I would like to buy Xbox One S - BUT

I actually own a 6-year-old laptop Lenovo Z570 which has Nvidia GeForce GT 540M graphics card.

The machine is working fine but it is not performing well to a lot of new games and the machine is not compatible with Windows 10. I am stuck with Windows 7. :unhappy:

Hence I was looking for a console for playing recent games with decent graphics as a dedicated Gaming Machine. So getting an Xbox and EA Access subscription will be a better choice for me.

I tried to buy a console during the Black Friday sales. None of the sellers on Amazon are shipping to India.

I also checked some shipping sites like borderlinx. But the price of shipping and tax and duty cost more than the Indian price.

The difference in the power supply and Warranty are my other concerns too.
Seeing the crazy price of consoles in India I would say it would probably be cheaper to build a PC. It'll be probably be cheaper/more powerful, the games are cheaper, you don't need to play online, you have far more options, mods and many other things to do on a PC. Plus there are so many more games on PC...

Did you try ebay? I totally understand the warranty. That's why I hardly buy expensive hardware from another country.
Thanks for the suggestion. Will do some more research on PS4.

Need one more suggestion, between Xbox One S and PS4 slim, which has better graphics performance?
The PS4 slim is smaller and is more powerful than the XB1s. It offers better resolution/frame rate on many games... It also has way more games current gen games, exclusives, console exclusives...
It's also cheaper on amazon India if you consider that the cheapest bundle comes with 3 games.
You can also have VR on it if you want to try that. The XB1s has a 4K blu ray drive if that is a thing for you.

Oh and about all the kinect talk. Personally I think it's just an gimmick. MS stopped supporting it and literally killed it. They hardly believed in it by forcing it to their fan base early on and hardly made any games for it...
I still use the Kinect after upgrading to the Xbox one x. I’ve always lived the voice commands and have a few fun Kinect games that get played from time to time (fruit ninja, Fantasia , Kinect sports etc)

I don’t think they should have killed it off.
Regularly use Kinect voice control for turning systems on / off, pausing live TV / Netflix etc, and adjusting volume. Love how easy it makes everything.

MAJOR downside for me (and probably a small set of users)...Xbox One S uses the IR blaster on the console, and not through Kinect. My console is hidden from view and I had to purchase IR receivers to go on all my devices. An inelegant solution...especially when Microsoft said Kinect would be fully functioning on the S as it was on the original.
Seeing the crazy price of consoles in India I would say it would probably be cheaper to build a PC. It'll be probably be cheaper/more powerful, the games are cheaper, you don't need to play online, you have far more options, mods and many other things to do on a PC. Plus there are so many more games on PC...
I checked that option also. Even the price of building a decent gaming PC costs more than buying a console.

The PS4 slim is smaller and is more powerful than the XB1s. It offers better resolution/frame rate on many games... It also has way more games current gen games, exclusives, console exclusives...
Oh!!! Is it.
I read somewhere that PS4 slim can produce only 1080 output with 30 FPS whereas Xbox One S can upscale games to 4k @ 30 FPS.
I thought that Xbox One S offers better performance than PS4.

It's also cheaper on amazon India if you consider that the cheapest bundle comes with 3 games.
There is a current sale going on Indian e-commerce site Flipkart.
There Xbox One S 1 TB GB AC: Origins & Rainbow siege Bundle costs around 26,990 (418 USD).
PS4 slim 1 TB with Uncharted Collection & Uncharted 4 costs around 30,990 (480 USD)

You can also have VR on it if you want to try that. The XB1s has a 4K blu ray drive if that is a thing for you.
I think I am not gonna enter into both of the things. I am just looking for some casual entertainment experience.

Oh and about all the Kinect talk. Personally I think it's just an gimmick. MS stopped supporting it and literally killed it. They hardly believed in it by forcing it to their fan base early on and hardly made any games for it...
I am taking the console only for playing games, Amazon Prime Video and YouTube. So I am not bothered about it.

Did you try ebay?
eBay is not trustworthy in India I guess.
I thought this thread was about using the Kinect. Not Xbox vs ps4.

Anyway, Yes, I use the Kinect for voice control to turn on the Xbox, tv, and audio components. Also for screenshots and recording games, controlling movies. I do wish they would put a mic into the controller. It would be much more convenient.

Now, on another note that has to do the Kinect and an issue I've run into, wondering if anyone else who uses the Kinect has had it. A few weeks ago my TV started to get interference on certain channels, 12.1-12.3. I use an antenna for reception and the Hauppauge tuner for the Xbox. To make a long story short, I discovered that the Kinect is causing the interference. I moved some things around, so now I don't get the interference watching those channels through the Xbox but I still do through the TV tuner. Yes, I've rebooted everything multiple times. Anyone else run into a problem like this? Oh and the Xbox is in the testing program.
Oh!!! Is it.
I read somewhere that PS4 slim can produce only 1080 output with 30 FPS whereas Xbox One S can upscale games to 4k @ 30 FPS.
I thought that Xbox One S offers better performance than PS4.
Oh but the PS4 is quite a bit more powerful than the XB1s. The XB1s is just around the same as the original XB1 so it mostly does 720p or 900p at 30fps and it's that image that is upscalled. It doesn't take much to upscale an image. Any 4K TV is capable of upscalling to 4K.

I was talking of this link:

It comes with 3 great games. I know it's just 500Gb but it's really easy to add an internal or external HDD or SSD and really increase the capacity. Even if you can't add an internal HDD on XB1 you can still connect an internal HDD.

I've roughly made a configuration on assembleyourpc.net which is supposed to be a site with indian price that is more powerful than a XB1 and it roughly comes to 30K. Mind you this is even an investment for the future. Much cheaper games, more options/games, free to play online... If you want to upgrade later you'll just need change one part instead of buying a whole console. Contrary to beliefs console gaming can be a lot more expensive than PC gaming...
I thought this thread was about using the Kinect. Not Xbox vs ps4.

Anyway, Yes, I use the Kinect for voice control to turn on the Xbox, tv, and audio components. Also for screenshots and recording games, controlling movies. I do wish they would put a mic into the controller. It would be much more convenient.

Now, on another note that has to do the Kinect and an issue I've run into, wondering if anyone else who uses the Kinect has had it. A few weeks ago my TV started to get interference on certain channels, 12.1-12.3. I use an antenna for reception and the Hauppauge tuner for the Xbox. To make a long story short, I discovered that the Kinect is causing the interference. I moved some things around, so now I don't get the interference watching those channels through the Xbox but I still do through the TV tuner. Yes, I've rebooted everything multiple times. Anyone else run into a problem like this? Oh and the Xbox is in the testing program.

You clicked on the wrong link. I believe the link you're looking for is this:
Here are some things to consider on the Xbox side.

1. Games with Gold
2. EA Access
3. Backward Compatiblity
4. Play Anywhere Games
5. Xbox Game Pass (Play 100 games for a monthly fee. NOT Streamed but downloaded)
6. 4k blue ray support
7. Deals with gold
8. Cloud Saves
9. PUBG, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Cuphead, Gears of War, Halo

These are some things to consider when thinking about Xbox. Sure Playstation has its strengths but Xbox has alot of user friendly programs. Going on
> they'll always be lagging behind or never get full feature set
I'm now living in Japan (previously in South Africa, US, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan, etc), I do enjoy features such as store-region-hot-swap on win10 PC, xboxes and store website. Cortana and other US only services become available when I switch back to US.

I'm leaving PsStore (Steam and PlayStore) cause I value my library and save data, and I hate switches (cable, account, swap disc, etc. It's the very same reason why I hack PC, phone, apps, website and work tools.) and hassles.
Some game are just worth preserving imo. I won't play story-driven-lengthy-game the second time but games like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World...
The art style of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World will not go outdated and it's still a good beat'em up with good gags, still fun to play with friends, good for a quick bash. It's not possible to have a HD remake tho.
I buy most games on day 1 that... I just stop and start paying new ones. xboxes ecosystem suits my needs. e.g. I skipped Witcher 3 - Blood & Wine but I can pick it up on xb1x. I beat Ninja Gaiden 3 with 0 lvup, o weapon lv0, 0 item and ninpu use on hard mode, but I've never played Ninja Gdaiden Black (didn't own a xbOg), I'd love to pick it up too. I generally don't care about sequels or DLCs but I might want to pick it up later when I run outta new games, I suppose I can always run'em on next xbox.

If you play most on PC and are interested in ps4 exclusives, get a ps4, else, xboxes pretty much covers 90% of everything.

* old xboxes can cross-play with newer xboxes.
* cross-platform cloud sync is offered for free and there's no data limitation.
* You can install game files from another (e.g. friend's) xbox.
* you can Power-On, press A, back to exactly where you left your game session days ago.
* xbox can start processing your DL queue while asleep.
* BC + FC + cloud sync -> GamePass.
* some game work on PC. Sometimes I do my Middle Earth on my Alienware on the plane, Lucky's Tale, Enter the Gungeon on Surface Pro during coffee break. Looking forward to paly some indie games on win10arm docking on my gamepad.

Building a PC... if you go cheap you prob need to upgrade in a shorter cycle but I think we all know what PC gaming is like so there's nothing much to say here.

btw, I do prefer xbox's controller.
* hot swap battery. Eneloop is recommended.
* firm, sleek looking.
* if you can get your hand on the Elite controller... can you keep your thumbs on both analogs and haddle d-pad or ABXY at the same time with a standard controller?
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Here are some things to consider on the Xbox side.

1. Games with Gold
2. EA Access
3. Backward Compatiblity
4. Play Anywhere Games
5. Xbox Game Pass (Play 100 games for a monthly fee. NOT Streamed but downloaded)
6. 4k blue ray support
7. Deals with gold
8. Cloud Saves
9. PUBG, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Cuphead, Gears of War, Halo

These are some things to consider when thinking about Xbox. Sure Playstation has its strengths but Xbox has alot of user friendly programs. Going on

I'm not sure you read the guy's post and the entire conversation about his situation. He doesn't want to spend on a "$60" subscription fee, so point 1 and 7 goes out of the window.
He already talked about EA access and BC. Play anywhere doesn't apply to him because if he had a PC capable of running these games he would have just got a PC. He doesn't want to pay a "$60" subscription fee, I doubt he'll want to pay two times that to rent old games... He also said he doesn't care of "4K BR" player. He can probably play Cuphead on the PC he owns. PUBG is probably just timed, but since he doesn't want to pay for gold it doesn't really count for him. And in a same way most of the MS games are focused on multiplayer and "games as a service"...

Unlike Hirox K who usually say the same company "fan" bs..., I'm not here trying to promote one brand over another. i'm just saying that IMO and according to his needs the PC seem the be the best and cheapest option in the long run. PS4 slim seem to be the next best option then it'll be XB1s...
I got handed down my xbox live subscription from my older brother who had it for years. I'm on year 5 of paying for the gold subscription. Come this February I'm letting it expire. For 1 ever since the Switch came out I've hardly touched my XBox. 2 I just feel like enough is enough with the $50 a year gold sub (I know you can get it cheaper on Amazon etc) on top of the $60-100 games. Can you even use Netflix, Hulu, HBOGo, ESPN etc without a Gold sub? If I had to do it over again I would have just used my Playstation more often.
Netflix and other apps will stream on Xbox without Gold requirement in June.

> usually say the same company "fan" bs...
That is funny.
It's just if-else.
PC gaming will never be as never smooth as a console, and BC/FC is just more possible with xboxes. Therefore PC is now my secondary gaming device. *1
It is also why I only buy branded PCs and go with 1st party HW if there's one.

Power-ON, press A and back to where I left my game session in mere seconds + able to process DL queue in sleep mode.
I do care about instant-on.
I do care about that mere seconds. It is why I hack or create extensions for applications, phones, websites, work tools, Unity and Unreal. Very same reason why I operate Windows with kb-only 90% of the time.

PlayStation, Xbox and Switch are my options. Rest are just if-else.
e.g. ps4 has building battery and battery will degrade. xbox use AAA bats and eneloop accompany well with it and you can do hot-swap when one bat's outta juice.
e.g. It's just not possible smashing d-pad or ABXY while keep your thumbs on both analogs without Elite controller.
e.g. BC, FC, XPA, GamePass is there on xboxes. It's uncertain on PSes.
e.g. You can install games from other xboxes, don't have to DL it multiple times.
e.g. "xboxes's network stability is better" is a common internet meme.
e.g. 2017, Switch has no save backup option, no FC announcement, cannot charge while arm resting on the table / while using the back-stand, only 32GB internal, crazy chat-app design for Splatoon.

Write down your own pros and cons and things you don't care then discus with your pocket. Simple, it's just if-else.

A custom made PC :
Everyone has their unique set of environments (HW, driver version, OS, background-services, some try-to-be-smart-enhancement-ware, etc).

Branded PC :
HW is fixed, OS is fixed, driver is fixed. However, (except win10S) user can still tamper system with software.

Consoles :
Consumers, devs, HW provider, same for everyone.

If you are a programmer, you know what this means.
If you never code for PC, how about Android?
Deprecated APIs do exist in some tampered custom ROMs, you know what that means right?
Why do you think I pay $2k for an desktop or $2.5k for a notebook?

btw, OP has an 6yo notebook and it's not performing well with newer games and is stuck with win7. That is why he's seeking for a dedicate gaming machine.
Go cheap on PC for dedicate gaming... does it even match?
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Oh but the PS4 is quite a bit more powerful than the XB1s. The XB1s is just around the same as the original XB1 so it mostly does 720p or 900p at 30fps and it's that image that is upscalled. It doesn't take much to upscale an image. Any 4K TV is capable of upscalling to 4K.

I was talking of this link:

It comes with 3 great games. I know it's just 500Gb but it's really easy to add an internal or external HDD or SSD and really increase the capacity. Even if you can't add an internal HDD on XB1 you can still connect an internal HDD.

I've roughly made a configuration on assembleyourpc.net which is supposed to be a site with indian price that is more powerful than a XB1 and it roughly comes to 30K. Mind you this is even an investment for the future. Much cheaper games, more options/games, free to play online... If you want to upgrade later you'll just need change one part instead of buying a whole console. Contrary to beliefs console gaming can be a lot more expensive than PC gaming...

Thanks for the valuable insights. That PS4 bundle looks good. But EA access is something missing over there. Somewhere I read that talks are going on at EA for bringing EA access to other platforms and it might come to PS4.

Assembling a PC is a good choice. But I will miss the portability which is offered by a console. I might carry the device between my hometown and my location where I am staying for work.

I will wait a while and make a decision. I might wait for a good deal and buy a PS4.

Anyway kindly cast your votes on Xbox User Voice froum to make F2P games really free.

Only 5 votes were casted so far after my vote. :unhappy:
I have XBOX gold prepaid 2 years ahead, so that's what I think about its value.
The info that there is some exception for certain PS4 F2P games and they do not need PSPlus fee is quite new to me. I never head of such game - and quite frankly, I believe PS has fewer F2P games than XBox.

For online gaming, there was Forza 5 free with gold this september, then SW battlefont 1 for just 5 bucks in deals with gold and now the Warhammer Vermintide free with gold.

that sort of covers all my online gaming needs, I do not need F2P titles when I can play commercial games for free or less than a lunch money. Only F2P games worth attention are Path of Exile and Fortnite. World of tanks is not the fun it used to be.
Netflix and other apps will stream on Xbox without Gold requirement in June.

> usually say the same company "fan" bs...
That is funny.
It's just if-else.
PC gaming will never be as never smooth as a console, and BC/FC is just more possible with xboxes. Therefore PC is now my secondary gaming device. *1
It is also why I only buy branded PCs and go with 1st party HW if there's one.

Power-ON, press A and back to where I left my game session in mere seconds + able to process DL queue in sleep mode.
I do care about instant-on.
I do care about that mere seconds. It is why I hack or create extensions for applications, phones, websites, work tools, Unity and Unreal. Very same reason why I operate Windows with kb-only 90% of the time.

PlayStation, Xbox and Switch are my options. Rest are just if-else.
e.g. ps4 has building battery and battery will degrade. xbox use AAA bats and eneloop accompany well with it and you can do hot-swap when one bat's outta juice.
e.g. It's just not possible smashing d-pad or ABXY while keep your thumbs on both analogs without Elite controller.
e.g. BC, FC, XPA, GamePass is there on xboxes. It's uncertain on PSes.
e.g. You can install games from other xboxes, don't have to DL it multiple times.
e.g. "xboxes's network stability is better" is a common internet meme.
e.g. 2017, Switch has no save backup option, no FC announcement, cannot charge while arm resting on the table / while using the back-stand, only 32GB internal, crazy chat-app design for Splatoon.

Write down your own pros and cons and things you don't care then discus with your pocket. Simple, it's just if-else.

A custom made PC :
Everyone has their unique set of environments (HW, driver version, OS, background-services, some try-to-be-smart-enhancement-ware, etc).

Branded PC :
HW is fixed, OS is fixed, driver is fixed. However, (except win10S) user can still tamper system with software.

Consoles :
Consumers, devs, HW provider, same for everyone.

If you are a programmer, you know what this means.
If you never code for PC, how about Android?
Deprecated APIs do exist in some tampered custom ROMs, you know what that means right?
Why do you think I pay $2k for an desktop or $2.5k for a notebook?

btw, OP has an 6yo notebook and it's not performing well with newer games and is stuck with win7. That is why he's seeking for a dedicate gaming machine.
Go cheap on PC for dedicate gaming... does it even match?
I stopped reading at " BC/FC is just more possible with xboxes."
That's a laughable statement.

The XB1 can emulate an handful of XB games and around 35% X360 games.
A current PC can play MOST (a huge percentage) of games. XB1 can't play most old XB games available (around 20% and that's counting only XB games) and you dare question PC's ability to play older games?
I won't even bother reading the rest of your bs until you start talking seriously and not try to get people to by the console you worship...
I have XBOX gold prepaid 2 years ahead, so that's what I think about its value.
The info that there is some exception for certain PS4 F2P games and they do not need PSPlus fee is quite new to me. I never head of such game - and quite frankly, I believe PS has fewer F2P games than XBox.
That's not true. The PS4 has roughly more than 100 games. According to this list the XB1 has around 40-45. (https://www.trueachievements.com/n26763/full-list-of-free-xbox-one-games)

For online gaming, there was Forza 5 free with gold this september, then SW battlefont 1 for just 5 bucks in deals with gold and now the Warhammer Vermintide free with gold.
Not quite free as you have to pay a subscription fee to play them and it's more renting because once you stop paying the fee you won't be able to play the games. Deals with gold? On PC you had the same game + season pass for 5 bucks and it was FREE. It's crazy to think that paying a fee for deals is suppose to be great. You don't need to pay any fee for steam/GOG/Origin/humble... sales/deals...

that sort of covers all my online gaming needs, I do not need F2P titles when I can play commercial games for free or less than a lunch money. Only F2P games worth attention are Path of Exile and Fortnite. World of tanks is not the fun it used to be.
What is worth or what's not is totally subjective though...
Thanks for the valuable insights. That PS4 bundle looks good. But EA access is something missing over there. Somewhere I read that talks are going on at EA for bringing EA access to other platforms and it might come to PS4.

Assembling a PC is a good choice. But I will miss the portability which is offered by a console. I might carry the device between my hometown and my location where I am staying for work.

I will wait a while and make a decision. I might wait for a good deal and buy a PS4.

Anyway kindly cast your votes on Xbox User Voice froum to make F2P games really free.

Only 5 votes were casted so far after my vote. :unhappy:

Yes, you're right. By the sounds of it EA access will most probably be coming on PS4. EA talked about having it on more platforms...
Is Subscription Service EA Access Finally Coming to the PS4? - Push Square

The great thing about PC gaming is that you can remote play from another location quite easily. And you could do that with the PC you already own.

You can remote play PS4 on your PC quite easily.
You could also use a PSTV to remote play.

Ive tried streaming on my home network and it works quite well. ofc it will also depending on your network speed. If you don't have a good network I don't think you should consider this. If it is decent it could be an option...
Yes, you're right. By the sounds of it EA access will most probably be coming on PS4. EA talked about having it on more platforms...
Is Subscription Service EA Access Finally Coming to the PS4? - Push Square

Let's see how far it takes to get it on PS4.

You can remote play PS4 on your PC quite easily.
You could also use a PSTV to remote play.

It even supports playing on Mac by streaming. That's great. Now I can play many games on my Mac too.

Ive tried streaming on my home network and it works quite well. ofc it will also depending on your network speed. If you don't have a good network I don't think you should consider this. If it is decent it could be an option...

The great thing about PC gaming is that
you can remote play from another location quite easily. And you could do
that with the PC you already own.

My hometown doesn't have a great connection speed. So remote play won't be a good option for me. Anyway thanks for the links
The XB1 can emulate an handful of XB games and around 35% X360 games.
They are doing this for the 1st time, has to deal it / QA game by game, it takes time. QA is still needed even if all games are executable.

Someone (a former PCMR) just told me his experience with PCs this morning and asking why devs focus more on consoles (esp optimization).

A custom made PC :
Everyone has their unique set of environments (HW, driver version, OS, background-services, some try-to-be-smart-enhancement-ware, etc).

Branded PC :
HW is fixed, OS is fixed, driver is fixed. However, (except win10S) user can still tamper system with software.

Consoles :
Consumers, devs, HW provider, same for everyone.

And this is what it is.

If you've never coded for PC, how about Android or iOS?
Phones are less complicate right? Then why a game works on Google's phone but not on Samsung's? Targeting the same API level, using the same game logic, same OpenGL calls. One gives you good result, one gives you black screen?
Why Netflix tells Xperia users to go talk to Sony when audio-playback-lag happens on some of their devices?

The more variable is in the mix, the harder for everyone to control the outcome. Therefore PC gaming is relatively troublesome. (Why people are arguing which $500+ card crash more? Why some problem only happen to some people? Why do people need to implement crack-proof?) But consumer wouldn't know that, especially PCMR. Same as those custom ROM users, they wouldn't know and prob think they are doing something smart and most of the time, they blame on app makers every time something went wrong.

Back to the former PCMR's question.
One's simple, one's not possible for anyone to deal with every possible scenario let alone doing anything low level (you can avoid most trouble by going higher level, pay attention to api changes and do your maintenance). It's clear which one will be dev's focus.
How long do you think devs will keep supporting a product after its prime time?

* If I'm not mistaken, Android & iOS all had their lib cleanups (OS diet) done quite a few times.

Unless you think QA branded PC and custom builds is relatively easier than consoles. PC gaming will never be as smooth as console gaming.

Of course you can have multi boot or VM whatever to keep your old lib alive, but that's not what a console game would want to deal with.
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