If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

Honestly, my next phone will definitely be that Nokia McLaren. Add at least 2 more Windows Phones after that, then we'll talk any other platform. Windows Phone 9.1/10 will be out by then, and I'll still be happy on that. Come this December, it will be 3 years with this HTC Radar. :)
Something new and different, maybe BB, Jolla Sailfish, or a custom Android theme made by me
Any cheap mobile phone. I would not choose a smartphone. The alternatives are horrible.
for those who think iphones still only use itunes for everything, i can only facepalm and inform them that i own multiple ipads all without itunes-just use ifunbox(works flawless even without a jailbreak) and icloud
they way people exaggerate about iphone is like all samsungs are forced to use kies or all WP8.1 devices still need zune
make sense?
whats with all the hate towards apple and the extra love for google? id trust apple any day over google
sure iphones may be a bit limited and massively overpriced but if not for BB10 and Windows Phone,id stick to apple over google
I won't leave wp but I will have z3 as a second phone to test bb 10 os.

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I'm not planning on leaving WP 8.1, but if I HAD to I would probably go with the new iPhone.
Honestly, if I had to leave Windows Phone, I'd go back to a feature phone. Its already something I was toying with before WP. I could never use android and feel comfortable with how much of my life would then be filtering through a Google device and I have no use for iOS since I'm all in on Windows. With SP3 and an Xbox, I'd just use Skype more often.
I already left and went to android. Got the Sony Xperia Z2 which works wonders and gives me more features and customization than windows phone can right now. I missed being able to do anything I want with an OS. Sorry to rain on everyone as well that there is no lag anymore unless you buy an underpowered crappy android phone anyway, which are cheap throw away.
They sell them unlocked here as well but there's no 850/1900 support for 4G. Even the one on the link you sent only has 2100 UMTS support.

hmm yeah,just realized to use 4G in india(still upcoming though released) we need a phone with the 2300 band which is only found in a few phones such as iphone :(
I already left and went to android. Got the Sony Xperia Z2 which works wonders and gives me more features and customization than windows phone can right now. I missed being able to do anything I want with an OS. Sorry to rain on everyone as well that there is no lag anymore unless you buy an underpowered crappy android phone anyway, which are cheap throw away.

not really,even my nexus 5 and 7 lag alot

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