I cannot downgrade my Lumia 822 with Windows Phone 8.1 Preview


New member
Jul 8, 2014
Some weeks ago my phone frozen without reason and I should remove its battery because I tried hard reset, turn off, etc. And nothing worked and later I got this error:
"ERROR: Unable to find a bootable option. Press any key to shut down."

Ok, I have used previously NSU and I tried both NSU for Retail and Recovery Tool and nothing worked. After download the package and checked its compatibility, it's giving me this message :
"Phone is not supported
The selected phone is not supported by Nokia Software Recovery Tool."

Has anyone lived this problem? Or does anyone has any idea how to fix it? I'm feeling desperate because I cannot find anything. Thanks for your time and help.

IMG_20140728_064236 (768x1024).jpgUntitled.pngnsu.png

By the by I'm using Windows 8.1 Update 1 x64
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Try this with the retail tool (not NSU) if you haven't already. Run it with the phone unplugged, and press the "my phone can't/won't start' option. Follow those instructions and see how you go. It doesn't actually care what state the phone is when it's plugged in, it will make it restart in flash mode and try and flash it.
I have tried it several times that photo is from the bug not when I tried to flash it because it has another screen.

This is how it looks after I have done both process and when "starts" to install it gave me what you have seen before.

IMG_20140728_115607 (768x1024).jpg
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