I really hate android but ms leave me no choice


New member
Aug 14, 2014
as a owner/user/seller of wm/wp devices never bought a bb/android because of stubbornness always like to have unique phones (lg expo) with slick apps (Nokia/here drive). I know what I was getting into when i stick to WP interns of not getting apps when other os gets them, but I never thought that very app would go to android and work in my country and the WP version still telling me about "your route runs though a country where nav isn't available yet"(Jamaica). can u imagine that was what I used to sell WP back then 😂. so lucky the walking still works.
You should expect HERE services on other platforms. The only reason HERE was exclusive to WP/Lumia was because unlike MS, they knew releasing their services on competitor (and better) platforms would give consumers less incentives to buy a WP/Lumia.
yea when I tried it on the s4 an to see it work so good am like really now. i still have it jailbreak on my lg quantum it just takes a long time to pinpoint location.

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