Ok, he may like w10m, but if you're right about him, them he's surely disappointed with w10m, and that's effecting his review. For example, he keeps saying how w10m is dead. How so? Microsoft is pushing new builds, though we would like to a faster progress, and there are not many devices. And then when a device like this shows up he keeps saying "but it's a bad choice, the OS is dead".
And among all possible applications he mentioned the worst one - Facebook, and Snapchat more being present.
I know what might be more useful than this review! Making a review of third party apps of those mostly used services, and then to say "ok, Facebook sucks, and let's see Fastbook", "ok, 9gag sucks, and now let's see Explorer for 9gag", "there's more YouTube app, let's have a look at myTube and MetroTube", etc.
Also I don't know how on Earth can somebody keep saying there are less and less apps for Windows Mobile, while more and more apps keep showing up. I think it is only a matter of time when we will have good third party apps for those services he was talking about, and even then he will keep saying his story.
Yes, people know the truth, but what has said is not entire truth, and it's leading viewers to false conclusion.
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