If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

I'm all about prize lol. If apple didn't sell their phones from 600-900?, I'd go fo them. But since they're so expensive, I'd probably go for nexus ;)
Ive yet to experience lag with my Nexus 5. and WP has it's lag which is covered up with those loading and resuming screens.

Yeah and that's because it isn't running all those apps at once. It suspends them. Saves battery life in the long run. Wouldn't you rather have extra battery life over a bit of smoothness at resuming apps?
Yeah and that's because it isn't running all those apps at once. It suspends them. Saves battery life in the long run. Wouldn't you rather have extra battery life over a bit of smoothness at resuming apps?

Battery life savings come from the efficiency of not only the software but the hardware as well. Thats why motorola can take a last generation chipset that is power hungry and make it preform better than the so called latest generation chipsets that are suppose to be more energy efficient. Most OEMs don't take the time to find the right hardware balance to go with the software. If the software is efficient enough it should also show the strength of the hardware as well.

I shouldn't have to choose battery life over smoothness of the apps running in background. That's why I started voting with my wallet to buy from OEM's that take what they do seriously. WP does not have the crown over the others in efficiency it pretty much matches them. Just like the others it has it faults to go with it's strengths.

I have WP, Android, & iOS in my household and WP is making strides albeit slowly, but has a ways to go to catch up to the other two.
I don't know how that person is using there phone but any phone will lag if it's filled to the gills with junk and apps.

i dont have such apps installed,all androids lag its a major feature or something,lol
ive even tried factory reset
just because you people havent set foot on the moon personally wont mean astronauts are liars and the moon is just an illusion or something right
get my point
I already left and went to android. Got the Sony Xperia Z2 which works wonders and gives me more features and customization than windows phone can right now. I missed being able to do anything I want with an OS. Sorry to rain on everyone as well that there is no lag anymore unless you buy an underpowered crappy android phone anyway, which are cheap throw away.

But every android lags after 6 months.let's hope your device dont

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I want better battery life nd I wait for z3 prices to drop.z10 battery life is not that impressive.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

The 10.2 update did wonders for battery life. The Z10 I had a while back became a new device. Like any multi-tasking device, if you keep too many programs running in the background it will shorten battery life.
Definitely ios its closest in what I prefer in a phone os. Had the note 3 and htc one the first one and all androids are the same no matter what skin it has. I'd rather skip all the bullcrap features and just get a phone that does what I need function wise. Gimmicky features don't really attract me as much anymore.
I am moving on from Windows Phone, and can not decide who to move to....iOS or Android. If you absolutely HAD to leave WP, which would you pick? I want iOS, but its so boring.....and I'd like Android, but it's so laggy and fragmented.

So, for fun....I thought I would tally all the OS's you said you would go to if you had to leave WP 8.1...and here they are

iOS - 26 (me included)
Android - 40
Blackberry - 11
Symbian - 5
Ubuntu Touch - 2
WM 6.5 - 1
Nokia 3310 - 1
2009 Portrait Slider w/ Full Keyboard - 1

Give up WP 8.1? Ouch!

If I had to give up something I love this much, I'd probably just go old school, and go back to using feature phones - you remember those, the ones that always worked no matter what, and did not have corporate-sponsored government tracking and data mining in each and every device.

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more old school sounds appealing to me. Anything is better than going to half-assed tech like Android, or boring *** tech like iOS.

Either that, or sit around and wait until next year for Windows Phone 9 :winktongue:
The 10.2 update did wonders for battery life. The Z10 I had a while back became a new device. Like any multi-tasking device, if you keep too many programs running in the background it will shorten battery life.

hes comparing it to the lumias battery life,my z10 has better battery life than my nexus 5 and maybe lumia 820 sometimes but nothing beats the 720s battery life(yet)

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