I am completely over groove music!

Groove needs to compete with Spotify. Spotify has student discount of 50% off. I tried asking them to see if they'll match the price and they said no. I could basically just pirate songs, but with a great deal from Spotify, I just don't pirate anymore. its so much faster to just search and stream. If microsoft could just copy their method because I cannot stand spotify's UI.
The sub-par music experience was one of the main reasons I bought a Galaxy. Couldn't be happier. One thing I will say to w10m's credit is that the swipe keyboard is MUCH better than Android. That's about it .
Windows Phone has probably the worst music player in the history of music players! Even the alternative ones in the Store are useless. For me seamless music play in the most important. I've bared it with W8.1M but in W10M its horrible. Made the decision to switch to a Xperia X once its released.

which is why i have stuck with zune music since 7.5, and have no plans of EVER switching to any other music program.

music is one of the main things i use for my phone, and it was near perfect with ZUNE ever since 7.5

no point in switching to an os or versions that don't work, have bugs, or problems.

music playback and synching, was an issue that was solved a long time ago.

they are basically inventing the wheel over and over again, and not doing a good job of it.

200GB Sandisk in my 950XL. Its almost full of music, music videos, and even a few 1080p movies. Plays flawlessly in Groove.
Never "purchase" music!
Never put music in the cloud!

I love adjusting the 5.1 bluetooth speaker volume, and skipping songs with the Band 2 on my wrist.
Shuffle and skip are my friends.

I can only afford groove radio a few times a year, when my Bing surfing points add up enough for a free 90 days.(and only on WIFI)

Posted from the Continuum.
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Just too many complaints and too many (and for too complicated) solutions are being offered. Here is my experience.
First and foremost, I am considered a windows phone '******' by those around me because I just the OS so very much on my mobile.
I really loved the default music and videos hub on 8.1. I never even thought of trying any other music player and often used to wonder why do others do so, if the native app is so good.
Then I upgraded to windows 10, got groove music as default and life began to take turn for the worse. Firstly, it did not recognize any songs and I was horrified if I have lost all my 1500 plus songs. Luckily that was not the case, just that groove could not 'scan'' those. True to my nature, I looked for possible solutions and I found one. It took nearly half a day (maybe the 640XL processor is slow for such tasks) to scan all but it did. However, it did not find my playlists. So I created a couple that I really need: one for my car and other of just rock songs. It went well for sometime, but then I received an 'update' for Groove. Then again, no songs. after trying a few things now I have about 16 songs out of close to 1600.
To make matters worse, groove does not support a Microsoft sign-in here in India. Most forums suggested I link it to my PC, have the groove app there and then try and resolve issue. but guess what? I DO NOT LISTEN TO SONGS ON MY LAPTOP. I firmly believe that MS totally forgot/ignored this fact while designing a player for mobile. They had something for the PC, which they transported to mobile space without sparing a thought on how people use it for the mobile. What is absolutely unimaginable is that they did it alright before groove. They simply killed something that had no issues and replaced with a crappy app like groove.
But I love windows, so am not switching platforms just for this. However, I love my music and that is probably the most used feature outside of calling and whats-app. So I tried a few third party music players. They are not great, but do the job. I am using Music+ right now. It surprised me by revealing the playlists I created in 8.1 and believed to have lost them for good. The only thing I don't like now on my mobile is that I am unable to uninstall groove music. I just don't to waste even a milli-second looking at it.
Totally agree, Groove is garbage:
* when I tap shuffle it shows one song and plays another
* it randomly stops playing
* any command to play something via Cortana is taking forever and chances I will have to reboot the phone
* live tile is often stuck on one artist/song and not updating
* inconsistent menu appearance (sometimes NOW PLAYING is showing, sometimes it is not)

All I want to say is MSFT dropped the ball on this one and is consistently not picking it up. I left so much feedback about Groove, but nothing is being done.

I will be using my Lumia 1520 for another year probably, before it will be time to get a new phone, and although I used to love Windows, I will be looking in to Android options, because I am tired to compromise my experience. If within a year (and that is a lot of time), MSFT will not polish the OS to perfection, where every single small details is flawless, what is the point of having no apps and sub-par mobile phone?
Wow, only if Groove Music was available in my "geographic region", I might think of giving it a try again. Come on MS, if Google can have Play Music working where I am, surely Groove can do the same. Just another reason my 950XL now languishes in its box in a cupboard somewhere.
Completely true.
I am ok with new UI as long as it works properly....
I have collection of 2000 sound tracks downloaded from Nokia-Music.
in my Lumia 930 with Windows 8.1 it was working fine but after updating to Windows 10, all the collection became one giant album without artist, album art.... and all the properties are lost when we see in file explorer...
The shuffle seems to be broken for me everyone I shuffle it seems to shuffle the same songs in the same order every time

Sent from mTalk
I don't really "get" Groove Music, but from what I can tell it's mainly, or perhaps exclusively, a cloud-based service. Is that right? I do keep my music in OneDrive, but I prefer to play music stored locally on the SD card. Groove doesn't appear to do that, or if it does I haven't figured out how. So I downloaded Core for local music playback, and it seems to work fine. If someone knows of a better player for SD-only music, I'd be happy to hear about it.

No, it's both, I download all the music I want to be available all the time and the rest of my collection I stream on the rare occasions I listen to it.
You can also add your own tracks to a music folder on OneDrive and then listen to those on any connected device by either streaming or downloading the tracks. This works across PC and Mobile as well as their web player.
I have been plagued by that Album Artist issue on Windows devices and can't figure out how to get it fixed automatically. I always have to first do the tags on my PC before I can get a solid album to load correctly in Groove. I also just upload all my music in OneDrive and any purchased items are also stored in OneDrive for easy tag updates. Groove was so annoying last year that I never renewed my subscription at the end of March, however, Microsoft has actually made a huge improvement now. I will still hold off on renewing until they can fix it to work properly on Windows 10 mobile and other devices. iPhone experience is horrible but I only use my Lumia 925 to listen to my own music (can't understand how that Music app on iPhone even works - worse than Groove by miles!).
it works but look at the quality difference between groove on android and spotify or google play music.
How about getting it to display properly when streaming via Android in my car? No album image, no timeline. My Windows Phone 8.1 showed both with Xbox Music.

And why do I have to re-install the app every month or two to get it to work again (after it stops for no reason)?
My problem has always been with shuffle. If you pick a song (128gb card with years of music ), it will only play songs beginning with the first letter and the next letter up of the song you selected. Countless feedback left, still broken. Equalizer is a joke.

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