How to convince iPhone and Android users to make the switch?

Even though they are with me more than anything else and know more about me than most, I still am not that close to my phones. So let's hope not, in that respect.
Nah it won't be anything about phones it'll just be any manner tit for tat emotional payback. :winktongue:

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
Unless Android or iPhone users are fed up with their choices, it won't happen. The lack of apps and support from mainstream media; not to mention Microsoft's retrenchment is more of a deterrent than an appealing factor.
I'm thinking like I think a lot of Windows OS mobile users think ... it's silly to try to convince someone that 'this is oh my god way cooler than iOS or Android' ... it isn't. It's different, and it's a personal preference.
You like iOS ... Android? ... that's fine with me. I like them also but prefer Windows ... all is good. Here, have some bottled water. I prefer Ozarka --- but hey, I'll drink some of whatever you have ... it'll still quench my thirst.
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Free GPS without internet or payment using here maps:winktongue: thats how i used to win over rival OS, but now it doesn't support windows 10 unfortunately
Free GPS without internet or payment using here maps:winktongue: thats how i used to win over rival OS, but now it doesn't support windows 10 unfortunately
You can download maps for offline use. Go to settings>system>offline maps and download whatever maps you want. You even have the option to download them to your SD card.

Also, Here WeGo is available for Android and you have the same options.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
You can download maps for offline use. Go to settings>system>offline maps and download whatever maps you want. You even have the option to download them to your SD card.

Also, Here WeGo is available for Android and you have the same options.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk

Maps is useless in the country i live, if search no results found and also dependability of maps is poor i feel, after Here Maps got acquired German car manufacturers, the competition of mobile gps changed among platforms
Maps is useless in the country i live, if search no results found and also dependability of maps is poor i feel, after Here Maps got acquired German car manufacturers, the competition of mobile gps changed among platforms

Maps uses Here technology, just not the name.
Hello all,
yay for my first post :) one feature the others don't have? The most important one for me is being able to enable my phone to automatically receive and load MMS messages even when the Mobile Data is off. So - no cellular connection, but MMSs are allowed to push through.

Under Messages app > ...> Settings > link Change more Settings > link SIM card > and the fourth option here is a toggle for this setting... not available on all firmwares, as I noticed..

I even called my carrier's customer support and the operator didn't believe me that this option exists... W10M ftw!
Edit: I'll start bragging with this the next time I see someone switching settings on Android xD
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W10M is a good OS but needs serious polishing to fix design inconsistencies and bugs. I have a coworker who had iPhone and then switched to android. He did not like his android experience so he was very interested in the switch to windows mobile and I just could not recommend it to him at all. With the instability of the platform and abandonment from Microsoft it would be in bad conscious, taste, and morality to recommend windows phone to anyone. Recommending it would be a cruel act of vengeance.
The problem with WP today is that users have literally just 4 to 7 options to buy from.

1 GB devices are not enough for W10M. SD200-400 are again not enough. Sure it works, but it's not a perfectly smooth experience.

There are almost zero SD6xx class devices available.

Devices that provide a reasonable experience today: Lumia 930, L1520, 950, 950 XL, Acer Jade Primo, HP X3, and Alcatel Idos 4S.

PS: Even typing this comment in the WCentral app on a Lumia 830 on W10M RS1 was jerky for example.
Tell them Surface is coming. ARM is coming. Apps are coming. The future is coming.
To be fair, ever since the beginning with WP7 it was always "soon" but never "now" . (except for that brief period when WP8.1 was fresh)

I've learned not to make major decisions on what may happen in the future
To be fair, ever since the beginning with WP7 it was always "soon" but never "now" . (except for that brief period when WP8.1 was fresh)

I've learned not to make major decisions on what may happen in the future
I agree. I always purchase whatever device works best for me out of the box at the present time, rather than what may or may not arrive at a later time.
I agree. I always purchase whatever device works best for me out of the box at the present time, rather than what may or may not arrive at a later time.
I agree with both of you. To me, soon is only reasonable if it is actually right around the corner. For anything that Microsoft will release though, suggesting that someone should wait soon, in the midst of other options, is laughable.
I agree with both of you. To me, soon is only reasonable if it is actually right around the corner. For anything that Microsoft will release though, suggesting that someone should wait soon, in the midst of other options, is laughable.
Whoa!!!!!!!!! Love it !!!!!!!!!! Madame L'ambassadeur :wink: Tres, Tres Chic.

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 14977.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.
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