How to get Groove to read 200GB of music from sd card?

I will mention that I was able to load all 75 GB of my music on an SD card in my 950, so there is hope. (I don't remember it taking too long or having issues, but it was over a month ago.)

Part of the problem is additional new music after the initial interrogation, have you added any new music in bulk via file manager copy or a sync from a program like Windows Media Player?
Too bad I can't play an album with one click in File least that manages to show me everything that is on the card.

And wouldn't it be nice that if you played the song from the phone's file manager that added it to the database or re-started a check for changes? Gah.
Ill try its a bit confusing. I believe the audio must be mp3. Not sure if m4a or anything else works.

The speed on the large cards is slow. What I did after a soft reset didn't work was to individually drag the songs from the cloud and place it in the music file that was created.

My folder of music I copied from the pc to the micro for some reason wont pick up new songs despite it working.

As far copying from cloud that is after I installed all of my bulk music. It will sync it just takes forever. With me an example is. If I installed the new Megadeth album, I need to drag it in cloud and then transfer it into the music folder on the micro.
And wouldn't it be nice that if you played the song from the phone's file manager that added it to the database or re-started a check for changes? Gah.

Right...I tried exactly that hoping it might trick Groove into working. Amazingly though playing an mp3 from File Explorer on the phone does not add the song or album ro the Groove library despite the fact that Groove is sitting there playing the song from your card.
Right...I tried exactly that hoping it might trick Groove into working. Amazingly though playing an mp3 from File Explorer on the phone does not add the song or album ro the Groove library despite the fact that Groove is sitting there playing the song from your card.

It does. At least on my Lumia 640XL. But my memory card is only 32GB(class 10). By the way, you enabled Groove music as well as Film & Tv to run in the background? I think if you enabled them AND put your phone on charge, you might now have to be starring at your phone screen until the collection completes. I never tested it. So better you test it and let me know :-)

One more suggestion would be to try and create a library with all the music in your Desktop's Groove music and sync it with your phone's?
It does. At least on my Lumia 640XL. But my memory card is only 32GB(class 10). By the way, you enabled Groove music as well as Film & Tv to run in the background? I think if you enabled them AND put your phone on charge, you might now have to be starring at your phone screen until the collection completes. I never tested it. So better you test it and let me know :-)

One more suggestion would be to try and create a library with all the music in your Desktop's Groove music and sync it with your phone's?

Groove defaults to being allowed to run in the background. I have not changed that setting. I don't have "Film & Tv" in my list of apps under battery usage settings... doesn't sound like that's needed but even if it was I'm betting its default is to allow in background as well.

Not sure I follow your suggestion on syncing from my Desktop. Can you explain further or post a link to somewhere that details how to do that?
I think its like the cloud, once you're syncing from one device it'll show up on your phone?

Right now my main method on installing new music is either through cloud or hook the phone up to my pc and copy. So far the cloud method pays off
I think its like the cloud, once you're syncing from one device it'll show up on your phone?

Right now my main method on installing new music is either through cloud or hook the phone up to my pc and copy. So far the cloud method pays off
Like I said though, I don't have 200GB of space on the cloud. So while that approach may work for adding small amounts of new music in the future I'm still trying to figure out how to get the initial Groove Library construction to complete for my whole 200GB card. The music is all on the card so I don't think sync'ing from WMP is going to get me any further than I already am.

To ask the question another way what I really need to know is what criteria causes Groove to scan the card for new music to add. I think for me the process will need to occur multiple times to get though all 200GB of songs. So far I've seen it occasionally start out of nowhere with no rhyme or reason but I don't have a full proof way to kick it off which I need to get through 45,000 songs. I've seen it process as many as 4900 before stopping but it eventually just stops and then I'm stuck trying to figure out how to kick it off again to start another batch.
Brian - I have exactly the same symptoms as you.

Device: Lumia 550
OS: W10M 10.0.10586.29
App Version: 3.6.1580.0
Card: Samsung MB-MP64DAEU 64GB Class 10

I bought the card brand new from Amazon (not marketplace!) and formatted in the phone before starting. Then used a USB card reader and my Windows 7 laptop to transfer the music with just a simple copy and paste. I added about 50GB and opened Groove, after about a dozen power cycles the app eventually decided to scan for music and as you say I had to keep the phone awake and the Groove app open to scan all the music. After about 7 hours it was done and everything seemed to play fine (at least the tracks I tested).

Then a few days later, I added a doze new albums to the card and for the life of me cannot get Groove to recognise them. I can see them in Explorer when connecting the phone via USB and I can see them in Total Commander (file explorer app on the phone). I checked and they are just simple mp3 files without DRM.

VLC can see them and play them but not Groove.

There does not seem to be a manual scan option, nor an automatic time period to wait for the scan to start, nor a setting to tell Groove specifically which folder paths to scan. As far as I can see this is a major bug/oversight by the developers.

Either that or app the does not support a library larger than 10,000 tracks for example...which I starting to suspect may be the truth. Especially as VLC and Aki both from the Store see all the tracks.

I find VLC has serious lag and Aki has an odd GUI.

Can anyone recommend a music app (paid or free) which has a good interface and works with 50GB+ of music?
Too tired to read, if this has been mentioned before in this thread, but I *think* I read somewhere, that indexing works best (or only) if music is transfered this way.

Put SD into Phone
Connect Phone via USB to PC
Copy music via Explorer to the Phone's SD

Heard of more people, who have problems with SDs filled directly (without being in the phone)...
Right, I had originally transposed the numbers. I just tried setting the date to the farthest I could, 2116, backed out and launched Groove. It launched properly, but couldn't sign me in w/ my MSA, but it didn't prompt to remove the app. Ah well.

I see, oh well looks like they may have patched it out.
I dunno then. I never uploaded all 22k on cloud, only new albums after the main batch.i used a usb to micro sd to copy all of my 22k. I also did a lot of soft resets too.
I have a smaller collection of songs (15,000+) and it takes a few days to integrate them all. I've never been sure exactly what goes on. I run Groove, and it adds songs (one every 10 seconds) until it apparently stops taking songs in. I close Groove, restart it, and it starts importing it again. I would have sworn that it only adds music while it's open, but at some point I'll forget about it, and then a few days later it's integrated everything. I don't know if it would have done it by itself, or if I just happened to forget about it at the point where it was on the last batch of music to integrate.

Regardless, though, I expect it to add all of my music in a much shorter time frame (say, an hour). It's also the same on the desktop, it's slow as can be adding music, whereas Windows Media Player adds it lickety split.
I have about about 120 GB of music, it will take a while but it will work.

My indexing was similar, and took a few days. I know it sucks, buy if leave it alone for several days.
I have about about 120 GB of music, it will take a while but it will work.

My indexing was similar, and took a few days. I know it sucks, buy if leave it alone for several days.

When you say "leave it alone foe a few days" do you mean ensure Groove is open on your phone for a few days? I dont mind doing that but shouldn't I expect to see the toast message in Groove indicating that its adding songs? Should I just trust that its adding music to the library without telling me? I wouldnt be surprised if that adding songs message isnt the most accurate since it seems to stop counting when the phone screen is off. I refuse to believe that the app could be that crappy that it only builds the library when the phone screen is on.
On the matter of verifying all the songs have all been added to the Groove library... I'm not seeing a total song count anywhere. Anyone know a way to verify how complete their Groove library is short of inspecting every folder\album?
In my previous devices (Lumia 735 and 920) both running an insider build of Windows 10, I had to change the lock screen time out settings to "never" in order for the Groove app to re-acquire the songs from my SD card. However in my 950XL, they have removed the "never" option. Whenever Groove loses focus, or the phone locks, then indexing in Groove stops. So on a 950 and a 950XL, because there is no never option, it is a slow and tedious process to get the Groove app to re-acquire those songs as you have to keep the phone awake and locked onto the Groove app the whole time. Hopefully this will be fixed in an update.
What about album covers a good portion of my artwork isn't shown,yet the same songs on my ipod have all the artwork.

Your read/write speeds are comparable to mine.

I did get that adding music message, but it took less than an hour (not days). All my music is .mp3.

I was using file explorer (not the windows phone app) on my desktop (with the card in my 950) to copy music to "sd/music/onedrive music cache"

In my previous devices (Lumia 735 and 920) both running an insider build of Windows 10, I had to change the lock screen time out settings to "never" in order for the Groove app to re-acquire the songs from my SD card. However in my 950XL, they have removed the "never" option. Whenever Groove loses focus, or the phone locks, then indexing in Groove stops. So on a 950 and a 950XL, because there is no never option, it is a slow and tedious process to get the Groove app to re-acquire those songs as you have to keep the phone awake and locked onto the Groove app the whole time. Hopefully this will be fixed in an update.

Wow, if that's true AND the library building stops randomly I'm not seeing how anyone has ever had any success with Groove and a larger catalog of songs. Please let us all know where we can find this specific bug logged with Microsoft so we can up vote it. I did previously go looking for a Never Lock option and had to settle for the max of 5 minutes. At the moment I can't get the message in Groove that it's adding music again however. ?

Your read/write speeds are comparable to mine.

I did get that adding music message, but it took less than an hour (not days). All my music is .mp3.

I was using file explorer (not the windows phone app) on my desktop (with the card in my 950) to copy music to "sd/music/onedrive music cache"


Thank you for the specificity Mark. I don't know why that technique would provide any different result but I'm willing to try anything at this point. I'll follow up later today with test results.

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