HTC Mogul owners: How do you like it?

Please don't repost from other forums. I could do the same with people who've used the 8010 and said that it sucked with their Mogul.
The issue about the BT stack is a recurring concern in this thread......and rightly so. It has been noted we are waiting for the next major ROM update that will (hopefully) address this concern....which will probably not be until the Rev A update rumored to be available as soon as next month to Sept timeframe.

Until then, like with any new phone waiting for it's first real ROM update, we have been simply talking about possible solutions to get us by until then. Nothing more. Nothing less. Talking about memory issues, BT stack concerns, call quality, keyboard stability and layout, etc... are all great topics in sharing concerns and possible solutions to those concerns. Then a person can make an educated decision if any one specific concern and possible solution is livable or not in their own personal situation in meeting their professional & personal needs and wants. This is productive (not promoting one way or another) and gives people a real world view of their possibilities if they are 1) already own the Mogul or 2) considering buying one.

In response to your last post:

FACT: The Mogul has a bad BT stack. It seems to work fine with several BT items, i.e. GPS BT units. It currently has serious challenges with most BT headsets.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS FOR THOSE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN USING THEIR CURRENT MOGUL OR LOOKING TO BUY ONE: It reportly works okay with a select few with hit and miss feedback.....Sony DS970, Jabra 8010, Cardo Scala 500, jabra jx 10, and the moto h5 mini. And seems to work really good with one, the Jabra 8010....with some challenges posted by a minority of those posting their reviews about the 8010 and their Mogul.

I noted in my own posts that there are those, including myself, that have had challenges with the BT 8010. I thought that in light of the initial challenges I shared, it was nice to share a review that summed up the 8010's relationship with the Mogul very nicely across the board.
The issue about the BT stack is a recurring concern in this thread......and rightly so. It has been noted we are waiting for the next major ROM update that will (hopefully) address this concern....which will probably not be until the Rev A update rumored to be available as soon as next month to Sept timeframe.

FACT: The Mogul has a bad BT stack. It seems to work fine with several BT items, i.e. GPS BT units. It currently has serious challenges with most BT headsets.

True. I was one of the first people to own a Mogul so I'm well aware of the problems that it possesses. BT volume is another big problem and the best headsets that I've tried for volume are the NC1, 5010 and 8010.
Agree, BT volume on the 6800 is a major fault that should improve with a ROM update. The problem I experienced was fluctuating headset volume during a call; usually started with adequte volume and gradually decreased the volume during the call. I tried with two Motorola and one Jabra, the latter worked better with the Mogul.

P.S. I decided to keep one of the 6800's originally delivered to my business and work with it some more, try the ROM update when available. I really like PIE over Blazer for web browsing.
Agree, BT volume on the 6800 is a major fault that should improve with a ROM update. The problem I experienced was fluctuating headset volume during a call; usually started with adequte volume and gradually decreased the volume during the call. I tried with two Motorola and one Jabra, the latter worked better with the Mogul.

P.S. I decided to keep one of the 6800's originally delivered to my business and work with it some more, try the ROM update when available. I really like PIE over Blazer for web browsing.

I hope you keep posting as you play with it. I was reading your posts intently as I am a small business owner and I rely on my Q for all of my business needs. It is my primary line. However, I felt I needed something more robust and was looking at the Mogul. When I read that you were returning all of yours, it made me pause. I almost pulled the trigger this week on one but then I had a 2 day business trip and the ol' one-handed ease of the Q was more apparent. I want more than the Q offers, but I am just not sure the Mogul is it (and I don't want a Treo & the BB data plan is waaay too much $$).
Sounds like you need the 800w.

What I have read about the Treo 800w expected specs sound great and may well be the panacea of true one-hand use on a capable WM6 Professional device.

However, given Palm's history I have some doubts about the inclusion of Wi-Fi or GPS on this fabled device. Also the alleged "photos" of this rumored phone look rather unappealing to me.

Time will tell, but I really hope the 800w materializes in the near future.
However, given Palm's history I have some doubts about the inclusion of Wi-Fi or GPS on this fabled device. Also the alleged "photos" of this rumored phone look rather unappealing to me.

I agree - particularly on the photos. What I have seen looks like a cheap toy more than a $500 PDA. But again, I will reserve my full disgust until I see the real thing!
I am thinking about switching to the mogul. The big thing that is keeping from not doing it is concern about software. I use docs to go 10.0 and work with office 2007 docs on my pc. Can any windows mobile 6.0 program do that? What is out there for windows mobile that lets you not just view, but make make new docs and files on the phone? Do pocket word and excel let you do that? Splash ID is no problem because there are versions for both OSes. Thought manager/splash notes I would just have to give up and use something like list pro. What a shame to lose all the stuff I wrote over the years though in "trees" in TM.
Agree, BT volume on the 6800 is a major fault that should improve with a ROM update. The problem I experienced was fluctuating headset volume during a call; usually started with adequte volume and gradually decreased the volume during the call. I tried with two Motorola and one Jabra, the latter worked better with the Mogul.
TreoNewt, I actually have the opposite started getting crackling again yesterday after several days of jumping back down to okay quality use, so I decided to take my Jabra 8010 back and try to exchange it before I finally returned it. Did that make a world of difference! After I charged it up, I called my wife (who was constantly complaining the day before about my how horrible I sounded with my headset) and after about a 25 minute phone conversation I told her I was on the same headset model headset but on a new I had exchanged. She said that she had no idea I was on a headset at all and was genuinely very happy she could talk with me without having to concentrate to figure out what I was saying like the day before. I have to keep my volume to about 1/2, or below if I am in a quiet room. Once while driving in a friend's really road noisy pickup, I had to turn it up nearly all the way.

This new 8010 headset will also effect and control my handheld like the other did not, i.e. when turning down the volume on the headset it turns down the volume on the phone, it activates Voice Activation, ect... So there is little doubt that there was something wrong with the last one which caused me all of my previous challenges. This new headset also had a later firmware update...newer than the one they have on the Jabra's website. This is probably the root of the evils I faced and the solution I found.

I have now graduated from the okay class to the flawless class with my BT headset. But it appears that this is still the only one that works as good as this one does with the Mogul.
Yes that is exactly what I am saying....but not in the way you appear to be insinuating. What I am saying is that the old BT Jabra 8010 had and older firmware which I am sure caused the fluctuation in results. Once I had one with the latest firmware 1-33-0, it has worked flawlessly without one single crackle, water tube sounding warp, lose connection, blinking sound in and out, or what everelse could happen with a BT headset connection.

So...........yes after Jabra fixed their firmware I had no issues connecting to my Mogul. (i.e. it was a Jabra issue and was not a Mogul issue).
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We'll see how long this one stays nearly perfect. The last one was 2 days or 1? I hope for everyone's sake that there will actually be even a single BT headset that works perfectly with the Mogul before the supposed firmware update is released. That's easily the biggest problem with the phone.
To get a good feel of how many people post flawless or nearly perfect connections with the 8010 (along the few who did not have as much success with the 8010) you can browse here:

BT stack on the 6800 sucks - I sound choppy to my callers - bluetooth - any AGC?

You can also see how the other hit and miss headsets are working. This is one of the best threads showing the good, the bad, and the ugly with head set usability with this current ROM.
TreoNewt, I actually have the opposite started getting crackling again yesterday after several days of jumping back down to okay quality use, so I decided to take my Jabra 8010 back and try to exchange it before I finally returned it. Did that make a world of difference! After I charged it up, I called my wife (who was constantly complaining the day before about my how horrible I sounded with my headset) and after about a 25 minute phone conversation I told her I was on the same headset model headset but on a new I had exchanged. She said that she had no idea I was on a headset at all and was genuinely very happy she could talk with me without having to concentrate to figure out what I was saying like the day before. I have to keep my volume to about 1/2, or below if I am in a quiet room. Once while driving in a friend's really road noisy pickup, I had to turn it up nearly all the way.

This new 8010 headset will also effect and control my handheld like the other did not, i.e. when turning down the volume on the headset it turns down the volume on the phone, it activates Voice Activation, ect... So there is little doubt that there was something wrong with the last one which caused me all of my previous challenges. This new headset also had a later firmware update...newer than the one they have on the Jabra's website. This is probably the root of the evils I faced and the solution I found.

I have now graduated from the okay class to the flawless class with my BT headset. But it appears that this is still the only one that works as good as this one does with the Mogul.

Encouraging observation Hobbes; how is the call volume with this unit... with the ones I've used the caller sounds very low (even with fully charged batteries) and I had lots of difficulty following the conversation on noisy environments.
The phone itself.......I cannot honestly say the sound quality is the best, nor certainly is it the worst that I have experienced. The speaker phone is certainly more tinny sounding than my 6600 and not quite as loud. My 6600 certainly was louder in the earpiece as well. Just like my 6600, I can talk in a really noisy enviroment, but have to strain to hear and sometimes have to repeat to be understood. I think it is a matter of doing too good of a job picking up the background noise along with my voice.

Jabra 8010......In a normal enviroment, it is crisp and clear on both ends with no issues. The volume on my end is more than plenty loud. I usually keep my volume to around 1/2 (but will probably range from 40-60%). When using it for stereo I have yet to turn it up full volume, even while riding in a car.

BTW all system sounds comes thru the BT too. So when I have my iNav going, I hear all direction voice prompts thru my BT, which is REALLY cool as I never have to worry about speaker volume vs my radio and road noise. I will also never miss it saying I have mail, appt notification, etc...

I think the Jabra does have some challenges in a noisy enviroment. I rented a car yesterday for work. They gave me a small fun to drive sports car because they were overbooked for full size cars. It had to have had the loudest amount of road noise I have heard in a car in a long time (with my friend's old pickup excluded). I had to turn the volume all the way up, but did not have much of an issue hearing them. I found myself sometime pressing the BT to my ear only because I had the BT resting in a relax position on my ear. But the other end sometimes had a harder time hearing me. Everyone was able to understand what I was saying, but I did sometimes have to repeat myself. I will not be sure if this a BT issue or a BT stack issue until after hopefully the next ROM update.

I have had a few BT devices in the past do REALLY good in the wind, but most of them are totally useless in the wind. We get quite a bit of wind around hear in the fall and winter, but it has been really calm this last 1 1/2 weeks so I cannot say for sure how it does in the wind.
Went to the local T-Mobile store to give the Mogul/Wing a try. I will say that i was impressed with it's size and weight, it felt lighter and smaller than my Treos past. I'm familiar with WM devices but could immediately tell some of the small advancements of the WM6 system. button placement was intuitive and the start menu has expanded. the screen is comparatively larger than any Treo but the resolution doesn't quite keep up with that of the iPhone. yes, i could use my fingers with success on the touchscreen but a few times i would select something other than what i was aiming for. my biggest concern with the device was the slideout keyboard but keeping it in landscape mode lessens some of that having to turn the device around all the time, but you still have to use it as a phone so it's a mild inconvenience. typing on the keyboard was a breeze. what i liked the least (a real dislike) was the fit and finish of it in that it felt very cheap given the "rattle" of the touchscreen given the slideout. when typing on the phone dialpad it would actually rattle (you could hear it) and that was a real turn-off. i'm going to go to my local Sprint store to try out their Mogul either later today or tomorrow. no, this would not replace my iPhone but perhaps replace the Pearl but i think i'm too satisfied with the Pearl's form factor to choose anything else right now.

nice device
I am actually heading to the Sprint store tomorrow to look at (OK, fondle) both the Mogul (have played with it twice now) and the 8830.

Would be interested in your feedback on the build quality on the Mogul. I still have reservations on that back cover.

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