HTC Mogul owners: How do you like it?

You know, I have just about given up on BT. My little LG 325 did it well, but the T650 I had was awful and now even my Moto Q is not so great. People I talk to a lot can tell when I am on my BT headset - and I need clarity for business purposes. BT is not important to me.

Thanks nsxprime.
The Mogul does well as a phone when using the handset but terrible as a phone when using BT because of the BT stack bug. The BT is inconsistent and sometimes during calls your speech gets garbled on the other end. Not good.
This concerns me. Can any other Mogul users comment on this? Thanks.
I set up my Plantronics 640 yesterday and made several calls and I was told I sounded better. So maybe it's just certain phones. I do know though that my headset works flawlessly with the Mogul. I did get 1 disconnect but the weird thing was I immediately called myself and the headset beeped to reconnect and then the headset started ringing. I thought this was a cool feature actually. Might save myself some battery power although it never happened again. But good to know that it will reconnect itself when a calls comes in.
Well after a call to sprint and 2 emails to ecare.. I am getting the Mogul for 399.00 (new user price). Being that I am only 1 year into 1 2 year contract they only wanted to offer me 75.00 but I held firm and after 8 years with them they gave me another 75.00. So I am happy that I am getting my Mogul and not paying 549.00 for it. If I like it then I can sell my 700p and lower the Mogul price even more. I am just saddened by how palm has left so many of us out there without a word or glimpse on the future. Windows Mobile seems to be the way to go and the Mogul is power packed with everything anyone can ask for... I will update you all on my road to glory with my Mogul...

Edit - I'm gonna add the Kellogs rebate and going to try the save50 rebate as well to see if that works! If anyone has any other rebate ideas feel free to pm me...
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6800 Experiences

Have used this phone for the past two weeks and so far the BT is better than it was with my Treo 700p but not perfect; my BT connection has dropped occasionally and had to re-pair the Moto H500 several times so far. Have a Jabra BT 250v and this one works great... the Moto may be defective here.

Still tweaking to achieve the most one handed functionality possible - not there yet. With more use time I can say battery life is good and about par with my Treo. Call quality is good even with BT (Jabra).

My other impressions about tbis device were posted here:

My main problem still are the ringtones/notifications... can't seem to make these work as I need. Don't know yet if I will keep this phone, think I will though.

P.S. This was posted from the 6800 via Wi-Fi using the keyboard.
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I just have 1 question for people with BT issues.. Does this happen in a specific place? For example does it happen more at home or in the car? After playing with BT on several phones/computer I found that Wi-Fi routers kill BT devices since essentially BT is short range Wi-Fi that rapidly jumps around in that frequency. I notice when I have BT on my treo and am using it around my laptop the Wi-Fi signal drops and I get some static on the headset. I know a lot of citys now have city wide wi-fi which in my city pisses me off since it clogs the 802.11 2.4ghz spectrum, in my house alone I can pick up about 5 of the public wi-fi stations.
Not enough playtime with BT/Wi-Fi on this phone to make a definitive stament regarding interference.

I have used Wi-Fi while on a phone call using the BT with no apparent BT problems... the Wi-Fi speed with BT-On is lower and battery life shorter of course.
Not enough playtime with BT/Wi-Fi on this phone to make a definitive stament regarding interference.

I have used Wi-Fi while on a phone call using the BT with no apparent BT problems... the Wi-Fi speed with BT-On is lower and battery life shorter of course.

I was under the impression that the two shared an antennea and you couldn't effectively use them both at the same time.
How do you like the quality of the pictures? I think its really crappy. Even though I rarely used the 700p camera, I was hoping to use this one a lot. What are your settings and can you post some samples of pics you've taken with he Mogul?
Not enough playtime with BT/Wi-Fi on this phone to make a definitive stament regarding interference.

I have used Wi-Fi while on a phone call using the BT with no apparent BT problems... the Wi-Fi speed with BT-On is lower and battery life shorter of course.

I am speaking about outside sources of Wi-Fi such as your router or if you have a public city Wi-Fi like I have in my city which until I changed my router channel on my personal router it interfered and decreased the range of it.
Just got my 6800 today. Its been tough since I am a mac user and missing sync is only in beta for WM6. So far I dont like the fact like on windows when you hit the X button applications still run in the background.

Having Wi-Fi is great

I have the threaded text app installed and it works just like on the treo, but I do miss the one handed usability on the treo.

The phone itself is lighter than the 755p and length wise a little shorter but its a little thicker but not much.

In terms of speed I would say the 755p gets beat by the 6800, i read about lag when changing from normal to horizontal view but at most it takes 1 second, and opening the phone application is instant.
Make sure you install HTC X-Button. It will close apps completely for you. It's a free download, and I use it on my Mogul. You can set it to tap and close or tap and hold to close. Either way will shut down the program completely.

My bluetooth headset works pretty well, but I do get low volume drops occasionally. It doesn't startup automatically as much as the 700wx does though. I find I have to tap the headset to link the call if I answer it from the phone.

I did take some pictures with the Mogul, and it does a fairly good job. It overexposed in low light, and has to held almost perfectly still, but does a decent job if you need to take a quick snapshot. I like that you turn the phone sideways and use the display like a large camera viewer. Plus it has a flash which helps a little in dark photos.
Any of you guys having issue with the headset adapter? When I plug my headset in all the way it only plays on the right side. I have to pull it out a bit to get the left side to work but any small movement brings it back to the right.

All this chatter about BT...It's such a hackey thing. Works okay sometimes, othertimes not.

I wish either vendors would get the sw and hw correct, or just give us a bettter protocol.

BT has been around for years, but is nowhere near as stable and reliable as it should be for a PAN.
Any of you guys having issue with the headset adapter? When I plug my headset in all the way it only plays on the right side. I have to pull it out a bit to get the left side to work but any small movement brings it back to the right.

That sounds like a defect... You might have to exchange it for another.
BT is terrible. RAM is pathetic. Screen is pretty. Overall a sluggish device.

I returned it after 18 days. Have an iPhone now. Very happy. Not trolling, just stating my Mogul experience. WM6 seems to be a skin, not the OS overhaul we wanted. Issues still very apparent.
WM6 is a minor upgrade to WM5. WM7 is slated to be a major upgrade to the Windows Mobile OS. My thought is that they will try to link it into Vista more, so it will be overhauled substantially. We'll have to wait and see if they deliver the goods though.
BT is terrible. RAM is pathetic. Screen is pretty. Overall a sluggish device.

I returned it after 18 days. Have an iPhone now. Very happy. Not trolling, just stating my Mogul experience. WM6 seems to be a skin, not the OS overhaul we wanted. Issues still very apparent.

it's odd that a user would have to download an app to actually close programs, especially with the new version of WM. what were the developers thinking? was there enough RAM to keep the device functioning properly in the event that you didn't have this kind of 3rd party app on the device? or is that what you are referring to when you say the ram was "pathetic?"

what did you think about the slideout keyboard? ok experience? how about battery life?

thanks in advance
it's odd that a user would have to download an app to actually close programs, especially with the new version of WM. what were the developers thinking? was there enough RAM to keep the device functioning properly in the event that you didn't have this kind of 3rd party app on the device? or is that what you are referring to when you say the ram was "pathetic?"

This is the same strategy the Iphone uses, and we know people experience memory problems on that device too.

I actually think people should just stop worrying about background apps and let the OS do its job as best it can to manage memory. Most times it will be fine. Of course if you do not chose this route there are apps available to help, but the best solution is more real RAM, as found on high-end devices.


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