The power off menu was hidden inside settings! settings of all places lol....
I remember Microsoft's reasoning behind this one, "Windows 8 will not need to be rebooted very often."
The power off menu was hidden inside settings! settings of all places lol....
Seriously??? You do realise that windows 10 is still pre beta. Microsoft is still putting the pieces together, why do you think that there are so many disclaimers as you go to download the preview???
Probably as the OP wants this to be about him, just him, only him and no-body else.
So far I'm really liking windows 10. They fixed some bugs but there are still plenty to be had sure but its very clear to see they are listening to the suggestions in user voice. They fixed the keyboard on the 1520 and the people app is better and brought back the press a letter for the alphabet search and my photos app is now working. I can set up limits on my data usage again and if u use the white theme the look seems to flow better. I hope they make it so whatever theme I choose the universal apps will change too in the future such as the new store beta which is slow and a bit light on info currently. Its going slow but I can definitely see progress.
smh everytime someone complains about bugs in alpha software.
there's air in bread?!?!It's like complaining about air in bread.
Win10forMobileOnaReallyBigScreenEditionWithEnterpriseFeaturesForPeopleWithPhonesAndTabletsButNotPCs Preview
Why do you hate Windows 8?
Most people's "hatred" can be fixed in 60 seconds with "ClassicShell" or "start8"
Windows is very flexible, I often tweak it to my liking.
Install one of those utilities and voila. A more efficient, speedier, improved Windows 7 with a different theme.
This is why I've made no complaints about how buggy it seems, and it seems much more buggy than any preview version of Win8 I used, or things like colour schemes, which I know are up for improvement down the line. I'm really only talking about the core functionality, which I feel is unlikely to get any drastic overhaul before release. e.g. I can't see them reverting to the Charms Bar at this stage, can you? To me it feels fundamentally flawed and I can't see any of what I hate about it being fixed before release.
Also, WTF!?! Why is anyone here talking about ******* phones? Seriously, how hard is it for you to go and talk about that on the W10 for phones forum?
I'm divided on the hamburger menus being on top of the display, I'd much rather they be at the bottom so the phone doesn't need to be readjusted all the time in the hand, but it's not the worst decision ever.
Just a comment on this particular item: I don't know why on WP the hamburger menu has to be tapped. On Android, you can swipe in from anywhere on the side it's on to open it. It doesn't make any difference if the hamburger is at the top or the bottom of the screen. I would think that WP could do the same, or is there a limitation somewhere?
Swipe to open isn't a perfect solution though; you still need to reach up if the menu item you want is towards the top. But, it certainly helps!
I agree. But it's either swipe to expand menu or swipe to navigate between tabs (see the new Onedrive app for example). Otherwise there would be a lot of accidental openings/swipes and no one would be happy. While I do think they should have just shrunk down Modern UI to have a larger appeal to people who don't like the WP8 style. I think swiping from top or bottom to open the menu is much more convenient for one hand use, while side swipes can be used to change music tracks and navigate tabs.
But I'm not a design expert. Just stating what feels better to me. MS knows better, I guess.
Valid points on accidental swipes. But even that can be overcome. As an example from Android, on the Google Now screen you can swipe away individual cards. You do that by swiping when your thumb/finger is pretty much anywhere on the card. But if you go to the very edge of the screen and swipe in (from the bezel), it opens the hamburger menu. The distinction is very natural once you know how it works.
I would think that something like this could be implemented on WP; swiping from the screen vs. from the bezel.
See, that's just completely wrong. Win8 left the Desktop alone, it was almost exactly like Win7, whereas Win10 has tried to hybridise the desktop with the "metro" experience, ruining both.Well, with windows 10 they have gone back to the desktop and that is really down to enterprise customers. Windows 8 is far too alien in terms of UI for said customers plus 8.1 came a bit to late. Installing programs like classic shell is not an option for most large corps.
No, it wasn't. It was in the Charms Bar, which is where you go to do stuff in Win8. You'd discover it the first time you wanted to connect to Wi-Fi or hook up a second monitor or do anything else. Or, as has been the case for more than a decade, you could simply use the power button on your PC to shut down.The power off menu was hidden inside settings! settings of all places lol....
I think it was just something with a stupid name that reviewers could poke fun at. I don't recall reading anyone saying that it was actually bad or useless or anything. As an alternative to the System Tray, I think it is brilliant, whether you are using it on a desktop or not. That's the thing for me, I use Win8 on the desktop probably 80% of the time and I love it. It makes everything so much easier than it has ever been.Wasn't the Charms bar the universally hated aspect of Windows 8? Now that it's going away with 10 now it appears to be universally loved.
I'm sorry but that is simply ridiculous. Nothing is faster/easier/better than the Windows 8 Start Screen. Everything else requires far more scrolling and clicking to get to what you want. e.g. With the old (and new) Start Menus, you are limited to being able to see 14 pinned applications, at best, and anything else will require endless clicking and scrolling in a tiny window. OTOH, with the Start Screen I can see up to 105 application icons without the need to click or scroll anywhere, either organised to my own liking or in an elegant alphabetical list. Nothing is hidden inside folders, absolutely everything is just a single click away.Why do you hate Windows 8?
Most people's "hatred" can be fixed in 60 seconds with "ClassicShell" or "start8"
Windows is very flexible, I often tweak it to my liking.
Install one of those utilities and voila. A more efficient, speedier, improved Windows 7 with a different theme.
Where? I've been using Win8 for more than 3 years now and never encountered that, even once. OTOH, it happens 100% of the time in W10.I have the bug where opening an app in landscape mode will have it occupy only the top half of the screen in portrait mode in 8.1. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So I wouldn't blame that on Windows 10
Why have a forum at all, then? What's the good of it if we aren't all free to share our experiences, positive or negative? You need to grow up.Why wait? Get back to Windows 8 right now and make yourself happy. Sheeesh, how tough can it be to make a simple decision? Why does everybody have to know in every post you do how unsatisfied you are with Windows 10? This complaining about a wholly voluntary process is so infantile I have a good mind to send a note home pinned to your shirt.
It is an as-new 10" Yoga 2 Tablet, someone else's unwanted gift, not some ratty old piece of junk. In any event, have you seen me mention performance at all? No. As you rightly point out, it is not something I can judge on a tablet I've not really used with Win8. Trouble is, W10 won't install on my Thinkpad 8 so this was the next best solution. (I plan on selling it or the Thinkpad 8 once I've decided which I prefer.)I think this guy's base problem is he bought a "used tablet" off eBay. Used signifies that it could be anywhere from 1 week old to 3 years old. I hope he doesn't expect older hardware to perform on a completely new OS. But, in all honestly, he probably does.
Of course it is, unless you think they are still likely to ditch the Notification Centre and return to the Charms Bar? Or decide that all the work they've done ruining the Start Screen has been wasted and go back to the old one? Those things are set in stone, all they are going to do between now and release is fiddle at the edges. It's the difference between alpha and beta.But seriously, no reason to complain about hating windows 10 right now. It's still not representative of the final release.
That would be me. I'm 56 and took to the first preview build of Win8 like a duck to water. It was brilliant from the very first session, addressing all the things that bugged me in Vista and Win7. OK, I'll admit the Start button was still there at the time but it went back in with the very first Win8 update, after just a few months. Since that time, everything else they have done to try and placate moronic users has made it progressively worse. 8.1 is measurably more frustrating and annoying than 8.0, with title bars and taskbars popping up when you are trying to access the Charms Bar or an ellipsis menu. It's annoying as hell.Ok, you say BS, I use it and it is easy to use but, we are talking about a little older people, 40-60 yea olds and use Windows XP or 7 all the time.
Why? Windows 8 on the desktop is EXACTLY the same as Windows 7. You click with your left button, your right button or your middle button and you scroll with the scroll wheel and you get EXACTLY the same result you would in XP, Vista or W7. Ditto for keyboard use.And I will agree with them for the most part. It's ok on a tablet (a lot better than Windows 7 on a tablet) but, on a desktop with a keyboard and mouse it sucks, even with the 8.1 updates.
But the thing is, it is far better with keyboard and mouse than it is with touch, yet everyone seems to assume it is the other way around. You can't point to one thing that is harder on the W8 desktop than it was on XP, Vista or W7. Everything is the same or easier. Go on, try and find one thing that was easier on W7. You can't because there isn't anything.How usable it is on a tablet is one thing but
That's not a bug, it's a usability issue. I mentioned it to point out the stupidity of treating metro apps the same as desktop applications.But you did complain. You pointed out the maximize/minimize feature being unreachable. That's a bug. Stop being entitled.
So do apps transition from portrait to landscape properly for you? If not, then you are full of **** because that is completely broken. As for the desktop, I'd love to hear your explanation as to how it is much better to have to scroll through a list of all your installed software, rather than have it displayed full screen so you can go straight to the app/application you want. Because I really can't see how click-click-scroll-scroll-scroll-click is better than click-click-click.Loved windows 7, hated windows 8, loved windows 8.1 and now I love windows 10. I love the way it runs and feels on my surface pro and most of all I love how we have a desktop and a tablet version. Both seem and feel right to me. Not everyone will always be happy and that is fine but it is beta and more will still change I am sure. I hope they don't change to much as far as UI because I have really become adjusted to it.
How? Give me a few examples because I'm just not seeing it. Every change I see makes things worse.I like Win8, Win10 is way better.