I have been on both iOS and Android. The iOS devices are too rigid as far as software/customization and being locked down. I did jailbreak one at one point and that was a pretty nice experience. Best of app availability with jailbreak customization... but alas the BYOD rules at my work didn't allow for jailbroken devices... so I went over to Android.
Again, highly customizable... but every Android device I have owned has become laggy at some point after installing 3rd party software on it. Not at first but after a while. Plus the battery was always getting drained by power sucking widgets. I was always looking to see which app was sucking the life out of the battery and uninstalling it.
I sum it up this way for people...
* If you are tech challenged ... then an iPhone is probably for you.... boring and simple but it just works.
* If you are highly technical and want to be dallying with your phone constantly, tweaking it, etc. then go with an Android.
* But if you want an elegant, balanced experience and a great camera phone (thinking Lumia line here) - then go with Windows Phone.
Great integration with Office, OneDrive, Exchange, etc. The app gap is closing a bit and with the universal coding platform coming for Win10 (code once for phone/tablet/PC) then we should see the apps library grow.
This is why I would stay with a Windows Phone. Plus - it is different that the rest of the crowds... when I show my phone to people who ask, I can tell they are impressed with it.
Who wouldn't want a screen you can customize like this? (pics below)
Everything you need on the one screen! No multiple pages to lag around through... No boring icons.
These are just a few of the home screens I have used recently.