I am meeting Gabe Aul: give me ideas!

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Ask him about the 3d view available on other browsers and phones but not on Edge - ask him about snapchat (for the young generation) and ask him about VVM for dual sim 950xl
Ask him about the 3d view available on other browsers and phones but not on Edge - ask him about snapchat (for the young generation) and ask him about VVM for dual sim 950xl

Aul has nothing to do with SnapChat.

You would have to ask someone else about that....
Just tell him to fire up a WP 8 (NOT 8.1) device, copy the best bits and paste to W10M.
Sent From my SP3i3

I went from 7.8 to 8.1. What did I miss in 8.0? There are still some things in 7.8 that I liked better like wireless sync, deep social media integration, and I had the Focus for nearly 4 years and it did not crash even once.

I think all you need to tell Gabe is to quit taking away our toys.
Please ask him to allow notification icons of all apps to be shown on lock screen. Why only 5? And also combine same type of feedbacks into one in feedback app.
Ask when they are going to try to improve the touch experience in W10. They've been neglecting that side of the O/S for to long.
My 2?;

mobile hotspot (while still showing enabled) goes to sleep when the screen times out (5 minutes is the max setting.)

Bring back the "show" voice command from WinMo, "show contact name" which would bring up the contact, now this prompts a web search

While using mobile hotspot the XBox360 can't connect to Live (It did in 8.1)...

Glance's double tap to wake feature has disappeared. (Nokia 928)

Bluetooth text to speech messaging with Audi MMI pauses I.e. Music stops "message from xyz, read it or ignore it?". When you reply read it music resumes for 3 seconds or so then the message is read. Whereas on 8.1 this was a fluid process.

Old people tile was more aesthetically pleasing
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First of all, and importantly thank him for his hard work - fending off the aggro he gets 24/7 is not easy and oh buy him a beer :)

Secondly, pass along my apologies if my rant about the photo app in the feedback depressed anyone (it was a rather long essay, I might have been overly harsh lol) ).

To the questions, if his taking them.

1) whats happening to landscape support?

2) can he shed any light on the lock screen and the lock screen app(s) i.e tetra lockscreen, live lock screen + will api's be released to developers?

3) whats up with not allowing users to set a static ip address on the device (certain lumia models have that option but not all) and when are they going add that to the list of features needed by pro-users?

5) can they add a darn stop button to the now playing bar?
It's one of my biggest pet peeves with WP - having a separate tile just to clear the now playing bar, it's clunky, inefficient and makes for a terrible experience. For instance I use stop+clear, The stop tile is pressed, there is brief animation where the app opens then closes.

6) Ability to create a full offline backup via a desktop / store client - is a must - is one in the works?
This is going to be needed going forward as my last backup was 834 Megs and I don't have that many apps or games installed either.
They get stored to your onedrive and count towards to your space usage. So if you have 5 gigs (as new users for outlook.com will have), 5 or so backups and it's full.

7) How does telemetry data quantify user enjoyment?
for instance I don't necessarily enjoy being shown a grid of photos when loading the photo app although it's more efficient. I'd rather a see a cycling panorama of my favourite images / moments, it's one of those things that is hard to describe. It's one of those random sparks that can brighten up your day. I've already said my piece about the photo app on the feedback app so I'm not going to repeat it here.

8) Any thoughts in adding the ability to amend after it's added / down vote feedback?
There are tonnes of 4 word "feedback" about something... which are extremely vague.

9) Quite hours, it's not tied to location services on the desktop so why tie it to the on the phone?
I understand the need for geofencing but what about the regions where Cortana is not available?
Quite hours is an awesome feature and more people should be able to benefit from it.

10) Double tap to wake for the 950 and 950 XL, any thoughts on that?

11) Garage apps, I'm sure some are curious and many frustrated so I'll ask on their behalf why don't we see UWP's from these teams?

12) Glance background, before we could do something like this but now we can't.... as the glance background app has been made defunct. What are his thoughts and when will we see something better incorporated into the O/S or a return of the app?
Glance Screen + MSN Weather & Bg.jpg

13) What phones does he use personally :)

I've got a few more questions however I need to get back to my online assessment lol.
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Ask him when they say soon ? what is the actual time frame for that

Sent from mTalk
I went from 7.8 to 8.1. What did I miss in 8.0? There are still some things in 7.8 that I liked better like wireless sync, deep social media integration, and I had the Focus for nearly 4 years and it did not crash even once.

I think all you need to tell Gabe is to quit taking away our toys.

You missed a "loading", "resuming" free OS, that seems to be the main thing we got in 8.1......
I am lucky to live in Barcelona, where the Mobile World Congress is held every year. Gabriel Aul has posted on twitter that he will be meeting us insiders on a bar, so I will be going and I would like to get some ideas of what would be the major feedback coming from the WCentral community.
I feel like I have so many ideas and feedback and things to talk about with him and the rest of the Microsoft team that will be there, but I usually am a bit messy when it comes to writing down those things.

So feel free to give me your ideas, lists, suggestions or feedback that you think must be heard! Please be it specific things, not just "make Windows 10 Mobile snappier". The first thing I'll do myself is congratulate him for his work on twitter and the enormous patience he has with some of the most passionate tech-communities I've seen :P

Let me know guys!

Please ask him what is the future, if there is any, about double tap to wake on 950 and 950XL.
I am lucky to live in Barcelona, where the Mobile World Congress is held every year. Gabriel Aul has posted on twitter that he will be meeting us insiders on a bar, so I will be going and I would like to get some ideas of what would be the major feedback coming from the WCentral community.
I feel like I have so many ideas and feedback and things to talk about with him and the rest of the Microsoft team that will be there, but I usually am a bit messy when it comes to writing down those things.

So feel free to give me your ideas, lists, suggestions or feedback that you think must be heard! Please be it specific things, not just "make Windows 10 Mobile snappier". The first thing I'll do myself is congratulate him for his work on twitter and the enormous patience he has with some of the most passionate tech-communities I've seen :P

Let me know guys!

There is only one question, this question is when will or is the ever going to be a Lumia 1050!
Just tell Gabe Jazmac said hello. If you guys are in a bar, he's probably not going to talk too much shop and if he does, he won't remember anyway.
When in the hell are placeholders coming back in Windows 10. OneDrive useless on small drive devices like the Surface.
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