How to tackle Android/iOS fanboys?


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Sep 25, 2013
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How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

Does anyone face the same problem?

I mean, I go to college, talk about "Hey, win 10 mobile has this new feature!", and almost everyone, especially a few, start an OS WAR with me!

If they search something on bing, and don't get what they wanted, they "blame" me for that!

They ask me, hey let me see your phone, and I'm like, OK, and after sometime, they start complaining about the lags, and glitches, and compare their phone's OS with a technical preview!

They would compare Siri/Google voice with Cortana (sometimes with my mobile data turned off), and if, once in a ten times, cortana fails, they brag about their AIs (not considering the fact that Google voice had serached the web for "find pizzas nearby", and Siri complaining "Siri not available" for call commands too). If I dare to ask cortana to sing a song, or tell a joke, it is immediately considered to be asking for useless stuff from an AI.

These are a few of many small things I faced months ago. Although these talks have faded away (perhaps because of me not giving a s#@t about them), I am just curious to know anyone out there, still facing the same problem, or has got their ways to tackle these fanboys?

Thanks :)


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Jun 24, 2013
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

haha. just tell them you think for yourself. if they want to be a lemming, be a lemming! you're not stopping them from being a lemming. lemming on!

my iphone friends are constantly tethered to a wall outlet or cigarette outlet even with brightness turned all the way down. my friend with an iphone 5s is below 50% by noon. meanwhile, I go a whole day on a single charge with full burn-your-face-off brightness turned on.


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Sep 12, 2012
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

I don't. My colleagues usually thinks highly of Windows phone. They compare it with the iPhone. I mean my Lumia 1520 is gorgeous so I can't blame them.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Rising Mos

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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

I used to impress everybody with the camera and translator on my 920... Now it is showing its age, running a preview os, and overall has been beaten and dropped so many time. So I am ok with declaring temporary battle defeat until I get my 950xl 😁


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Sep 3, 2013
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

How to handle them? Easy: don't.

Just walk away.

If they have the ****** mindset, to do anything else is a waste of time. It's only tech.


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Oct 13, 2013
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Does anyone face the same problem?

I mean, I go to college, talk about "Hey, win 10 mobile has this new feature!", and almost everyone, especially a few, start an OS WAR with me!

If they search something on bing, and don't get what they wanted, they "blame" me for that!

They ask me, hey let me see your phone, and I'm like, OK, and after sometime, they start complaining about the lags, and glitches, and compare their phone's OS with a technical preview!

They would compare Siri/Google voice with Cortana (sometimes with my mobile data turned off), and if, once in a ten times, cortana fails, they brag about their AIs (not considering the fact that Google voice had serached the web for "find pizzas nearby", and Siri complaining "Siri not available" for call commands too). If I dare to ask cortana to sing a song, or tell a joke, it is immediately considered to be asking for useless stuff from an AI.

These are a few of many small things I faced months ago. Although these talks have faded away (perhaps because of me not giving a s#@t about them), I am just curious to know anyone out there, still facing the same problem, or has got their ways to tackle these fanboys?

Thanks :)
Why the hell are you using a technical preview going into a fan war anyway. The only way to win is to downgrade back to 8.1 and show them the slick performance and reliability that windows phone has. Show them Cortana, the people hub and how you can pin contact tiles to see people statuses, you could even show them how much better the third party apps are than the official ones (6tag, mytube), the tile background picture feature and how the picture isn't 90% covered in icons like on ios and android and last but not least show them how you can use (almost) everything with one hand. If that doesn't work just don't talk about windows 10 Mobile at all.


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Aug 30, 2014
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

If someone says their iSheep device is better, tell em "Yeah, my grandma loves her iPhone too, its nice and SIMPLE for her to use. Do you wanna trade cases with her?" with a smirk.

If someone says their Android is better "Yeah, its great how cheap Androids are, most people can't afford iPhones either" with a smirk.

Play each other off against one another for fun. If they get mad, ask if you've touched a nerve? Ask why has their face gone red. Its all cool brah!

...Or don't. I personally wouldn't bother arguing with sheep.

Wes Smith

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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

Btw...their keyboard is so stupid it's always caps on. It never alternates between upper and lower case lol

Mad Cabbie

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Jun 9, 2015
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

I was a massive android fan once, but the more it developed as an open source project, the more crap and nonsense OEM's threw at them. In the old days, I managed to keep a Galaxy S2 (!!!!) going, reliably, by rooting and going completely stock, totally vanilla or using Pacrom etc... Samdung ceased all updates for it ages ago, yet, when required, it boots and runs as well as always. I then discovered the further along Android went, the worse the hardware management got and the amount of memory bleed wasn't diminishing. The biggest mistake I made was falling for the hype from Samdung, that I needed a note 3 as the pen was the next big thing. NEVER used it. They also locked the phones down with their Knox security scheme. If you went custom recovery / rom, it 'blew' a fuse, and Samdung wouldn't entertain a warranty claim. Open source my a*se!!

iOS looks like it's designed for kids, with lots of pretty icons taking up valuable screen real estate. Never liked them, never had one.

I have people asking me what phone is that, when I'm out in my cab. Oh, that? It's a Microsoft 640 XL windows phone. The usual retort is, aren't they rubbish? I then have great pleasure in demoing Cortana ( making sure I'm in 4/3G ), showing the uncluttered screen, where EVERYTHING I need to know is there. The one drive system that holds all of our bookings, and all those on circuit can see what jobs coming up....etc You do, sometimes, get a raised eyebrow, ESPECIALLY when you tell them a 5.7" phone with good camera, SD space, removable battery, no lag, great gameplay on those that you need a high end Android phone to achieve the same level of smoothness on, and the general 'niceness' of the windows experience, can be theirs for ?169 in the UK. Add that to a sim only deal, ?12 - ?15 a month, NOT ?35 - ?40 A MONTH for the latest fashion accessory, and it's a winner all day long for me!! Even a 640 can be bought for around ?100...Blimey, even a 435 compares to the cheap androids from china. Have you seen one running Asphalt 8. Unreal for a low spec phone costing ?30 in the UK!!!!

Anyways, the moral of this thread is

A) NEVER argue with an *****. They will always win due to experience!

B) A fool and their money, are easily parted!

C) If they are witty only half the time, that makes them a halfwit!

As much as we love WP, they will always be our 'dirty' little secret!!!

Kieran Jeffery

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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

Personally, I've managed to convert a few people over to WP by just giving them out as presents. Bought my wife a 735 about a year ago, My two sons 535s, A couple of mates I got the HTC 8S's a few years back, also passed on a handset every time I've upgraded.

The thing then is, when people get a new phone, they take the time to get to know it, set it up how they like it and can grow accustomed to it. I've had about an 80% conversion rate, one of my sons wanted an iPhone and one mate went back to Android, but overall there does seem to be a place for windows phone.

I believe it would be a good strategy for Microsoft to give away free phones with Xboxes, Surfaces, even a free 435 or something with every 950. If they can breach 10% market share I'm pretty confident they would quickly shoot up to something like 30-35% pretty quickly.

The biggest problem they are facing is when people are parting with their cash, they're not going to gamble on the unfamiliar. They will however, give it a go if it's free.


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Jul 12, 2015
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

For iOS: How's that Banana Phone working out for you? (iPhone 6+)
For Android: It's called Lollipop because it sucks right? Give me a break at least Kit Kat isn't destroying sub-$500 handsets.


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Sep 6, 2015
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

I had to sign up to share my frustrations... because haven't I faced the same things. You learn to roll with it.

The first smartphone I ever bought was the Lumia 930. Before that I had the 'displeasure' of using an S3 for work.

As soon as I made the decision to buy a WP, I got some very weird reactions.

I was 'asked' by a friend 'Isn't Nokia dead?'.
Repeatedly being questioned by him why I bought a WP, he the proud owner of an S4, to the point where I just snapped and I told him that it's better than his Android and I would purchase an iPhone over an Android any day (not true, but that shut him up).
Funny story; he asked me to hold his jacket recently, and his precious S4 fell out of the pocket; the screen smashed beyond use! He didn't upgrade because he didn't know how to back up/sync messages and contacts and had to repair the screen. He's still on his precious S4 in 2015 because the new Samsungs are too big, or something.

My iPhone user friend constantly rags on me for my choice of phone. We get into some light banter about that, but it gets annoying because I actually think very lowly of her phone. Like very lowly. Her precious navigation system gets her lost, and her camera is kinda, not kinda, crap. Plus it's iOS.

It doesn't bother my much anymore to be honest. I wouldn't ever trade my WP for an iPhone, and I don't like the look or functionality of an Android (having used it for work), so I don't see myself switching over. I don't need to impress anyone.

These days, I just use my 930 and do wonderful things with it, take amazing pictures with it, and actually have had quite a few friends (those iPhone users) comment how great the camera is on my phone and how great the photos look.


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Sep 25, 2014
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

I would say just live with it for a while, and take every moment you can to demonstrate the real world usage of your phone.

Dramatized Example:
Friend: Dude when will we get home?
You: Hey Cortana when will we get home?
Cortana: In like 5 minutes. Calm down. That's like the 3rd time you asked.


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Feb 24, 2014
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Re: How to tackle android/iOS fanboys

I would say just live with it for a while, and take every moment you can to demonstrate the real world usage of your phone.

Dramatized Example:
Friend: Dude when will we get home?
You: Hey Cortana when will we get home?
Cortana: In like 5 minutes. Calm down. That's like the 3rd time you asked.

Or like "Look my phone unlocks it self when it sees my face"


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Nov 12, 2012
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There's some arguments that can counter each one individually, but as a whole, I don't think we can anymore for the moment.


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Jan 18, 2013
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Don't. We chose our OS based on a mix of features, promises, and trade-offs. There are things Android can do that iOS can't, and WP8/10 can do that neither can't. There is no superior OS, and trying to judge someone on their mobile device is quite stupid. Best defense is to smile and nod, and explain to them "Yeah, but this is what I thought suited me best at the time. I enjoy the OS, and I've had no problems." If they keep going, try to change the subject to politics. It's funnier.

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