had my 950 since August and have had several updates. And it's nonsense to complain about insider/preview versions breaking things because the sole purpose of those versions is to find bugs and eradicate them before the official public releases.

All people talk about is WAITING for Microsoft and how it's going to change the mobile world with some sort of Surface Phone but in the end I think it's very clear they are done here.

Again, 'no', plenty of users that are satisfied are NOT talking about waiting for anything but are instead pointing out what works very well for them NOW. I am one of those users and I'm far from the only one. People have been saying MS is done with mobile but they keep releasing updates, so until they officially kill off the OS etc it's really not abandoned. If and when a Surface Phone shows up we'll see just what it does and how. If it runs mobile then it proves they're not done, and if it doesn't it'll likely do regular win on ARM in which case the "app gap" can be greatly questioned.
apologies for the long post....
You're fine. At least you spaced it out (which makes it easier to read).

Edit: I already responded here, but as for the point of inconsistencies, I would agree that it is partly the OS, and also the apps too.

One thing that really annoys me when I use my Windows Phones, is how live tiles get stuck, but most of the time, it's been third party apps. I haven't dealt with the messaging tile getting stuck. Another thing is how using the dark theme OS wide, I open an email to see that it is light! I have no idea how (Microsoft) people can use a WP daily, work on the OS and be just fine with that. Or maybe they are all using the light theme so it never comes up.
Give me hope?
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Another "wordsmith". You're in fine company.

But that'll be 3 "mea culpas" first. :wink:

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
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there isnoth nog you could say to get them to switch to a windows phone. they have the worst out of everyone.
Well, well... I'll be..... yet ANOTHER "wordsmith"! Well, come on in. Welcome, welcome.....:grin:

I gotta tell ya, if that was really a Freudian slip, 'ats a "keeper" :winktongue:

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
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Text selection I checked on Outlook, messenger, calendar and Edge. All single-tap. In addition, once the text is selected in those it's all the same icon that pops up. So again I'm not seeing an issue (as they're in this case identical).
You trolling? Where's the clipboard in the second picture? How have you never noticed this?


Just for fun I'll throw this one in the too. Go to any Facebook group and try to write a post in it from Edge.

This bug has been here for so long it's shameful.

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