I'm going to beat the dead horse named Zune once more. That program had no problem managing my music. Groove has nothing but. Dupes of albums, splitting albums up arbitrarily, hang ups, etc. This is on windows phone, ios, and pc. They never talk to one another so playlist exist only on one device at a time. The Christmas sweetheart deal always make me give it one more chance, but despite the support staff's promises, it is still the same clunky, piee of crap music manager it always has been. I donlt see them ever improving it. They know peope are already set in iTunes (not much better, but fuctions better), Spotify, or Google Music. I think what we have now is what we are always going to have. Sometimes I notice an update the the app, and I launch it thinking, "This is it. It'll finally shuffle my music smoothly and not freeze after five racks, or start repeating the same track over and over again." But then it freezes, crashes, and goes into a deep coma only yo be awaken with a hard reset.