I keep coming back to Windows Phone

It comes down to one thing for me, commitment. Microsoft needs to fully commit to the phone, otherwise how can I be sure the $500+ phone I bought wont end up a paperweight in 3 months?
I dont care about the app gap, all I want is Microsoft to actually seem like they care about the future of their devices.
First off, I jumped from iOS to Windows Phone on Day 1 of the Samsung Focus. I'm a developer and a large part of my success is thanks to Microsoft and I was ready to pay it back a bit by supporting their system.

I loved those Lumia's over the years and the overall design. Even bought that famed "unicorn" 1520.3 for way too much money because I didn't like AT&T bastardizing the 1520. I stayed put and loved it.

Then, over the past 20 months or so, the writing was on the wall that they weren't fully supporting the platform. They weren't gonna outright kill it, but features kept being removed, and apps getting unpublished. So, last fall, I jumped back to iOS. Despite missing some of the features at first, once I learned the iOS way to do things for optimum efficiency, iOS is just way beyond Windows Phone in overall user experience and app quality. That pained me at first, but then the more I experienced iOS, I wish I had jumped earlier. Which makes me sad for Windows Phone too.

Simply put, I'm not going back unless Microsoft is somehow able to build back a minimum of 10% market share that shows continuing growth (which would imply closing of the app gap).
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

I left a few years ago - mainly due to the exclusivity garbage. I grew tired of being a Windows Phone supporter, but not being able to get the flagship phones. I always felt like I was on the outside looking in. iPhone has turned out to be a delightful experience for me and at this point I could never see myself going back to Windows Mobile. I would miss too many of the apps that I have come to rely on.

For me to come back, Microsoft would have to solve the app gap and produce a handset that is better than the iPhone. I just don't see that happening. To make matters worse, when it came time to upgrade my Surface, I went with an iPad and never looked back.

Nice work, Microsoft!
I never left and I like my phone. I have a iPhone for work and it always like a chore to get anything done. I just like the UI better on my WP device. I would like to upgrade the device to one of the new devices but my 950 xl works fine for now.
I had been with WP since the beginning... the last WP I purchased was a Lumia 1520 (still the best built phone I have ever owned)... but I have moved onto Android on a Nexus 6P and have even switched back and forth a few times. Initially the apps weren't an issue.. I don't do banking on my phone... I don't fly often enough... I don't do chat apps, etc... I even like the way email, etc work better on Windows. The biggest issues for me were Android Pay, the back mounted finger print reader, and Google Play Music. Had a Groove pass since the Zune days (bought several years during the 50% off Christmas and Pi day sales) but since Groove doesn't offer any kind of family offering it makes it a nonstarter... for $15 on Play Music you get an addition 5 accounts... this works great for the family.

But I L.O.V.E the windows phone start screen and live tiles... that's the hardest thing about Android... even though there are tons of launchers to choose from (even Arrow from MS is pretty good) none of them replicate the beauty and function of the WP start screen and live tiles... so much so that I had to write my own launcher to try to bring some of that functionality to Android. It will be out soon and you can test it right now if you want: RevoLauncher | The Android launcher for the Windows fan.

If MS can get some momentum in the app store after AR/VR get going this year, and maybe with XBOX One / Scorpio in the mix they can get apps like YouTube, etc into the mix for UWP apps there might be some hope.

If MS releases a cool folding surface phone that is a full computer count me in too... I will come running back. But they do need to get some devices flagships going and get some key app/platform things work and up to par (like mobile payments) to really be a player in this space. Part of me thinks that after a certain period of time users might get a little bored with iOS and Android and maybe then WP becomes more of a thing... maybe a true surface phone/tablet/pc/3in1 from the Surface team can generate some interest.
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

I have been a Lumia user since beginning. I am just 23 and I had no phone in school. So the first phone I got was Nokia 5233 ( a Symbian) but then I quickly jumped to Windows Phone after it was launched with Lumia 710. Since then I alone have owned 2 720's, one 625 and now I am on 830 until (hopefully) Surface Phone takes shape. :) Meanwhile, in a small family of four and my girlfriend we all switched to Windows Phone/Mobile overtime. SO we have owned Lumia 730, 920, 1520 and now 650. In all this, we have tested waters on android and iOS as well. But kept coming back to Windows.

I, personally, "can not" use other phone. Because I started with Windows, I feel I am in a very awkward position now. I am just too comfortable now. :/ Its a good and a bad thing. Bad because over the time it has become very tough to survive on a Windows specially if you are young in college in a lot where you feel complete outsider. Hell, I am in my final term of Masters and I have always used Windows, so personally this doesn't affect me but now it has become very tough. Another reason I feel it has become tough for me to stick on Windows Phone is because I came to Canada from India. :/ Smartphone market specially for Windows Phone sucks in Canada. The apps that you use in day-to-day life such as local news, transit, local restaurants, university apps and banking; they have zero presence on WM in Canada while this was not the case in India. All major banks, restaurant chains, railways had superior quality apps on Windows and it was easier to stick with Windows. It has become specially tougher now because even the ones which are on WM are leaving gradually.

But I think I still can not switch. I am so much comfortable here that when I pick android and iPhones, I am like what the heck is this... I am not saying they are bad (although I very strongly feel so :P ) but its just tough to switch to them. The things that make me stick to WM are: i) I am completely in Microsoft's ecosystem. From Windows PC, Windows Mobile, Office and Office 365, OneDrive, Outlook and on top of that my university is also in Microsoft's ecosystem so it just becomes natural. ii) I know my way around in Windows Mobile. I know where everything is. I have grown up here. From Windows Phone 7 to Windows Mobile 10. I have seen every OS in modern Windows Phone OS. I actually used Windows Mobile 6.0/6.5 as well but I don't think that has anything to do with my love for this family. iii) I learned development on Windows Phone. I started developing apps for modern windows when I started learning coding. Microsoft was campaigning very aggressively in India among students at that time. iv) Hope for things to turn around. I know things have been tough and probably there is no point of staying as well but I do believe things will change soon. I am one of those fan-boys who are counting on Surface Phone or whatever that mystical device is called.

Although, I am most hurt when I see that Microsoft's own apps have much higher quality on rival systems. I understand every logic in the book that they are a software company, they are this they are that... but it just hurts. :( Microsoft has to start changing that.
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

I miss Windows Phone. WP8.1 was superb: fluid, responsive, so easy to use; it was clear that MS had put a lot of research into the interface. Pivots were a joy.

And then WM10 arrived, and MS destroyed all that I loved about 8.1. Smooth animations with visual feedback replaced with Android-like clunky animations. Awful hamburger menu system introduced in a hopeless desire to attract developers / users from Android and iOS. Resuming... Resuming... Resuming... Unstable OS.

I do miss Windows Phone, and there are times when I regret selling my Lumia 735.

Android is maturing and improving with each upgrade; iOS, too, improves. Once my iPhone reaches end of life, I'll most likely return to Android. But I won't rule out a return to Windows Mobile. Never say never.
My first smartphone was lumia 520.Now using Lumia 730.now waiting for build 2017.

Sent from mTalk
Yeah. I've thought about leaving because I loved my Microsoft Band 2 but it never really came together as a consistently functional device for me. I'm a little jealous of the Apple Watch...but it doesn't have a keyboard so I stuck with my Band 2. Love the camera on the pixel but just can't give up the UI and OS. Everything out there that's available seems so boring. I'm a punk at heart and though it seems about as insane as possible to say, W10 Mobile is about as far outside the mainstream as you can get and still have a fully functional phone. It might be the most punk of the three. If I ever left I know I would just come back anyway. Here's hoping the next phone that gets put out is worth sticking around for.

To address the other notes: I play zero games on a phone and have honestly only missed one app through the years and that's the moviepass app. I'm a film teacher and my parents bought me a moviepass I had to return because it doesn't function without the app. I would have liked to have been able to use that. But eh. I like my phone and my phone's ecosystem and UI better.
Yeah, if only Microsoft would fully commit to deliver the best experience of their SW products (Office, OneNote, Skype, OneDrive, ...whatever..) with products running THEIR OS.
While with Windows 10 for PC they seem to be close, for other platforms like smaller tablets (say 10" and smaller) and, to get to the topic, for Phones, they are not there. They show not much signs of commitment. Just to pick up one, OneNote: On Android, you can draw a scetch with your fingers, which for me it would be a cool thing to have sometimes. On W10M? Forget that. And the list is long, quite long.

THAT is the thing which drives me away from W10M and may prevent from returning, even if there would be a cool device available.


I always considered myself immune to the app-gap issue... until I installed a security camera at home, and discovered that the camera needs its app in order to be configured/monitored. And guess what, there's no WP/W10M version of the app (not even for Windows 10 Desktop). So I had to put away my Lumia 950xl and get a Huawei P9.
But at the end, it was a good move.
The build quality of the P9 was amazing, compared to the plastic approach of the Lumia. Most MS apps and services (OneDrive, Office, Weather, News, etc) are available for Android. So, basically, the only thing I miss from W10M are the live-tiles.
Basically, MS will not kill W10M, they will let it die slowly and painfully.
Yes, of course W10M can win me back. But... it would have to help me get laid as much as my iPhone. That means social/dating apps at the very least. I say that somewhat jokingly, but for those who say the "web site" is good enough, it's not. Getting a notification being able to respond in a timely manner is important these days. It helps take advantage of opportunities while they are available, and not when I finally receive the email several hours later.

Also, my iPhone is very good piece of hardware that also looks good to me. A W10M device that wins me back will have to have the same qualities.
Re: I Keep coming back to WP

the app gap didnt bother me that much what made me switch was edge, on my 640 it just refreshes and crash, repeat; constantly all day long its unbearable, in on a Samsung now but miss my lumia its updating to latest build ( migrating data step 2 of 7)as we speak, it ms would fix it then id switch back that is take sim out of samsung and put it in lumia, wanted to go with a better windows phone but was shell shocked couldn't risk new phone doing same thing, so ill hold on to this android till windows get their stuff together, keeping lumia for wifi, I've gotten so used to it its seem strange working on an android phone. Lumia just finished will see if edge still crashes or not. build 10.0.15063.0 will post after checking it out.
I'm not one to leave a phone OS/platform/ecosystem for another one. I like Windows right now. The app gap only bothers me when other opinion-journalists spew nothing but bad things about the app gap, and most being 100% incorrect.

I enjoy the UI, the features, being able to test new features early; add suggestions and watch them being added to the platform - things are moving forward.
(Zack, where is your RS3 wish list?!) I was waiting for the virtual reality (mixed reality) for windows 10 mobile, but that's only for Windows 10 PC.

If I leave, I may not come back. I'd keep going on to build my on my new ecosystem; favorites, pictures, music, etc. The other devices will have more than I want or need, and they do work just as well. I will take the time to build familiarity with the new device. If I had to pick, I will go with iPhone.
I've yet to leave. But I've been considering it. The only thing I need to avoid leaving is a new phone on my carrier. That's it. I so loathe iOS and Android that I'll take a low end phone at this point. Just something.
I have L640 with release preview working as work phone (quite little usage). Currently Skype for Business does not install, older WC app does not install, newer WC app does not open up and weather cannot be set as lock screen background. MS could start by making W10M and Store more reliable.

After that I could mention Pokémon Go and "the next big game", hamburger menus that can be swiped open and good hardware at decent price, after which we could start talking. But hey, W10M is no more developed for ordinary customers, so I'd say it's "GAME OVER INSERT COIN" for me... Arrow Launcher will do ;)
I want to come back so much. There needs to be a compelling device that I feel will be supported for the long haul. The fact that I have to worry about that is concerning, but then again, I guess that's also true for 98% of the Android market.

And it's the app gap around IoT. I'm trying to build a smart home and while I know there are alternative apps to Nest that work on WP, not having the native app there or for my garage door, or even just Wink so I can control things from one spot.

And Google. While I'm not as heavily invested in Google as some others, having support for Google Photos would be nice. Unlimited full resolution uploads from my Pixel is quite nice.

Snapchat would be nice, but its rarely used by the folks I interact with, so its not make or break for me.

I've got most of what I care about otherwise.
Bank of America
Facebook, Messenger, Instagram
A few casual games I play like Subway Surfers and Candy Crush.

Also, if Microsoft could get their whole messaging anywhere Skype crap figured out, they could actually compete with iMessage, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Just make Skype work like iMessage if you have a Windows phone or an Android. I don't see why they haven't done that yet.

I love the UI of WP, I love the dark theme, and I hate that I'm blinded by my work iPhone and personal Pixel anytime I turn my phone on in bed. I loved how dim I could make the display on my Lumia 928.

I'm always ready to give Windows Phone another chance. I just want to feel like Microsoft is really going to make the push necessary to sustain the platform in the market as a real 3rd choice. As always, I feel like the next big thing to make the platform competitive is always just around the corner.
Definitely love the die hard fans we have here. The more and more I read has me considering getting a higher end windows 10 phone to fully experience it all.

Very cool responses.

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