I am a proud Lumia 1520 owner. Should I buy 950XL?

From what I've been told, the double-tap to wake feature is software, not hardware dependent.

It's a possibility that Microsoft wants people to prefer using glance screen to see notifications (without needing to double tap). Personally, I don't like my screen being lit up continuously (especially at night), so I've upvoted plenty of double-tap issues in the Windows Feedback app.

It needs support in both processor and screen/digitizer if you don't want to drain the battery. But most phones today should support this. At least most processors. But the digitizer needs to be powered without powering the screen too at the same time.
I'm still chewing this one over. Had a play with a Galaxy Note 5 at the weekend and it's an impressive device, but the Android GUI just looks and feels so fussy compared to Windows (even 8.1, let alone 10). Sketchbook pro and the pressure sensitive stylus work really well on the Galaxy and is something I could make good use of. Is anything similar to Sketchbook available for a Windows phone and how well does the 1520 work with a stylus? Also, can the 1520 be made to support a bluetooth keyboard?

I do so like the look of the 1520 and the Windows GUI.
I'm constantly hearing of people moaning about the size of the 1520. Then why buy one???!!!! You new the size before hand. Just get a smaller one thats all you have to do.
I love everything about 1520...except for all the issues it's developed. I have a heavy duty case from Amazon that pretty much eliminates bending....still I fight the screen thing.

MSFT is killing me as I truly LOVE WP. But it's a joke that I can't have a working, no maintenance phone. There was talk that MSFT was going to look at allowing Android phone to run WP...that would be awesome as Android has some GREAT hardware but Android is crap.
I preordered the 950 XL. Used it for about 3 weeks and finally returned it and went back to my L1520. The reason, I returned the 950XL was because, Though the phone has the great specs, for some reason, the built did not feel like it's worth the price and it definitely did not feel like a flagship device.

So, I returned the phone and decided to wait for the next device that is probably going to come out much better and could be a Surface Phone :)

Again, this is my personal opinion. A few things that were annoying were, the Windows Hello, I have glasses and so, it never worked with the glasses on, I always have to remove them and then it was instantaneous. No Visual Voicemail, The battery did not last that long, and for some reason, the phone is extremely light weight, and I need some weight. Also, the back cover kept squeaking.

In short, IMHO, it did not felt like a device where I should shell out over $700
I believe so far 1520 is working way better with windows 10 than 950XL.I mean previous week they released firmware update for 950XL right?Its still a new phone and a new operating system it will have baby sicknesses for like 6 months?maybe more?Let it grow up a bit :)
I seem to be one of those in the minority that have had no problems. My back cover doesn't seem to squeak either lol
Also, Hello works ok... I did do the setup thing several times. The only 'problem' I have is that sometimes, I just can't get the angle right for it to see my face.
Don't forget the 950XL screen is effectively even smaller than you'd think, because it uses soft keys at the bottom (in the display area), unlike those on the 1520, which are outside the display area.
Don't forget the 950XL screen is effectively even smaller than you'd think, because it uses soft keys at the bottom (in the display area), unlike those on the 1520, which are outside the display area.

You can swipe the keys to disappear and that gives you more screen space.
A few things that were annoying were, the Windows Hello, I have glasses and so, it never worked with the glasses on, I always have to remove them and then it was instantaneous. No Visual Voicemail, The battery did not last that long, and for some reason, the phone is extremely light weight, and I need some weight. Also, the back cover kept squeaking.

In short, IMHO, it did not felt like a device where I should shell out over $700

I also wear glasses and I have 0 problem with Hello. My battery life is great with everything turned on and by the end of the work day with heavy use it has 65% remaining. My back cover did squeak a little which was a minor problem that I fixed myself.
I'm a proud 930 user and I'm considering about the 950. My 930 still rocks those preview builds tho
Easy question.... NO....
Just read or watch reviews on youtube for the 950XL & 1520... One IS a true flagship the other looks and feels like a mid-level phone(I don't need to say which is which). I have NO doubt now a Surface Pro phone is in the works, maybe it was MS's plan all along to pacify WP users with a new phone until a real "Flagship" that can stand up against the iPhone & Galaxy tier gets released but the 950/950XL isn't it.. Reviewers such as the one at cnet or pocketnow say it these phones could never tempt a iPhone or Android to these Windows Phones BUT by the time the Surface gets released W10 will be pretty much done(really done like 8.1 is) and W10 apps will be much more plentiful at the Store, then I will give up my 1520 and go new, I can see the Surface Phone being a Windows version of the Note 5 with 5.7" display, SD Card capabilities, 4gb memory, super quick charging both C usb & wirelessly non-removable battery and yes even a stylus pen.. Now that's a "Flagship" phone that can temp iPhone and Android fanboys away... JMHO :)
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I have had my 1520 (ATT) for 18 months, never had an issue with "phantom touch". Just bought a second one off of Ebay and so far playing around with it I don't see it either. The seller (of my second one) also bought theirs new from ATT about 18 months ago. It came in a girls giant wallet protector so it looks like it was stashed in a purse under cover and well taken care of.

I don't really stash mine in the jeans though (baggy Cargo's at most).

As said though we don't know what serious bugs a new model phone will have over its long term either so take those concerns with a grain of salt.

Also keep your 1520 if you do get another until you are comfortable letting it go forever.
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As an avid WP fan, former owner (Focus,920,1020) and mobile enthusiast... I would say no to upgrading. I've always been envious of the 1520 when I was using WP and while I look at the 950/XL... When I watch side by side videos I still see the 1520 being the top tier WP decide for now.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Yes, absolutely, but it's still kludgy compared with the 1520. The soft keys on the 950 XL are there for one reason only: to reduce manufacturing costs.
I was not a fan at all of those soft buttons, but at use, it's just fine. They stay on screen only on app where screen height is not needed (such as fb, start screen, all those screen where you have to scroll up and down) and disapear ingame and playing video. Really it's not bad at all.
And the amoled technology is really nice to display them. So it's probably for cost reduction, and even if I never touched accidentaly the sensitive button (seriously, I don't figure how some guys use their phone to have this problem) and then soft buttons don't "solve" anything for me, I kinda like them now, more than capacitive since my screen is much like a 16/10 screen on all the "productive" app and then, looks larger, so better for me.

Then now I'm using this 950XL for a month, I really don't miss my 1520. And I really now don't care about a surface phone. All the first product of the surface lines had bunch of issue, look at the surface and the surface book. So, my 950XL will be perfect to wait for a surface phone 2 or 3 :D
I . All the first product of the surface lines had bunch of issue, look at the surface and the surface book. So, my 950XL will be perfect to wait for a surface phone 2 or 3 :D

Like the first generation 950XLs?? 😉
Like the first generation 950XLs?? 😉

You know what I mean. 950XL is not a first generation of it's kind. There is no such things like a first generation of 950XL, there is a first serie of a product that got fixed before it even landed in my country like it always s exist in any kind of product.

But well, I'm borred now, I have for myself finaly find a WM phone that works without any issue, and I really don't care if ppl agree with me. My 1520 was not a phone, it was a love/hate relationship. Now I don't even read news about new phones because this 950 solved all the problem I had before with my previous lumias.

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