I can cause a huge battery life difference in my own personal usage. For example if turn off the push email, keep my screen lower than 100% bright, turn off BT, don't have apps always updating themselves creating data calls, talk about 30 minutes a day.....I can go at least nearly 2 days without much challenge.
But when I do all those things listed above plus send a ton of emails, SMS, along with BT stereo MP3 listening, talk an extra 2 hours, a little Wifi, etc...I could be down to only 5 hours or so.
The battery life may not be break any world records, but it is within expectations for what I do with it. Since I use immediate push email all day with BT on nearly the whole time, it will make it through the whole day without an problem (maybe a little topping off during the car drive to lunch and back doesn't hurt with that either). The thing I have noticed is that the stock battery seems to charge slower than most of my other PDA phones.