HTC 8X appears to have just died; won't turn on again...

Haven't had any problems since my phone restarted. Have stayed away from music though. I have used whatsapp and apps in combination with my headphones with the beats audio turned on (e.g. Skype). So the problem really does seem to be related to playing music.

Very happy to see that at least HTC Germany has omitted that there's a problem with the update.
Nearly 4 days since the brick and no sign of life. It vibrated a few times when I held the power button but now it's stopped doing that. Left it on the charger overnight to no avail
Nearly 4 days since the brick and no sign of life. It vibrated a few times when I held the power button but now it's stopped doing that. Left it on the charger overnight to no avail

Is your power light (red led light) on? If it's not and showing the same symptoms as described in this forum I'd leave it in the charger and let it sit for a few more days. My battery app reported that it didn't charge at all when it was plugged in.

For me it took about 4 days to discharge and a night to charge back to life but this varies per phone. Some only need a few days others have needed 5days to a week or even longer.

Also most had their phone plugged into a PC. Not sure if it makes a difference but you could also try that.

Don't give up hope.
No, absolutely nothing. I'm going to leave it plugged into my computer all day today. Fingers crossed

Good to hear. It sounds like it shouldn't be charging at all. Give it a few more days. Just when you've forgotten about it you'll see it spring back to life :-)
Yesterday the battery of my phone went off, then i charged it and everything went good. After that i tradet it with a red Lumia 920 and I have to say that HTC 8X is a children phone compared to Lumia. Lumia 920 is an absolutely amazing phone everything seems better and faster.
Well after 5 days I've given up hope. I have tried to organise a repair under warranty but having a few issues. At first the support person said it would be under warranty if Katrine: Yes, unless your phone is more than two years old, have physical damage, unoriginal software or liquid damage. Turns out the 8X which I was actually given at an HTC sponsored event in the UK is not covered by a manufacturer warranty. (The phone is actually from America which I realised when it came with an American charger). When asked why it is not covered by a warranty she said Katrine: because it is a phone HTC phone not meant to customer use

So to conclude I'm afraid I won't be dealing with HTC ever again.
So you got your 8x for free? A free phone doesn't sound bad to me.

At least now you can leave it plugged in until it boots back up.
finally, i can get my phone in service. it is smooth, no lag or any freezing so far, moreover i didnt lost my datas (photos, apps etc). But, Google and microsoft account arent working and synchronising, attention required appears after triying to synchronise ...
My phone has done this too. Twice I managed to bring it back to life after leaving it for a few days, but this time, although it vibrated when pressing the power button, nothing happened. Now there is no vibration and no charge light. Looks like I have to return it for repair, and it wll come back, full of scratches...
My phone has done this too. Twice I managed to bring it back to life after leaving it for a few days, but this time, although it vibrated when pressing the power button, nothing happened. Now there is no vibration and no charge light. Looks like I have to return it for repair, and it wll come back, full of scratches...

Mine did the vibration when pressing power button except this was the first time it had bricked and nearly 8 days later it's still not working. It's absolutely laughable that such an update can brick a device when playing music. Shame on HTC
I had an iPhone do this once. It was even worse than just that because iPhones are notorious for failing power buttons. So I left it for 3 days off of the charger. When I was certain it drained, I plugged it into an outlet and it fired right up. It had frozen in a sleep state and I couldn't reboot it with power + home. Maybe that's what's going on here. I mentioned Volume Up + Power but no one mentioned whether that worked or not. I keep seeing Volume Down + Power mentioned and that does nothing to my phone, but Up reboots it. Someone try Volume Up + Power and let me know if that helps.

Edit: And I one within 5 pages of my post mentioned that. I didn't read all the way through... :)
Has anyone noticed faster battery drains after their phone woke up. I'm not sure but it seems to drain abit faster than before.
Today, fortunately, my phone woke up :/ i am sure that problem is about listening to music. Hope new update to be rolled up!!!
Thought I could give some more of you some hope, my phone has FINALLY decided that it would like to be more than a paperweight for the rest of its life and started working again after 2 weeks!! Ironically the charger managed to performed some CPR magic the day after a reply from HTC admitting there was a problem and recommending I take it to me repaired where I bought it. Which was worrying as I'm now living in Australia and bought the phone in the UK on ebay!!!

Anyway I think differed gratification has to be used with this issue, I ended up using a VERY old Samsung with tape and chunks of strategically cut paper to hold the sim in! I'd forgotten the joy of not remembering when you last charged your phone, that also meant I'd forgotten where I last charged it, where the charger was, and that proprietary phone chargers were the worst idea since Justin Bieber.

I left the phone alone for 5 days and it started vibrating when I pushed the power button! So I excitedly put the phone on charge. 48 hours later nothing had happened. So I took the phone off for another 4 days. Plugged it in, after 24 hours it had managed to achieve absolutely nothing. So I debated taking it apart and disconnecting the battery manually, I'm still convinced that could have fixed it. Dismantling looked complex and if it didn't work I would lose warranty so I decided to email HTC. 48 hours and one reply from HTC later it works again! I'm quite impressed with it, I guess it decided coming alive was better than having your guts ripped out and your memory wiped!

TLDR: It took two weeks but my phone lives, yay!
Congrats :-) I love to hear when the phone wakes up. I can still remember when it happened to me.

It's to bad that this topic is needed but it's good to know that when HTC drops the ball we can count on each other.
My htc 8x is doing the same thing. Refuses to switch back on until connected to charger. Time is wrong when it eventually starts up and date reverts back to 5th Sept 2012!!!! After a full nights charge last night it lasted about 15 mins before failing this morning. My hubby has same model phone and we often use the same charger and his is fine. I am totally lost without it, it's my phone, my memory, my wifi arghhhhh!
I appear to be having the same probs with my phone and have never listened or even downloaded any music to mine!!
My phone was under warranty and I took at service today. They told me that they just removed and plugged battery back and it started working normally. Now phone is working but unfortunately I got it with lot of scratches. :(

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