HTC Mogul owners: How do you like it?

that is what really truly bugs me about the WM operating system.
ahem, Treo 700wx, ram issue: virtually non-existent.

Not saying it's a *huge* problem, you can certainly manage it better (why do you have Camera/java/IE open at once.. live within your means, man!) but don't generalize this to be a Windows Mobile issue. Had HTC delivered on the original 96MB spec, this wouldn't be a concern.
why does a consumer have those applications open? maybe because he/she may have wanted them open. does each owner of a WM device have to know to go back to the memory settings menu to "stop all" apps that are still running? doesn't work for me....

"don't generalize this to be a WM issue?" i can see the hanging heads now...

don't generalize anything is the lesson (ever read Surur's iphone thread?)

enjoy what works for you.
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I believe Microsoft removed the ability to close apps sometime in the PocketPC 2000 timeframe so as to be more like PalmOS - where you just switch to another app. They were getting smacked in the marketplace by Palm and took a page from Palm's book. Unfortunately, while it works fine for single-threaded PalmOS, in a multi-tasking OS like WinCE it creates other problems. Adding more RAM will decrease battery life since DRAM needs to be constantly refreshed. I think ultimately the solution will be to utilize NOR flash which has faster reads than standard NAND flash, and also has the ability to XIP (Execute in Place). NOR flash takes no power when idle either so it is as power efficient as NAND. Only problem is the price. Its several times as expensive as NAND right now. I believe an Intel subsidiary - Strataflash - is working on that.
Ok I did it. I ordered the Mogul. Can't wait for it to arrive. I can't believe how much software there is for WM. Way more up-to-date apps than PalmOS. Spent hours browsing last night.
ahem, Treo 700wx, ram issue: virtually non-existent.
That is probably because it does not have WM6. Some over at XDA are speculating that WM6 caches some parts of a program after launching it so it will load faster the next time. At them moment they don't know how to turn this off, if this is even what is happening.
Ok I did it. I ordered the Mogul. Can't wait for it to arrive. I can't believe how much software there is for WM. Way more up-to-date apps than PalmOS. Spent hours browsing last night.

While I am certainly no expert (I only have a Q), be careful in getting excited about all of that freeware. It is just like the Palm stuff - half of it is probably crap that will crash your device. And the other half will conflict with something else! ;)

As usual, stick with the tried and true programs - and go easy on the installs.
update: took the phone off of the charger at around 6am today. paired it with my Blackberry Pearl in hopes of trying to transfer my address book which ended up not working. anyhow, i left bluetooth on and the device is set to check for email every 1 hour i believe. at 2:45pm the battery had worked its way down to 40%.

does that sound about right in terms of battery usage? i figure another 6 hours and it's down to zero, so lets say 14 hours of battery life without being charged. i'm afraid though that if Goodlink were running (during a normal work day) that the battery life wouldn't last past 12pm given that i really haven't even used the Mogul today.......hmmmmm
does that sound about right in terms of battery usage?
I can cause a huge battery life difference in my own personal usage. For example if turn off the push email, keep my screen lower than 100% bright, turn off BT, don't have apps always updating themselves creating data calls, talk about 30 minutes a day.....I can go at least nearly 2 days without much challenge.

But when I do all those things listed above plus send a ton of emails, SMS, along with BT stereo MP3 listening, talk an extra 2 hours, a little Wifi, etc...I could be down to only 5 hours or so.

The battery life may not be break any world records, but it is within expectations for what I do with it. Since I use immediate push email all day with BT on nearly the whole time, it will make it through the whole day without an problem (maybe a little topping off during the car drive to lunch and back doesn't hurt with that either). The thing I have noticed is that the stock battery seems to charge slower than most of my other PDA phones.

As with any of my PDA phones that I have ever owned, I always get an extended battery (hoping for an OEM sized one...I may try the Seidio one), usually get an extra reg battery, make sure I have a travel charger with me when on the road, top it off while in the car and with a cradle at my office or home, ect....I have done this with every phone since my Treo 600...mainly because I tend to use mine more that the average user. In fact with my PPC-6600 I ended up with an extended battery and 3 OEMs.
day off charger, 15mb of memory free....running programs list:
-calendar, text messages, help, contacts, internet explorer.

opened up internet explorer (EVDO) and it will not access or it using the wi-fi setting as well. both attempts unsuccessful with "connecting" and the little blue circle in rotation.

on top of that, the little 5way pad is difficult to use without hitting the buttons next to it.

going to reset the device for a third time since owning it. maybe that will be the fix.
I can cause a huge battery life difference in my own personal usage. For example if turn off the push email, keep my screen lower than 100% bright, turn off BT, don't have apps always updating themselves creating data calls, talk about 30 minutes a day.....I can go at least nearly 2 days without much challenge.

But when I do all those things listed above plus send a ton of emails, SMS, along with BT stereo MP3 listening, talk an extra 2 hours, a little Wifi, etc...I could be down to only 5 hours or so.

The battery life may not be break any world records, but it is within expectations for what I do with it. Since I use immediate push email all day with BT on nearly the whole time, it will make it through the whole day without an problem (maybe a little topping off during the car drive to lunch and back doesn't hurt with that either). The thing I have noticed is that the stock battery seems to charge slower than most of my other PDA phones.


i hear ya, Hobbes, and i want to really like this device but so far not so good. remember, my Mogul was polling email on an hourly basis and i purposely left bluetooth on, but that was the extent of the usage. no phone calls, no web browsing, no real email usage outside of the polling, no music, nothing. and the battery only lasted from morning til evening. maybe the battery needs to be conditioned?
But even Seidio says that their batteries work best after 5-6 charges - and in my own experience, the battery seems to work better after about a week of use.

Hobbes - read on pdaphonehome someone has the Seidio OEM battery replacement already and they are experiencing better than a 10% increase. They are quite happy with the results so far.
Siedio makes poor (but workable) batteries....I would not put much stock in what they say.

They just want you to cycle it a few times in order to make sure you don't have a dud.
Battery conditioning? Don't think Li-Ion batteries need that these days.

it's in the user guide/booklet that comes with the device. it suggests that the battery life will improve after 4-5 deep uses/charge cycles.

MikeC, you're really becoming tiresome, and i'm sure many others think so. Do you even own a Mogul?:eek:
it's in the user guide/booklet that comes with the device. it suggests that the battery life will improve after 4-5 deep uses/charge cycles.

MikeC, you're really becoming tiresome, and i'm sure many others think so. Do you even own a Mogul?:eek:

Used it for a day, play around with it every couple days.

If you are tired, then take a break and call a truce.
On another note, I was on a call a few minutes ago. All of a freaking sudden, my Mogul turns off. I turn it back on and its quite obviously that the damned thing hard reset on its own.

Sprint customization is taking place as I type! WTF?

Now that this has happened, I'm wondering if I should have gotten the 755. Phones dont hard reset for nothing.
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it's in the user guide/booklet that comes with the device. it suggests that the battery life will improve after 4-5 deep uses/charge cycles.
Yeah, that's crap advice. Advice like that is left over from the nickel-based battery era. Check out Battery University for some 21st Century discussion about batteries.
Battery University said:
A lithium-ion battery provides 300-500 discharge/charge cycles. The battery prefers a partial rather than a full discharge. Frequent full discharges should be avoided when possible. Instead, charge the battery more often or use a larger battery. There is no concern of memory when applying unscheduled charges.
However, it does mention it's a good idea to fully discharge/recharge occasionally (no more than every 30 cycles) in case the device being powered loses calibration with the battery.
On another note, I was on a call a few minutes ago. All of a freaking sudden, my Mogul turns off. I turn it back on and its quite obviously that the damned thing hard reset on its own.

Sprint customization is taking place as I type! WTF?

Now that this has happened, I'm wondering if I should have gotten the 755. Phones dont hard reset for nothing.
Sounds like a bad phone. First I've heard of something like this.

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