That would be me. I'm 56 and took to the first preview build of Win8 like a duck to water. It was brilliant from the very first session, addressing all the things that bugged me in Vista and Win7. OK, I'll admit the Start button was still there at the time but it went back in with the very first Win8 update, after just a few months. Since that time, everything else they have done to try and placate moronic users has made it progressively worse. 8.1 is measurably more frustrating and annoying than 8.0, with title bars and taskbars popping up when you are trying to access the Charms Bar or an ellipsis menu. It's annoying as hell..
I'm a long term Microsoft user and supporter, I have been using Windows from version 3.1 and Windows Mobile/HPC/PocketPC devices from 1.0. The change was dramatic, not a minor change. Although I like the live tiles that was taken from Windows Phone, I found the navigation and interface not as easy to use. I don't mind change when it comes to PCs, if some feature comes along that makes my life easier, I will welcome it. I was running 8 from the preview and fully tried for a LONG time to replace WIndows 7, no matter what, it could not do that for me.
AGAIN, I showed it to about 40 people, some older, some younger, all computer users, not all techy but, could do what they needed to do and address minor problems in Windows. Most of them didn't like it, a few did but, they were hard core iPad users (seemed to be the trend). They found it very difficult to get around.
I personally still find it to be a mess. Split up between a desktop to a start screen, It seems like someone at Microsoft had a wet dream to make Windows like an iPad and this is what they came up with. Then they needed to become compatible with WINDOWS apps (the staple of a Windows based computer) and they just completely screwed it up.
Just because you like it and enjoy it (I bet a past iPad/iOS user) not every one does.
Why? Windows 8 on the desktop is EXACTLY the same as Windows 7. You click with your left button, your right button or your middle button and you scroll with the scroll wheel and you get EXACTLY the same result you would in XP, Vista or W7. Ditto for keyboard use.
Actually, that's not completely fair because there are a lot of things that are MUCH BETTER in W8 than they were in previous builds. e.g. More keyboard shortcuts, like WIN+X, better Task Manager and far deeper integration of search. But if you want to keep using W8 like you do W7, you can because everything that was in W7 is still there in W8, in exactly the same place. Once they put the Start Button back, everything was easy again.
But the thing is, it is far better with keyboard and mouse than it is with touch, yet everyone seems to assume it is the other way around. You can't point to one thing that is harder on the W8 desktop than it was on XP, Vista or W7. Everything is the same or easier. Go on, try and find one thing that was easier on W7. You can't because there isn't anything.
I'm sorry, I feel that you are wrong here but, this my opinion. This is my Major reasons for HATING Windows 8/8.1
1. 2 task bars, SO if I run a native Windows 8 app, they show up on the left side of the screen, If I run a native Windows (7-) app, it shows up the desktop task bar. Who's freaking IDEA was this ? So as a power user, I want to see what apps are running, I need to go to 2 places to see this ? STILL not addressed in 8.1 and a MAJOR flaw.
2 Manually finding program that is NOT on the start screen is Not user friendly at all, You have a screen of text and small ICONS to try to find a single app, Once you have 40-50 programs installed, this is a major headache and takes a LOT longer than in Windows 95 to Windows 7 (and yes, I setup a VM with Windows 95, and tested this, it STILL is a lot quicker manually find a program in Win95, than in Windows 8.1). Search works but, I don't want to type in every app I want to run, it defeats the point of using a mouse.
3. Moving the mouse to one side of the screen to find running apps and the "Charms bar" gives basic shortcuts. No this is not quicker, the start menu always showed all apps, and to get to all settings was always 2 clicks, not any faster in Windows 8 and by far not as user friendly.
So performance is a little better on the same hardware than Windows 7 and there are some perks minor on 8.1 but, the negative for a power user like myself out weights the good of it.
And it's not just me, far from it, Look at the global sales of Windows 8, the main reason why the sales are ok, is because people get it on new PCs and don't have a choice, IF every company put a first boot option Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, I don't thinks sales would even be close to what they are now. I have seen 100's of computers, laptops by techs, with licensees for Windows 8/8.1 on the bottom of them, running Windows 7... There is a very VALID reason for this.
What is the Microsoft OS run on MOST computers in the world right now? STILL Windows 7 and followed by XP(still very close). That really has to tell you something.
At least Windows 10 fixes a lot of these FLAWS with 8.1 in fact from my list above of MAIN issues that I have had with it, every one has been addressed in the Windows 10 preview.
Anyway about it, Windows 10 is on the right path to make WIndows 7 users happy and WIndows 8.1 users happy. So, love or hate one of the other, it is starting to appear to be a win, win for all (accept for Windows Media Center users)