How to transfer/sync/whatever wifi profiles&passwords from old phone to new phone?!?!


New member
Dec 25, 2009

My 1520 has had some problems so I got a replacement 1520 and I'm in the process of moving from the old phone to the new one. I have a thread elsewhere about the process in general, but I'm making a separate thread here because of an issue that I find particularly frustrating.

On the old phone, I had several saved wifi networks and their passwords, etc. However, they're not showing up in the manage wifi section of settings of the new phone. Is there no way to transfer/sync/whatever those network profiles from the old phone to the new phone? Or do I actually have to manually enter them all over again. I do not have a windows 8 pc if that matters - just windows 7.
Went to the office today, and the phone automatically logged on to the password protected office network that I had saved to my phone. Perhaps all the old networks are saved on the phone but don't show up until they connect to that network again?
If you've used the built-in backup & restore mechanism it should work automatically. They probably just don't show up but I've had no problems with my 830 when coming from a 635. All WiFi-Networks were transferred over to the new device and it connects automatically.

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