HTC 8X appears to have just died; won't turn on again...

Why don't you guys try disabling/blocking apps that run in the background. See how that turns out.

I have two running in the background. Battery app and whatsapp. But under advanced their are many which I am unsure if they are running or not because they are all grayed out.
@steven fritts

My phone has turned off and on again THREE times since the 19th of this month.

At an average, how long were the interval (in days or hours) when your phone got turned on again and then turned off?

Mine is working okay until now two days since my phone revitalized..since then I have not played any music on my phone.
Hi all, need some advise please.
Is there any advantage in the gdr2 update for the unlocked 8x, besides possibly getting a bricked phone? I mean it seems that there is no Datasense, the "other's" problem is not really fixed, some report laggy phones and audio problems,. What are the positives of GRD2 if any on the 8x? Better internet explorer? Better battery? Thanks.
Guys, having this Issue Since last Week, Now am Using my Phone , but haven't dare to open Music... Rest all seems to working fine except battery getting drained very quickly ...

So moral thing is Whats the Solution , Continuously in touch with HTC customer care executive, but there's no satisfactory solution from there, all they suggest is Factory reset, There's no way out to reach to Microsoft directly and ask for a solution ...

It Seems, None of them Really cares, Therese no official announcement also from any of them about the Bug, or at least an apology letter stating we are trying to Fix ... Very Disappointing yaar, we are on our own with are Frozen 8x's... theres no way out at all !!! :(
Mine did this on Friday while listening to music. Took it into Phones4u and I've had to sent it off to HTC yesterday. Glad to see its not just me having these issues.
Very annoying and from what i've read hope it isnt to do with music/ streaming as what is the point of having a top phone if it can be used to its full potential??
Just hoping I wont have to wait too long for it to be returned as I'm using my mums old nokia as a stand in!
At an average, how long were the interval (in days or hours) when your phone got turned on again and then turned off?

Mine is working okay until now two days since my phone revitalized..since then I have not played any music on my phone.

Depended on how often and for how long I played music. First time it came back to life, I didn't play much music for a couple of days, and when I did, it died. Same can be said for each other time.
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

OK I left my phone alone for several days, checking the power button. Last night I pressed it and it vibrated. Charged it andwhen I pressed the power button it immediately went to the main tile page. Everything seemed fine...until I played some music, when it crashed again. However, this time the backlight is still on and the phone is warm. I think that after GDR2 is installed, it should go through a power-up cycle, so I'm going to turn it off next time...
I have two running in the background. Battery app and whatsapp. But under advanced their are many which I am unsure if they are running or not because they are all grayed out.

Disable WhatsApp then. I think it's the Music app + a notification from a background process that kills it.
Hi all, need some advise please.
Is there any advantage in the gdr2 update for the unlocked 8x, besides possibly getting a bricked phone? I mean it seems that there is no Datasense, the "other's" problem is not really fixed, some report laggy phones and audio problems,. What are the positives of GRD2 if any on the 8x? Better internet explorer? Better battery? Thanks.

Well, there's the Radio feature. My phone has never lagged, no problems with audio too. Data Sense is carrier dependent. I think there's a release note somewhere...
My phone died on Tuesday at 10am. I was listening music too. I bought the phone on 19th of July and installed the GDR2 update the same day. There weren't any obvious problems with it. But on Tuesday while listening the MP3's that i installed (not streaming) it suddenly turned off and never come back to life again. I tried all button combinations, also connected to pc and ac adapter numerous times. No sign of life. Yesterday I tried to flash the phone. downloaded all necessary files but no luck again. In Vietnamise forums it is said to press volume + and - buttons at the same time. But I didn't get any feedback, vibration, led light etc. So I couldn't enter bootloader and flash the phone. It has been nearly 50 hours since it turned off as I read some post I need to wait more until the battery dries because it was nearly 95% charged.

Instead of Whatsapp I think Battery App can be one of the reasons. Before it died, sometimes when i connect to phone to adapter the Battery app doesnt show that phone is connected to charger. But when I restarted the phone it was always nearly fully charged. I don't know is it because of the Battery app or GDR2 update itself but it happened to me more then 7 -8 times in 10 days.
Mine is still @ HTC being fixed...apparantly could be early next week till i get it back...will be at least 1 week without it...not impressed:angry:
Same thing happened to me after GDR2.
keep the phone away untill the battery has died down. Should happen in a day or two.
Once you think the battery has died down, connect it to your PC, it should power ON and take some time to reach the lock screen.
It may also work if you connect it straight to POWER once battery is dead. BUt connecting to PC worked for me.
Good luck.
Same problem here, happened when playing music. Been off for a day now, hoping it'll boot up soon. HTC still not acknowledging this issue :angry:
Has there been any news from HTC that they realize there is a problem and they are working on it?
Yes HTC realized the Problem and took the Updates f?r Server:

Wir sind uns der Problematik, die bei den GDR2-Updates f?r das Windows
Phone 8X by HTC auftreten kann, bewusst. Als Konsequenz daraus wurden alle FOTA
(Firmware Over The Air) GDR2-Updates f?r dieses Ger?t bis auf Weiteres
verschoben. HTC arbeitet mit Hochdruck und in enger Abstimmung mit Microsoft an
einer L?sung, um unseren Kunden das gewohnte und bestm?gliche Nutzererlebnis zu
bieten. Die Wiederaufnahme der Updates via FOTA erfolgt unmittelbar nach der
Behebung des Problems. Wir m?chten unseren Kunden an dieser Stelle versichern,
dass das restliche Windows Phone 8 Produktportfolio von HTC nicht von dieser
Problematik betroffen ist.
Alle Nutzer die Probleme beim GDR2-Update Ihres
Windows Phone 8X hatten, haben die M?glichkeit, sich an ihren zust?ndigen
HTC-Kundenservice zu wenden, um eine System-Wiederherstellung durchzuf?hren. +
49-692-222-7334(Deutschland), + 43-192-873-67(?sterreich), +
I eat my words! Great news.
Now if my phone would actually just turn on again so I can accept the fix...

Also, qsr, where did you get this? Was this emailed to you? And was there an ETA on this fix?
Nice 1st step. Even if my phone works great... I'd like to use my Xbox Music subscription!

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