I love WP 8.1, but it's hard not to look at other platforms these days.

I have a problem with my wp8.1 (Nokia Lumia 530) , i saw on a friends phone (also a wp Nokia no sure witch one) after they tap on a contact in call history or in contacts it displays a contact profile asking if the user wants to call or send a message but on this phone it calls right away can that be disable (i often accidentally call people while swiping) if anybody knows please let me know i searched a lot but couldn't find it anywhere
I am sorry if i shouldn't ask this here but i don't have the energy anymore to look for posts just want to know that if its not possible then i should get an android phone

There should be a round icon to the right of the caller name. Click on that instead, and you will see their profile and will be able to choose phone or text.
I can see where you're coming from. This is the situation as I see it. There are two types of Windows Phone users. Those wanting greater compatibility with the Android ecosystem and those that are desiring Windows Phone to be a lot greater than what it is. The simple answer is that Windows Phone is different from Android on ways we can't articulate. Android is like, a popular girl; she's hot and everyone either wants her, or who wanted her has probably already had her. Windows Phone is the girl that isn't ugly or anything, but she had those idiosyncrasies. Maybe she's a hot nerd, or maybe she's weird when she talks. Your phone says a lot about your personality, and Windows Phone users aren't easily bought, and they aren't followers. They have their own theme music.

I personally do not think there will ever be any flagship products from Microsoft. I don't think it's in their DNA. It is not their strategy. There are powerful Windows Phones we have considered to be flagships, but I'm not entirely convinced that they were.

To further my analogy, I think Microsoft believes that the software is the popular girl, but they're not that sold on the presentation. People hate the thrift store mentality of the "girls", but the women are effective. It's as simple as that.

Microsoft should do us one solid and give us a "Xbox 360", or "Surface 3", but I doubt that they ever will. If you do see a flagship Windows Phone, it will be from an OEM, not Microsoft.

Now back to where I started; when I say greater compatibly with the Android ecosystem, I'm talking about Windows Phone apps either emulating Android apps outright or packing even more features than Android apps. I'm not talking about "Plan B"; that is a recipe for disaster. Windows Phone apps, whatever they offer, need to take advantage of the Windows Phone hardware, not chase it's own tail by offering a better version of what already exists on Android. A lot of people will disagree with me, but I think that WP has something to offer, not, "well this is available on Nintendo and it should be available on Sega".
I'll start this post by saying that I'm not planning on switching away from WP, BUT it's starting to feel like unconditional love.

Let me explain myself.

I bought this nice Lumia 920 almost three years ago and it was a really good phone. I liked it a lot. To me the fact that I can view webpages in desktop mode is something I wouldn't want to lose. It is extremely convenient.
The camera is not what it used to be for some reasons, but it's still awesome in low-light situations. The phone does feel heavier, not because it actually is, but because all my other devices are lighter than they used to be... so picking up that beast feels like it's 3 pounds heavy when in reality its a lot lighter than that.

So, why am I here today?

I'm looking for a new phone since my contract with my carrier is over and I can pick whatever phone I want, but I can't... I could get a new iPhone or a new Android, but I want a WP and there's no such thing as a new WP. Even worse, there's only two I can get and it's the 630(I think) and the 830. Nothing worthy of an upgrade here or nothing i'd like to own for the next two years(if you prefer).

Now add a little bit of "no flagship until later next year" and you can see where I'm going with this... I'm seriously considering jumping ship for the lamest reason there is: I have no patience.

I had big expectations for WP and those expectations were fueled by MSFT's promises to double down it's WP efforts, but they did not deliver. Now I'm stuck with the feeling that I should jump ship if I don't want to be disappointed all the time. I'd love Microsoft if they released something good for the holidays, but they released a budget-friendly smartphone... again.

Am I the only one in this situation? I feel like this OS is never going to be a strong competitor for iOS and Android, because Microsoft is too slow. They build up the hype and then they let you wait for months just to tell you it's not going to be what you expected or they destroy the hype with an axe (Xbox One). Another thing they do is showing off some great discoveries from their research lab, which are never going to be on any of their products.

Microsoft is hard to follow and hard to trust... it's sad that I like their products so much, because I feel like it would be a lot easier to just buy an iPhone and upgrade whenever I want. You know they'll release a better phone every 6 months...

Sorry if it was hard to understand... i'm French and for me English feels like speaking backwards.

I was in the same boat and up in canada as well. Just got a lumia 930 and it is a solid upgrade from the 920. We have 2600 LTE band here and have been getting good (40mbps) data speeds. The 930 will hopefully run W10 well since it has relatively new hardware.

Hope this helps
Buy Android! I'm bought this Lumia 520 9 months ago and I don't like it very well. Why? Because I can't customize enough my phone. I can set start image and lockscreen wallpaper. But I'm not find any application which is make my lockscreen personally. In Android you can download lots of apps which is set new theme, roots your phone to more personalization and etc.
Both Android and iOS are better than WP. They have better design, better apps, better hardware.
With Windows 10 Microsoft is improving the design.They will release a flagship phone, but what about the apps? The only way to solve the app problem is adding support for Android apps.
IOS is far better than android in every way to me.

But it isn't quite where windows phone is and heading towards for windows 10. Apps aside, IOS is not that much better than windows phone.
IOS is far better than android in every way to me.

But it isn't quite where windows phone is and heading towards for windows 10. Apps aside, IOS is not that much better than windows phone.

Why is iOS so much better.. I don't know what's wrong with Android flagships.. ? Now with Lolipop, endless possibilities, apps that work as they should.. (of course people always have issues) I must be lucky I never had any

Also I hear a lot of random issues from people using their iPhone 6 like lags although they are total Apple sheeps.

Only thing good about iOS is their exclusive apps.. Which every platform has

If you think Android sucks that much, then you're doing it wrong lol.
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There are some annoying things with WP:
1. Why on Earth it takes soo long to distribute updates? It's not a carrier problem, at least not in my country.
2. How many times can you read "grab the App in the App store", and it's, in 90% of the cases, only iOS and Android.

But what strikes me most is that Microsoft themseves are producing the better Apps earlier for iOS and Android than for their own system. This is unacceptable toward their (now also Hardware-) customers. There is a suggestion, but it seems I'm almost alone with my thoughts. As I cannot post links yet, look for
"Microsoft's own apps should target WP first" on windowsphone uservoice.
Or add https:// in front of this string:
There are some annoying things with WP:
1. Why on Earth it takes soo long to distribute updates? It's not a carrier problem, at least not in my country.
2. How many times can you read "grab the App in the App store", and it's, in 90% of the cases, only iOS and Android.

But what strikes me most is that Microsoft themseves are producing the better Apps earlier for iOS and Android than for their own system. This is unacceptable toward their (now also Hardware-) customers. There is a suggestion, but it seems I'm almost alone with my thoughts. As I cannot post links yet, look for
"Microsoft's own apps should target WP first" on windowsphone uservoice.
I'm not doing anything wrong.

I used android exclusively from the very first Moto Droid(got it on launch day actually) in 2009 up to the M7 in 2013...though I have been checking out the M8 android(and windows) for curiosity reasons. Android has gotten way better than it did in 2009. I noticed that in 2013. But it still is an unattractive OS(Yes I know you can customize till your heart is content), I also don't like any of google's products aside from youtube and I find them to be inferior to my preference in Microsoft products and even apple products. iTunes is still king when it comes to media....and I use Amazon for books. But Microsoft xbox music/video catalogue surprisingly does have some of my music in it.

I've experienced android lollipop and it reminds me a lot of windows phone/metro with an android flavor. It's okay to look at but it still feels like the same android from way back when. I notice on hardware that is high end like the galaxy and M8, after awhile...performance takes a hit still with Android even on kit kat and lollipop. I've had a 1520 since it launched in 2013 and no problems with degrading performance or anything.

I notice with Android, I have to be careful what type of android I buy. For starters, some OEMs are ridiculously slow with updating their devices to the point the OS update is incredibly outdated.

If I want the best experience of the OS, I have to buy a Nexus. But then I have to deal with a crap camera compared to the other problems.

That's the thing with android...way too much choice to the point where I have to settle for less to get what I want. I don't have to do that with windows phone.

Even with a lesser camera, I can still get the same experience with a unique take on the M8 or Samsung phones.

Or maybe I am low on money...if I buy a low end android...unless it is a moto E/G, I have to deal with far worse performance. Most low end Lumias are surprisingly great for the price they are.

Android just sucks in my opinion. Another thing about Android, I've yet to see anything really game changing from any of the OEMs. My last game changing thing was 4G in the HTC Evo in 2010...I had a Lumia 1020 that even to this day is still a very innovative product that OEMs are still trying to catch up with.

Apple introduced touch ID which to be fair, it wasn't thought of by them but they did it better and in a far more easier way than Motorola or past products did. Notice HTC tried to copy them and they bombed on that :D

What I love about apple is...They have great hardware(Yes I think apple hardware is great) and good cameras for a Non-lumia phone. I Love the ease of use with their OS. It was different coming from Windows Phone but I love how cohesive IOS is with everything.

Android feels like too much going on at one time and everyone sort of doing their own thing and leads to confusion. IOS feels like one unit, one team....working and adapting together as it should.

I want MICROSOFT to stop slumming it the way Android does with all these random models and unfortunately fragmented OS and start giving us a cohesive and fluid experience akin to Apple.

I find Microsoft > APPLE > Blackberry > Android as far as OS goes to be honest.

Why is iOS so much better.. I don't know what's wrong with Android flagships.. ? Now with Lolipop, endless possibilities, apps that work as they should.. (of course people always have issues) I must be lucky I never had any

Also I hear a lot of random issues from people using their iPhone 6 like lags although they are total Apple sheeps.

Only thing good about iOS is their exclusive apps.. Which every platform has

If you think Android sucks that much, then you're doing it wrong lol.
I'm not doing anything wrong.

I used android exclusively from the very first Moto Droid(got it on launch day actually) in 2009 up to the M7 in 2013...though I have been checking out the M8 android(and windows) for curiosity reasons. Android has gotten way better than it did in 2009. I noticed that in 2013. But it still is an unattractive OS(Yes I know you can customize till your heart is content), I also don't like any of google's products aside from youtube and I find them to be inferior to my preference in Microsoft products and even apple products. iTunes is still king when it comes to media....and I use Amazon for books. But Microsoft xbox music/video catalogue surprisingly does have some of my music in it.

I've experienced android lollipop and it reminds me a lot of windows phone/metro with an android flavor. It's okay to look at but it still feels like the same android from way back when. I notice on hardware that is high end like the galaxy and M8, after awhile...performance takes a hit still with Android even on kit kat and lollipop. I've had a 1520 since it launched in 2013 and no problems with degrading performance or anything.

I notice with Android, I have to be careful what type of android I buy. For starters, some OEMs are ridiculously slow with updating their devices to the point the OS update is incredibly outdated.

If I want the best experience of the OS, I have to buy a Nexus. But then I have to deal with a crap camera compared to the other problems.

That's the thing with android...way too much choice to the point where I have to settle for less to get what I want. I don't have to do that with windows phone.

Even with a lesser camera, I can still get the same experience with a unique take on the M8 or Samsung phones.

Or maybe I am low on money...if I buy a low end android...unless it is a moto E/G, I have to deal with far worse performance. Most low end Lumias are surprisingly great for the price they are.

Android just sucks in my opinion. Another thing about Android, I've yet to see anything really game changing from any of the OEMs. My last game changing thing was 4G in the HTC Evo in 2010...I had a Lumia 1020 that even to this day is still a very innovative product that OEMs are still trying to catch up with.

Apple introduced touch ID which to be fair, it wasn't thought of by them but they did it better and in a far more easier way than Motorola or past products did. Notice HTC tried to copy them and they bombed on that :D

What I love about apple is...They have great hardware(Yes I think apple hardware is great) and good cameras for a Non-lumia phone. I Love the ease of use with their OS. It was different coming from Windows Phone but I love how cohesive IOS is with everything.

Android feels like too much going on at one time and everyone sort of doing their own thing and leads to confusion. IOS feels like one unit, one team....working and adapting together as it should.

I want MICROSOFT to stop slumming it the way Android does with all these random models and unfortunately fragmented OS and start giving us a cohesive and fluid experience akin to Apple.

I find Microsoft > APPLE > Blackberry > Android as far as OS goes to be honest.

Yeah I can agree with things you said. Well written.
However, the main problem for me is that, Android really feels like a PC, while Windows Phone feels just..well.. like a phone. Restrictions here and there, can't have this or that app. WP is still missing many features and apps I need or want. So I have big hopes for Windows 10. Anyway don't get me wrong, I'm a total WP fan, like THE ONLY ONE around my place lol, fighting to bring justice to WP :) of course there's something about it that I just can't let go, keep coming back to while I use both OSs. :) I like how W10 looks so far.
Since youre gonna use your next phone for 2 years, I recommend not to buy any windows phone 8 right now cuz No one sure how much you have to pay to upgrade to W10 after 1 year for free. I mean if you buy a WP8 right now, you have to pay for the OS, and then you have to pay for the OS again
Since youre gonna use your next phone for 2 years, I recommend not to buy any windows phone 8 right now cuz No one sure how much you have to pay to upgrade to W10 after 1 year for free. I mean if you buy a WP8 right now, you have to pay for the OS, and then you have to pay for the OS again

Wtf?? Windows os is free for screen under 10" or something like that
Since youre gonna use your next phone for 2 years, I recommend not to buy any windows phone 8 right now cuz No one sure how much you have to pay to upgrade to W10 after 1 year for free. I mean if you buy a WP8 right now, you have to pay for the OS, and then you have to pay for the OS again

Hahah, this reminds me when I was buying my first WP, I thought I shall pirate OS on it and was searching all over the net if it is for free or is it easy to make it free. :D

By the way, that is one more reason why people are not choosing WP, sounds silly now, but alot of people think like that...
Since youre gonna use your next phone for 2 years, I recommend not to buy any windows phone 8 right now cuz No one sure how much you have to pay to upgrade to W10 after 1 year for free. I mean if you buy a WP8 right now, you have to pay for the OS, and then you have to pay for the OS again

phone updates have NEVER been charged to users. You are thinking of the desktop OS, not the phone OS
Yeah I can agree with things you said. Well written.
However, the main problem for me is that, Android really feels like a PC, while Windows Phone feels just..well.. like a phone. Restrictions here and there, can't have this or that app. WP is still missing many features and apps I need or want. So I have big hopes for Windows 10. Anyway don't get me wrong, I'm a total WP fan, like THE ONLY ONE around my place lol, fighting to bring justice to WP :) of course there's something about it that I just can't let go, keep coming back to while I use both OSs. :) I like how W10 looks so far.

<don't take the following serious, because I just couldn't resist the kidding here...>
Uh... Android feels like a PC? Have you ever used a PC? The only PC Android feels like is the old Windows 3.1. Yeah, tap an icon. It's the closest thing we have in today's market to Windows 3.1. You might as well try to find a phone that runs on DOS.
<don't take the following serious, because I just couldn't resist the kidding here...>
Uh... Android feels like a PC? Have you ever used a PC? The only PC Android feels like is the old Windows 3.1. Yeah, tap an icon. It's the closest thing we have in today's market to Windows 3.1. You might as well try to find a phone that runs on DOS.

Ah come on :D I meant all the endless possibilities, features, add-ons, almost fully featured Apps from companies who make programs for PC, file managers,..etc.. Desktop like UI !!, You can even use a mouse!

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