I keep coming back to Windows Phone

Re: I Keep coming back to WP

I keep moving between all 3 platforms. There's no denying that the ecosystem for the iphone is amazing. So many specialized accessories for it.

Do I love the iPhone, not particularly. Love my Idol 4S, though it does have its shortcomings too.

Android could be great, but they'll never get a handle on OS upgrades. The iPhone works consistently, the UI is a mess...a complete mess. Apple Pay is pretty cool honestly. I didn't always bring my wallet in the store if I knew they accepted Apple Pay.

All of them have their drawbacks...in the end, I come back to WM because the UI makes sense, and I like it.

I moved from Sprint to T-Mobile a few years ago specifically b/c I wanted to have more unlocked device choices. So far, I'm very glad I did.
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

** If MS "could" close the app gap for critical apps, spend some bucks on marketing, i believe WP can bring IOS and Android to their knees**

This was my mantra 6 or 7 years ago. I really thought that Microsoft could pull it off. I don't think so anymore. Their focus is going to be enterprise. They've all but surrendered the consumer market to iOS and Android. That's just the way the cookie crumbled.

That said, i love Windows 10 Mobile. I've never left it because I know i'd be back. The aesthetics, the ecosystem, the hardware, etc... I really enjoy all of it!
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

@dorelse - was device selection the main factor? Or is coverage and speed better as well?

The ability to bring my own phone was paramount. Coverage for tmobile in IA is crap anywhere but the freeway or major cities. Once you're outside of Des Moines, you're on g3 on iWireless....but it works, and its cheap!
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

I really like windows mobile and have for quite a few years, going from a Samsung focus up to the current x3 and idol pro 4. That being said I currently find windows 10 mobile to be in much disarray, even with the current fast ring I am hoping MS stop craping the bed with this and come to the table with some serious upgrade and work on windows 10 for mobile with RS3. My daily driver right now is the iPhone 7 plus because of the stability, the apps and how the camera works, I also have a Samsung s7 edge too. At this point in time if MS can not get its **** together with mobile in the very near future I will drop it completely.
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

The ability to bring my own phone was paramount. Coverage for tmobile in IA is crap anywhere but the freeway or major cities. Once you're outside of Des Moines, you're on g3 on iWireless....but it works, and its cheap!

Of course. Bringing your own phone and the ability to switch between devices should you choose is a pretty darn good thing!
Re: I Keep coming back to WP


Please can you help me with this:

Currently I use an android phone after several lumias, I wan come back can you tell me if these app work correctly at this time on W10M. I want to buy a lumia 1020 for the great camera.


Other question the lumia 1020 still join a insider w10m?


Re: I Keep coming back to WP


Please can you help me with this:

Currently I use an android phone after several lumias, I wan come back can you tell me if these app work correctly at this time on W10M. I want to buy a lumia 1020 for the great camera.


Other question the lumia 1020 still join a insider w10m?



WhatsApp is supported and generally updated occasionally from what I hear. Facebook is problematic, most people use Edge or a third party app like SlimSocial for it. Instagram has most of the features it has on the other 2 platforms, it is updated here and there. Office gets updated often. Edge is generally fine.

I doubt that you can join Insider with that phone but I'm not too sure.
I have used just about every OS (mobile and desktop).
When I was younger and a hardcore computer gamer it was always Windows and a simple Nokia or Nextel phone, then onto Windows Mobile way back. Had a few iPhones (1, 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6 plus), a couple androids and a couple blackberries, throw in a couple palms with Windows in there as well. I hadn't used any Windows phones from Windows Mobile until Windows 10 (skipped 7 & 8). I can't see myself going back to iOS or Android. I just really enjoy the layout of Windows.
Currently I am using an original iPad for ONE application at my desk (IP camera that I can't get working on my Elite X3 or 950XL). But it doesn't get used for ANYTHING else. Every once in awhile I will boot up my old iPhone and realize how much I hate it.
Windows 10 Mobile is just smooth and beautiful. More apps would be great and more phones would help a lot.
Advertising is REQUIRED, but people I have shown it to see the capabilities and want to buy in but it lacks some of the daily features they require.
I've found it a very familiar story to the BlackBerry one with BB10. They're both fantastic os's but the lack of an ecosystem and consistent updates to the apps has really doomed it in the view of several people. Do they still work? Absolutely. They still are unbelievable in certain respects and I truly believe if they would have been a little earlier and had the ability to build out those ecosystems they would have been very successful. I do hope Windows can make a turnaround at some point and find that next "it" thing that pushes them back into the conversation.
I never left WP/WM; I've had it for my last four phones.

But it makes me so angry that I seem to care more about the OS than MSFT does. I really, really don't want to go to Apple or Google, both of which I dislike. But I may have to. It seems like every two weeks or so lately I have some problem with my Win Phone that I never had before. Last week it was the battery suddenly acting crazy. Today OneNote is going berzerk in a loop saying it can't sign in. This after very long stretches of time where my L920 or 640 or 950 worked perfectly fine.

Someone said maybe MS is purposely pushing people away so they can write software for the other platforms. I don't know about that, but they certainly don't seem to care about us users. Even if you love this platform and don't want to leave, how long do you put up with a phone that glitches out on basic functions?

So very disappointing.
I've found it a very familiar story to the BlackBerry one with BB10. They're both fantastic os's but the lack of an ecosystem and consistent updates to the apps has really doomed it in the view of several people. Do they still work? Absolutely. They still are unbelievable in certain respects and I truly believe if they would have been a little earlier and had the ability to build out those ecosystems they would have been very successful. I do hope Windows can make a turnaround at some point and find that next "it" thing that pushes them back into the conversation.

Very true. BB10 was a very good OS but was too little too late. The big difference is MS is more than just phones, so they have the luxury to be on the sidelines and plan for the future. Blackberry had to survive or else. I think both will be fine though they took different paths.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Very true. BB10 was a very good OS but was too little too late. The big difference is MS is more than just phones, so they have the luxury to be on the sidelines and plan for the future. Blackberry had to survive or else. I think both will be fine though they took different paths.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Exactly. It will be very interesting to see where things go for both of them.
Honestly, I wish I didn't want to come back...or stay for that matter. I feel like I am supporting a product that really isn't supported at all. I wish I could move on and forget but, well, here I am using my 950 instead of my iPhone.
I would love to return to Windows Mobile but without new phones being released on Verizon it doesn't look like that will happen anytime in the near future. I have moved on to iphone but miss much of what I had with the Lumia 928. The 928 is still my alarm clock and mp3 player. It would be to difficult to move from Verizon for different reasons, so it's up to Microsoft to get me back.
I loved Windows Phone, but changed to Android about a year ago because I got sick of Microsoft's BS. Yes, I use Windows daily, but I had been waiting for the Surface phone for too long without any news from Microsoft, apps and vendors were retreating from MS, the number of apps shrinking, and MS's own devotion to the platform dwindling. Add to that all the mistakes by Microsoft in rolling out Windows 10, changing promises like certain OneDrive charges, and I just got fed up. In this day and age of dying technology often within months, holding my breath for MS to make any kind of accouncements became fatiguing. It seems to me they also not only neglected but completely disregarded their devoted base, including me, and no company that ignored loyal customers deserves my attention. Windows Mobile is more flexible than iPhone, more stable than Android, but now that I've changed I probably never will go back. I'm really just sick of MS. They let me down one to many times ...
Even i use android phone. But i always miss my wp. So i started using android as back up phone when i need any apps that are not on wp which doesn't happen mostly. But using mails,documents on wp is so reliable and the fluidity of OS keeps me stick to WP. As of now only me and my brother are using WP. But when wp8.1 was released we convinced almost 10-15 of our friends to try WP.

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