I am a proud Lumia 1520 owner. Should I buy 950XL?

a 1520.3 owner here. I have a 950 XL on pre-order and am now waffling as to whether to pick it up next week after reading reviews of the 950. My biggest beef with the 1520 is the usual, its size. it's just slightly too big to fit front-pocket-comfortably and often has to be taken out when sitting down. The 950 XL would solve some of that, the 950 even more. Having lived with a 5" HTC One A9 for the past couple weeks I had forgotten how nice it is to have a pocket-able phone. :excited:

BTW, how many of you have put Windows 10 on your 1520? I haven't yet but now with the latest build I'm considering it. I'm afraid though I'll lose double tap to wake like my 810 did.

I am right with you.. I luv my 1520 but miss being able to just put my phone in the pocket and go. The premium feel of the 1520 it's awesome though, not to mention the camera (although the 950 camera should be better or as good. ).

I'm running the W10M last build. It runs mostly without problems. Whatever problems I do have with it are probably more hardware relayed-2,yr old phone. Still I love the phone though but tempted by 950 kinda. Though I can't see dishing it that money on such lackluster reviews... So might just stay with this great a little while longer ☺
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I was talking to my friend who was an android user. He said that his android phones will slow down, lag, and lose battery after 6 month. I told him that my lumia 920 still holds battery almost a day and my beast 1520 is also great with battery. Eventhough i like all the features like tap to pay etc in android, i love windows phone for its experience. I told him that i will own 950xl soon even if it doesnt have all the features that galaxy s6 edge has
I've pre ordered the 950XL since there are this bunch of ODR in France, but I'll wait for some complete review and I will play with some device in stores when they'll have it before unboxing mine. Because I'm not sure it worth it even if my 1520 still have this fantom tap issue, the magnetometer out for ages, and some other minor issues.
The 1520 looks so gorgeous and the screen is so beautiful with its 6" that it will always be hard to change it for something else xD
I picked up my 950XL last night, I have to say I am impressed. It is "right sized" compared to my 1520, which was just a little to big. You do get hints every so often the OS is finished but overall it's great. I was very hesitant to get it but my work iPhone was done for. The dual sim means no more two phones. From my experience I would so go and order an XL now.
I got a 640 to try out for a few days to see if I could go without the larger and more premium 1520. And...nah. 2 yrs later and the 1520 is still a beast. Love this phone!

I'm just not overly convinced of this later batch of phones. Maybe the 950XL will get better reviews then the 950. I think im gonna try to handle the little bugs I have (maybe the new OS will fix some stuff) and keep riding the wave with my 1520.

I think out of all the phones that Nokia made the 920 and 1520 r probably the most endearing.
Get it, the 950XL is a worthy successor of the 1520. I've used a 1520 for over a year and really liked it, but the 950XL is better. Not only is the spec better in pretty much every way, the fact that it has no phantom touch issues alone makes it a worthy upgrade.
Get it, the 950XL is a worthy successor of the 1520. I've used a 1520 for over a year and really liked it, but the 950XL is better. Not only is the spec better in pretty much every way, the fact that it has no phantom touch issues alone makes it a worthy upgrade.

That's a good point although mine doesn't have that problem that much. The biggest time it's a problem for me are the buttons at the bottom when I put the phone in my back pocket. Err!

I'll have to see one in person. The onscreen buttons would solve that.
Get it, the 950XL is a worthy successor of the 1520. I've used a 1520 for over a year and really liked it, but the 950XL is better. Not only is the spec better in pretty much every way, the fact that it has no phantom touch issues alone makes it a worthy upgrade.

700? to solve that phantom touch I learned to live with is a bit difficult to justify for me ;)
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Well, for most 1520 users, the phantom touch issue didn't happen until several months of ownership. So we really won't know if the 950XL will have similar issues.
I've decided the time has come to upgrade from my trusty 920 to something larger (mainly to save my ageing eyes!) and the 1520 or 950 XL are the two possibles at the top of my list, so this thread is of interest to me.

I see as many proponents of the 1520 as I do for the 950 XL. The things that matter to me are:

  • The quality and clarity of the display. I have a soft spot for a good IPS screen....
  • Phone reception and speech clarity. I don't live in an area of the UK with a strong signal. The 920 suffers in that respect.
  • Battery life. I don't game, engage in much social media or watch videos, but I do surf a fair bit. Lots of business calls and emails.
  • Build quality, fit, finish and general 'feel'. I love the 920 in this respect (a phone that I hated when I first bought it!)
  • Quality of camera in low light shots. My work means I'm often taking pictures in and under dimly lit trains

I've never seen either a 1520 or 950 XL in the flesh. Is the 1520 a '920 on steroids'? If so, I'd be sorely tempted. It sounds as though it has the better build quality. Does W10 run equally well on both phones?

What should I do???
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I've decided the time has come to upgrade from my trusty 920 to something larger (mainly to save my ageing eyes!) and the 1520 or 950 XL are the two possibles at the top of my list, so this thread is of interest to me.

I see as many proponents of the 1520 as I do for the 950 XL. The things that matter to me are:

  • The quality and clarity of the display. I have a soft spot for a good IPS screen....
  • Phone reception and speech clarity. I don't live in an area of the UK with a strong signal. The 920 suffers in that respect.
  • Battery life. I don't game, engage in much social media or watch videos, but I do surf a fair bit. Lots of business calls and emails.
  • Build quality, fit, finish and general 'feel'. I love the 920 in this respect (a phone that I hated when I first bought it!)
  • Quality of camera in low light shots. My work means I'm often taking pictures in and under dimly lit trains

I've never seen either a 1520 or 950 XL in the flesh. Is the 1520 a '920 on steroids'? If so, I'd be sorely tempted. It sounds as though it has the better build quality. Does W10 run equally well on both phones?

What should I do???

I don't own a 950XL, so I can't speak for it very well, but I will tell you what I can about the 1520.

  • The quality and clarity of the display. I have a soft spot for a good IPS screen....

The 1520 has a very good screen, but from what I hear, the 950XL is better.
  • Phone reception and speech clarity. I don't live in an area of the UK with a strong signal. The 920 suffers in that respect.
Reception on my 1520 has been decent. At least as good as my 920. However, I did have a problem later where the microphone stopped working, so it's out for repair right now.

  • Battery life. I don't game, engage in much social media or watch videos, but I do surf a fair bit. Lots of business calls and emails.
I am still amazed by the battery life of the 1520. My 920 drained battery like crazy. The 1520 seems to last more than twice as long. That's not a scientific estimate, but I do know that I can go through a whole day with my 1520.

  • Build quality, fit, finish and general 'feel'. I love the 920 in this respect (a phone that I hated when I first bought it!)
I love the feel of the 1520. I have yellow for both the 920 and 1520. The 920 is glossy and feels more sturdy. The 1520 does feel fragile because it's so thin. I think that's probably what also causes the phantom touch problem some people have. The inner board of the 1520 might bend slightly over time if you keep your phone in your front pocket.

  • Quality of camera in low light shots. My work means I'm often taking pictures in and under dimly lit trains

The 1520 has an excellent camera, but from what I hear the 950XL is better.

Overall, the 950XL is a better phone in most ways. I'm sure most people with a 1520 would gladly trade it for a 950XL. The only question is, is it so much better that they'd be willing to spend the several hundred dollars to upgrade?
700€ to solve that phantom touch I learned to live with is a bit difficult to justify for me ;)

That's the icing on the cake - the 950XL's spec is better than the 1520 in every way except the physical size of the screen.
So I traded my 1520 for the 950XL, it was hard at first, cause the back plastic doesn't feel the same. But after 3 day with it, I can day it's a good choice. I'm just slightly bothered by the blue tint when I look at the screen from an angle. But that's the only "problem" I have with. I had a lot more with the 1520. And it's night and day when it comes to take photos!
I love my 1520 but it is now outdated and replaced it with my 950 xl. Love the XL the only thing I miss is the 6" screen of the 1520. Overall, I love my 950 xl with all the updated hardware and other features.
Overall, the 950XL is a better phone in most ways. I'm sure most people with a 1520 would gladly trade it for a 950XL. The only question is, is it so much better that they'd be willing to spend the several hundred dollars to upgrade?

Personally speaking, I don't think so. I've upgraded to a 950XL from a 1520, and to my mind the 1520 can still hold its ground, especially with Windows 10 Mobile on board. This might change over time as the 950 series get firmware and software enhancements that can really make use of the hardware. For now, I think that current 1520 owners who don't have the opportunity to upgrade shouldn't feel short-changed in any way.

The 1520 might be two years old now, but it's still a class leader.
Microsoft officially stated that double tap to wake up is not supported by the 950 XL.
And as an owner having a 950 XL I can confirm that. (Will be keeping my 1520 and returning the 950 XL for many reasons.)

Microsoft officially stated that double tap to wake up is not supported by the 950 XL.

It's always possible that this feature will be included in a future update. When a new device is released, there's often an update pushed out to fix launch issues.
It's always possible that this feature will be included in a future update. When a new device is released, there's often an update pushed out to fix launch issues.
It needs to have correct hardware support too, which we are not sure the 950 has or not. Otherwise such function can cause heavy battery drain.
From what I've been told, the double-tap to wake feature is software, not hardware dependent.

It's a possibility that Microsoft wants people to prefer using glance screen to see notifications (without needing to double tap). Personally, I don't like my screen being lit up continuously (especially at night), so I've upvoted plenty of double-tap issues in the Windows Feedback app.

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