I am completely over groove music!

The shuffle seems to be broken for me everyone I shuffle it seems to shuffle the same songs in the same order every time

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Hahah I'm glad you noticed too, thought it was in my head...
Bottom line, this whole OS is a giant joke..
can confirm because my car does this as well. It uses artist rather than album artist to display tracks. I have a lot of electronic music on my phone, and each song has "Artist name feat. artist 2". So rather than just seeing the song under "artist name" I see it under "artist name feat. artist 2" when I am searching via artist.

its incredibly stupid. Music playback software should always use album artist rather than artist.
They need to get the original ZuneHD team to work on this app. I loved that UI. But since it's now defunct I have to use my phone. It lacks to say the least. Amazing how something that's relatively new can be outdone by something that's older. I guess that's not really amazing. Anyway, yes, it needs work. Badly. I think it's the #1 item on their suggestion page or something.
They need to get the original ZuneHD team to work on this app. I loved that UI. But since it's now defunct I have to use my phone. It lacks to say the least. Amazing how something that's relatively new can be outdone by something that's older. I guess that's not really amazing. Anyway, yes, it needs work. Badly. I think it's the #1 item on their suggestion page or something.

i had a zune HD for quite a while, before i got a windows phone.
thats what got me into it.

now, i actually have 2 of the same phones, and i use one exclusively for music only.

The shuffle seems to be broken for me everyone I shuffle it seems to shuffle the same songs in the same order every time

Sent from mTalk

its like this on every OS. Apple music does it too. I think it factors in number of times listened to a song when they shuffle it or something. Because I have found that my favorite songs always get clustered together.
No, it's both, I download all the music I want to be available all the time and the rest of my collection I stream on the rare occasions I listen to it.
You can also add your own tracks to a music folder on OneDrive and then listen to those on any connected device by either streaming or downloading the tracks. This works across PC and Mobile as well as their web player.

Yeah, I'm finally getting the hang of it. Initially I was puzzled by my inability to find tracks in File Explorer. When I realized that Groove downloads them with its own code name, I got the picture.

Interestingly, I had already downloaded a number of albums from OneDrive into artist subdirectories I created in my Music folder on my 640xl. Groove on my phone indexed them but left them alone there.

At the moment, I've done more downloading than actual music playing, so I don't have much experience to share. My needs are fairly simple anyway. I almost never play music on my laptop. When I do, I just play from OneDrive. "My" laptop is a work-owned machine running Windows 7.
Groove hasn't worked with my SONOS system ever, but works great on the phone itself. I'll still likely switch to another service soon though.
Hhahahaha, are you really suggesting we give feedback to MS about there garbage music crAPP? We shouldn't have to, they had a perfect music app called Zune that they decided for some dumbass reason to replace with xbox music/groove music. WE DONT NEED TO GIVE THEM FEEDBACK BECAUSE THEY DONT LISTEN. HERE IS ALL THE FEEDBACK THEY NEED, TAKE ZUNE SOFTWARE AND RENAME IT GROOVE MUSIC THEN HIT ENTER. IVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR FIVE YEARS AND THAT WAS WHAT CAUSED ME TO SWITCH TO ANDROID...GOOGLE MUSIC BLOWS AWAY, AND THATS NOT SAYING MUCH, GROOVE IN EVERY WAY, NOT EVEN CLOSE. BTW, IM NOT YELLING AT YOU.....
Yup, Groove is junk, when it was named Xbox Music, it was junk too. I don't understand how the Zune Music app from Windows Phone 7 was dumped in favor of this heaping pile of refuse.

It's even worse for me on PC, I store all my music on a network share. Groove simply will not add music that is not stored locally so it's completely useless for me. So I'm still using the Zune PC client since it just works.

For the most part on mobile I've been using Emby to just stream music from my server at home so I don't need to deal with storing music locally. I may try out the Loco Music Player and Core Player and see how I like them though. It be nice to be able to play music locally again.
I'll say it again. At least you can download songs.

This happens when I try to download on the iPhone.

This is what happens when you try to download on my android device. I have no songs in Onedrive and to my knowledge Onedrive is the only thing that has a limit.

I can't wait to go back to Windows Phone.
I too am over Groove Music, but for a completely different reason. I've dropped my subscription because MS has lost the license to most of my favorite Indie artists.
Almost forgot to mention one of the most annoying bugs in Groove. When you've opened an audio file from the file explorer app and it plays in the Groove mobile app just fine. That is, until the screen times out and causes your phone to stop playing the song you were listening to.
Are people with Groove issue on release build of W10 or insider? I am on latest insider and don't have most of these issues. My version of Groove is: 3.6.2096.0 - Just wanted to see if different versions out there.
I do not (and have not ever) stream from groove. I prefer to own my music. I only purchase whole albums or use my own purchased albums in groove.

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