I'm not doing anything wrong.
I used android exclusively from the very first Moto Droid(got it on launch day actually) in 2009 up to the M7 in 2013...though I have been checking out the M8 android(and windows) for curiosity reasons. Android has gotten way better than it did in 2009. I noticed that in 2013. But it still is an unattractive OS(Yes I know you can customize till your heart is content), I also don't like any of google's products aside from youtube and I find them to be inferior to my preference in Microsoft products and even apple products. iTunes is still king when it comes to media....and I use Amazon for books. But Microsoft xbox music/video catalogue surprisingly does have some of my music in it.
I've experienced android lollipop and it reminds me a lot of windows phone/metro with an android flavor. It's okay to look at but it still feels like the same android from way back when. I notice on hardware that is high end like the galaxy and M8, after awhile...performance takes a hit still with Android even on kit kat and lollipop. I've had a 1520 since it launched in 2013 and no problems with degrading performance or anything.
I notice with Android, I have to be careful what type of android I buy. For starters, some OEMs are ridiculously slow with updating their devices to the point the OS update is incredibly outdated.
If I want the best experience of the OS, I have to buy a Nexus. But then I have to deal with a crap camera compared to the other problems.
That's the thing with android...way too much choice to the point where I have to settle for less to get what I want. I don't have to do that with windows phone.
Even with a lesser camera, I can still get the same experience with a unique take on the M8 or Samsung phones.
Or maybe I am low on money...if I buy a low end android...unless it is a moto E/G, I have to deal with far worse performance. Most low end Lumias are surprisingly great for the price they are.
Android just sucks in my opinion. Another thing about Android, I've yet to see anything really game changing from any of the OEMs. My last game changing thing was 4G in the HTC Evo in 2010...I had a Lumia 1020 that even to this day is still a very innovative product that OEMs are still trying to catch up with.
Apple introduced touch ID which to be fair, it wasn't thought of by them but they did it better and in a far more easier way than Motorola or past products did. Notice HTC tried to copy them and they bombed on that
What I love about apple is...They have great hardware(Yes I think apple hardware is great) and good cameras for a Non-lumia phone. I Love the ease of use with their OS. It was different coming from Windows Phone but I love how cohesive IOS is with everything.
Android feels like too much going on at one time and everyone sort of doing their own thing and leads to confusion. IOS feels like one unit, one team....working and adapting together as it should.
I want MICROSOFT to stop slumming it the way Android does with all these random models and unfortunately fragmented OS and start giving us a cohesive and fluid experience akin to Apple.
I find Microsoft > APPLE > Blackberry > Android as far as OS goes to be honest.