How to get Groove to read 200GB of music from sd card?

Not sure why people thing it is an SD card problem since the files are readable from explorer and using other apps.

Try renaming the "Music" folder on your SD card (The phone might not let you do that, try using a card reader on the PC), launching groove (Ideally it should now remove all your songs) and create a new Music folder and then move all the sub-folders from the renamed folder to the new music folder.

Meanwhile, as a workaround, try VLC.
Hey Brian. Think I have an idea. Try wiping the SD card. Place about 500-1000 songs back on your card. Make sure groove is listed as a background app. Let those index. After the first 500-1000 successfully index try another 500-1000 and continue that way until all are loaded.
Maybe groove can't read all 45k one time. So maybe bit by bit would work.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Little update...
Deleted all music from the Music folder on the card
Put the card back in the phone
Ran Groove
Went to Songs, select all, Delete
Soft-reset phone
Re-added music to card
Soft-reset phone again
Opened Groove (all music that was in the library previously showed up again instantly)
Eventually Groove started adding to the library again
BUT, according to the toast message it is only adding while the screen is on?!?
So I hooked it up to my HD-500 docking station which seems to keep the screen on the phone on
Groove seems to add around 10 songs a second to the library so theoretically it should be done in an hour and an half... stay tuned
I will mention that I was able to load all 75 GB of my music on an SD card in my 950, so there is hope. (I don't remember it taking too long or having issues, but it was over a month ago.)

I started with an empty SD card, and connected my 950 to my PC to load the music onto it, so that may be the best way to do it?

Also, is it possible that you have the filter set to only show "Streaming" music, so it is hiding a majority of your music?

Best of luck!
I feel your pain Brian (great name BTW). I have been struggling with a ton of music as well with Groove on a Windows phone.

Windows Media player sees all my music perfectly (after years and years of tweaking, all my music files are tagged perfectly with embedded artwork and all other information to a T). Groove sees about 80% of it correctly on the workstation. On the phone, it only sees about 40% of it correctly. I brought it all into Groove on the desktop to see if it would fix my phone issues. Nope.

And to those that ask why you need so much music? If you have to ask, you will never understand. Don't diss a guy because he has so much music. Music is art. When you go to a museum, do you just look at the one Picasso in the building every time you go there, every day, for the rest of your life? Or do you look at all art and take it in?
I haven't tried using the Windows Phone app for Desktop. I've just been throwing the card in a USB card reader on my Desktop and using File Explorer to copy the files into the Music folder. My understanding is that all the app does is bypass your needing to know what folder things needs to go in. I'm curious though if by doing it that way if Groove didn't need to build its library the way its building mine. When you launched Groove did you not have a message at the top indicating the songs that were being added? My card has read speeds of up to 90MB/s but slower write speeds (15MB/s I think). How does that compare to yours?
I get the message in Groove that it is adding music.

I use Robocopy to copy the entire Music folder from internal drive to SD card. On the Windows Phone, it builds a completely different library than on the desktop/laptop it seems. Don't know why.
Are you saying you use robocopy from the command line on your desktop to copy the files to your sdCard? Any reason you do taht over just copy\paste in File Explorer?
Thanks for the tip... I'll try that next time although I am assuming the limiting factor in the process is my cards write speed.
Doesn't appear to work in Windows 10 Mobile. I set it to 2017 and then launched Groove w/out the 'there's a problem' prompt and uninstall option.

Hmm.. just re-read your post.

2017 won't work, it has to be 2106 or something as 2017 is not that far off lol.
I have the same sandisk and a similar problem. I have 22k songs and when I copy from the pc to the micro it wont pick up. Instead I copied the songs onto the cloud. Dragged the individual songs to the music file in the micro sd folder via file explorer.

As far as songs not showing up, the speed on the micro is slow, took over 5 hours for me.
Hmm.. just re-read your post.

2017 won't work, it has to be 2106 or something as 2017 is not that far off lol.

Right, I had originally transposed the numbers. I just tried setting the date to the farthest I could, 2116, backed out and launched Groove. It launched properly, but couldn't sign me in w/ my MSA, but it didn't prompt to remove the app. Ah well.
I have the same sandisk and a similar problem. I have 22k songs and when I copy from the pc to the micro it wont pick up. Instead I copied the songs onto the cloud. Dragged the individual songs to the music file in the micro sd folder via file explorer.

As far as songs not showing up, the speed on the micro is slow, took over 5 hours for me.

Can you explain in a little more detail what your experience and solution was? When you say it won't pick up are you saying Groove isn't adding them to its library yet you can browse to them with File Explorer on the phone? That is my scenario. Library building in Groove is slow and inevitably just stops and never completes. If you copied to the cloud did you do that n chunks or do you have some huge amount of space on the cloud? I only have like 15gb or so making that a not very viable solution unfortunately. I'm starting to be of the opinion that Groove just stinks and I need to start researching other apps. Too bad I can't play an album with one click in File least that manages to show me everything that is on the card.

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