1. USB connection with Windows 10 PC and Windows 10 phone, allow to copy files to and from each other.
2. USB Internet tethering - To and from both way as needed
3. Allow android Apps to be ran with Project Astoria.
Example don't allow back-ground work access to android apps to save battery and secure data, but allow to lauch app when needed, as don't expect that in 1 yr every next tea maker will make windows 10 app, though we might reach 2 billion pc mark.
4. either allow all apps to be stored on SD or move windows OS image to SD! out of 8 GB, 7 GB is always eaten by OS and APPs and rest is for windows update! when I will get chance to see my phone memory !!
5. Music (Groove)
Let it auto fetch PIC ART (slideshow if found multiple) for give song, don't depend on MP3 creator to always embed correct images related to songs.
6. Visualization : When we will get chance to see Visualization! it may happen that SoC might not support it, but there can be work-arrounds to show it, example scanning MP3 song and creating Visualization file in cache, whenever song is played, based on its position, we can play it !!!
7. In Explorer allow to use wild card to select files
8. Allow one drive folder also be available in file Explorer (windows 10 Mobile)
9. Why I cant see thumbnails in windows explorer !!! I need to use Photos App to see pictures !! but what shall I move from one folder to another is not possible without thumbnail !!!
Tired !! so many bugs to remember..
Also thank him and his complete team for hardwork..
We have already passed elephant out of room, just a tail is pending, lets take a decade to fix it!!:winktongue::winktongue::winktongue: