HTC 8X appears to have just died; won't turn on again...

Requesting a callback from a manger from HTC will keep you updated.

Even linked them to this thread.
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Requesting a callback from a manger from HTC, UK Support say there is no problem with GDR2 and 8X phones......priceless.

Even linked them to this thread.

hahaa, Same Here, Said the Same thing when i called Indian Support team ( telling about a Month Back time, when the first GDR2 upadte rolled & Problem Started, Havent Got this New Update, Rather Say a Tiny Fix Till Now ) and they were like we are hearing about this issue for the First time, i mean according to them i was the First one to say there's an issue with GDR2 updates, i simply Said Them, Do Even have something called Google, Kindly Search it, you will get atleast 100-200 complaints ese hi ;)
The latest update installed here.

No Brick, but battery life is rubbish now on this phone. Died prematurely yesterday while using Runkeeper (uses GPS) and taking some photographs and video, battery was NOT flat but phone turned itself off without any notice, push power button nothing, hold power button for 10secs phone came back to life, thank god.

I have a feeling this GDR update fiasco is not over yet, and our phones will never perform as good as they used to battery wise.

Will monitor the situation and see what happens.

Not impressed with this though, feels like I have a second rate phone now, next purchase Nokia - Never touching HTC again, support is non existent
If you go back to one of my earlier posts, you'll see that shortly after the latest update, the battery life was atrocious, for like a day. It went from 80% to 20 in a matter of hours, with moderate use.
Now, and I **** you not, it's better than ever.

Right now it's been off charge for 15 hours and is at 60%. And that's after listening to music constantly at the gym for about an hour and a half, browsing 6sec for half an hour. Watching various Youtube vids, reading the Guardian and Weave for a grand total of an hour. Not to mention about half an hour of call time and absent-mindedly fiddling with the phone.
I'm impressed. See if the problems persists after a day or two, and then you'll know to start worrying.
Hi Milky,
Was the wifi on even in sleep? 15 hours and 60% is very impressive. Right now on my pre GDR2 I'm getting draining at from 3% to 5% per hour with wifi always on. I've only have whatsapp, battery, bing news and finance running on the background.
"There were reports over recent months about the GDR2 update bricking some users' HTC 8X phones once it was installed. I tried to track down information about this from HTC. An HTC spokesperson told me earlier this month that they were not able to replicate this despite reports and that user reports in forums didn't specify carrier names, so they were unable to check on it. I can (happily) report my phone is fine after downloading GDR2."

More Windows Phone GDR2 updates are rolling out | ZDNet
Hmmm..... did they really fix the bricking bug?
Hi Milky,
Was the wifi on even in sleep? 15 hours and 60% is very impressive. Right now on my pre GDR2 I'm getting draining at from 3% to 5% per hour with wifi always on. I've only have whatsapp, battery, bing news and finance running on the background.
Yep, WiFi always on. GPS on, 3G on, Bluetooth off, NFC off, Light theme, Medium brightness.

AccuWeather, AppDeals, Battery, EnGadget, HTC, myTube, Timer, Weave and WPCentral allowed to run in background.
Not as impressive today though; 12 hours off charge and @ 45% right now. Draining at 4%ph.
Oh No.. now that Microsoft has bought Nokia Devices, will HTC still update the 8x or just show the finger to Microsoft and WP?
I still haven't got GDR2 yet.
Oh No.. now that Microsoft has bought Nokia Devices, will HTC still update the 8x or just show the finger to Microsoft and WP?
I still haven't got GDR2 yet.

that's seriously a Thread for us ... Hope Htc will atleast Fix this Music Hub Bug if not update typically ... Finger Crossed !!!

P.s - While this is one side of story, others are saying Htc trying to convert its flagship phone HTC one to Windows ... is this True, Any idea ???
Even though a few us haven't even received the GDR2 fix I really hope the 8x will receive the GDR3 update. I just read some of the cool things it might be bringing to the WP OS.

- Disable screen rotation
- Driving mode (block incoming calls and texts during driving
- Bluetooth update
- Close open apps from the multitask screen (when holding the back button)
- Backup and restore function

Pinocchio is becoming a real boy :-)
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

My phone turned completely the power off. I tried to have hard reset. It was just vibrate. I noticed Its battery run out. When i plugged it in, red light didnt appear. Moreover, I got the same result when using usb cable to charge.

I can say that my phone is dead...

Serdard - my phone has the same symptom. So far I haven't found an answer to any poster who's phone is completely black, and won't charge at all. Mind is deader than a doornail, and nothing at all happens when it's plugged in. Granted, my battery was really down because I am a heavy user. But when the battery dies from use, and it goes black, and won't charge up at all, what the hell do I do?????
same has just happened to me. i leaft it on my bedside table last night at about 70% battery and this morning my alarm didnt go off on my phone then found it was dead. tryed charging it with usb with pc for two hours. wouldnt work. so tryed charging it in the plug. wont work. ive tryed to reboot it and it just wont work! please HELP!:unhappysweat: it wont do anything no vierbration or nothing its just black!
Re: Guess My htc 8x is dead, help me!

so interesting, what is your version of OS? after the latest update, no problem so far

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