I am meeting Gabe Aul: give me ideas!

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I still use Windows 8.1 as the main phone, even though I have 2 Windows 10 test phones. There are
features in 8.1 that has not been installed in Windows 10 yet. I hope they didn't lay off the engineers
that created the features. My main one I miss is being allowed to assign different ringtones to friends,
including text ringtones. Don't know about you, but I'm still getting calls that I wind up putting on the
blocked list. With one main ringtone, I can't tell who is calling, when I'm at a park walking and the
face of the phone can't be seen, because of the sun light. With special ringtones, I can tell who is
calling me, and answer the phone, even if I can't see the face of the phone, I know the positions of
where to tap on the phone, without seeing it.
Please ask why Visual Voice Mail doesn't work on a dual SIM phone. And ideally when it will. This is an essential business feature. I've not purchased a 950XL in the USA due to this. And the new HP phone looks to be dual SIM too. We know this is not a hardware issue, but an OS one. Please find out when this will be addressed.
There's nothing you tell him that he likely doesn't already know. You should just have fun and get to know him and not rant to him about problems. That's my 2 cents.
Please ask him about the possibility of making the Windows Hello ,Iris scanner on The Lumia 950, be able to work with 1 eye.
My wife is blind in her LEFT eye, her Iris is not prominent in that eye, so the scanner fails, I think other partially blind window users would love to have a one eye option.
Thanks Dave F . Have Gabe contact me if he wants to beta test .
Tell him to do 2 of the following things:

1. Release refreshed Lumia 730 and 830 with SD 410 and SD 617 processors and better Camera and 1 more gigs RAM with NO change in design.

2. Hire some developers to develop Windows 10 Paltform Exclusive Games! For Example: Help Shovel Knight devs to port their games to Windows 10 Store as Universal App and make it exclusive. Some light PC games like Undertale, Fiest, Broken Age etc can run on phone easily. MS should make devs to release those games EXCLUSIVELY for Windows Mobile and PC and market them very nicely so that people can easily forget the lack of crApps such as Snapchat and silly games like Clash Of Clans! May be release, 5 new exclusive games every month and maintain the hype!
Ask him to use a webOS device for a week. Seriously. There are features in W10m that just take way to many taps (eg send someone on the missed call list a text, or the like)
Please ask him the possibility of bring back the ME tile or the integration of social networks on windows 10, thats one of the advantage that windows has it, that take a photo will be easy back to touch any place of the screen to take the photos not just to the camera icon,search on cortana or bing the images couldn?t download or save it as before without go to the browser or webpage to save the pics, fix the outlook notifications, I put a sound for every time that i receive a mail like in windows phone 8.1 but it`s don?t work on windows 10, put more bigger the telephone erase button, integrate on the cam the QR reader, the SMS skyoe integration don?t let me responde the skype conversations, fix groove music birng back the artist album photo lyrics, info of the artist, support the app developers to migrate the apps to windows 10 ecosistem to make bigger the windows store for win more new consumers I love Windows in all the devices i want to all love it too
Politely and cordially ask him if that's an iPhone in his pocket or if he is happy to see you.
1. Live tile animations are annoying and cause lags..Pl ask him to include an option to have them removed
2. Browser crashes have to be fixed.
3. Pl ask him to negotiate with more banks for universal banking apps keeping in mind continuum feature.
4. Get google apps in winm10. Not impossible eh..
5. Upgrade wireless feature to improve the experience through miracast in continuum.
I still use Windows 8.1 as the main phone, even though I have 2 Windows 10 test phones. There are
features in 8.1 that has not been installed in Windows 10 yet. I hope they didn't lay off the engineers
that created the features. My main one I miss is being allowed to assign different ringtones to friends,
including text ringtones. Don't know about you, but I'm still getting calls that I wind up putting on the
blocked list. With one main ringtone, I can't tell who is calling, when I'm at a park walking and the
face of the phone can't be seen, because of the sun light. With special ringtones, I can tell who is
calling me, and answer the phone, even if I can't see the face of the phone, I know the positions of
where to tap on the phone, without seeing it.

custom sounds per user for calls and txt are there. staring at it on my 950 as I type.
go to a contact's profile and edit it (pencil icon) never used the text tone option, but the custom ringtone on a few contacts.

back on topic.... Ask Gabe "WHY DOES AT&T SUCK WITH FIRMWARE UPDATES!!!" while passing him a beer...
3 things so that windows phone can beat the crap out of the other two os
1.Buy or give more support to app developers rather than buying companies
2. Stop with the crap low end devices and seriously bring the hardware in competition to android unlike the 650 which is nothing but crap
and bring in mid range affordable devices until you can seriously update and make your wp10 stable as well as worthy
3. Take the potential of windows phone seriously, because if this year you don't then I will personally give up as well honestly stop recommending about windows phone to others. Its been nearly 2 years and I had my hopes up.
I have the 950 XL. It's a beautiful phone, and I've had the 920, 1020, and 1520. It's snappy. W10 runs pretty well on it. But my question is why MS seems to refuse to get behind it and Windows Phone in general? What is the long-term vision for WP in the company?

Why put so much work into it, charge a pretty penny for it, but leave out crucial aspects, such as the metal of the 650. Why is the 650 considered a "business-oriented" phone, but it comes without Continuum? Why release a product that makes non-MS fans feel sorry for you? What is their plan for changing basic perception of the product? Do they have one?
My 2?;

mobile hotspot (while still showing enabled) goes to sleep when the screen times out (5 minutes is the max setting.)

Bring back the "show" voice command from WinMo, "show contact name" which would bring up the contact, now this prompts a web search

While using mobile hotspot the XBox360 can't connect to Live (It did in 8.1)...

Glance's double tap to wake feature has disappeared. (Nokia 928)

Bluetooth text to speech messaging with Audi MMI pauses I.e. Music stops "message from xyz, read it or ignore it?". When you reply read it music resumes for 3 seconds or so then the message is read. Whereas on 8.1 this was a fluid process.

Old people tile was more aesthetically pleasing

Same for me in my Infiniti. Lumia 928
Ask him what he feel they are doing for the fans and devs. They talk the talk but we ain't feeling the walk. Tell to cut the BS and be straight. I just feel like they are stalling us fans.
tell him to check out all videos on this youtube channel : youtu.be/E1NKLBoP4Jg
this can be next wp10 we want to have
Microsoft should support projects like this:
https:// www indiegogo com/projects/nexdock-turn-your-smartphone-into-a-laptop--2/x/13400302#/
They actually developed a Continuum use case.
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