Sure you can jailbreak the phone, but do all the apps from the App Store work properly? And isnt it much more difficult to jailbreak nowadays, as Apple is frequently updating their OS making it harder for jailbreaking to happen? If you want the latest OS updates and latest Apps you cannot jailbreak from what i understand...if im incorrect then opps.
iOS7 looks pretty...but that look quickly wore off for me, im saying a month or so. But what you're stating is a preference, whether WP, iOS or Android look "better" is all selective. In the end to me both Android and Apple look identical when booted up from scratch, but once you get the customization apps installed (lets ignore launchers for a sec), Android can quickly be modified to look completely different while with iOS7 your only visual customization change is the background. This is from a user who had a 5S for 6 months, but of course this is all opinionated. iOS7 had me sold, i used my wifes iPhone 5 for a few days and was super pumped for my 5S...6 months later i realized the OS hadnt changed much since 3G (my last iPhone prior to 5S), so i was tired and done.
I am not saying Android is the perfect choice or best alternative option, but would recommend if avaliable that users get a chance to play with both platforms as long as possible before making a decision. If i HAVE TO LEAVE WP, it wouldnt be an easy decision...but i would pick Android after my recent experience with 5S and iOS7. iOS8 looks to add some nice features, but nothing that would draw me back.