If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

Sure you can jailbreak the phone, but do all the apps from the App Store work properly? And isnt it much more difficult to jailbreak nowadays, as Apple is frequently updating their OS making it harder for jailbreaking to happen? If you want the latest OS updates and latest Apps you cannot jailbreak from what i understand...if im incorrect then opps.

iOS7 looks pretty...but that look quickly wore off for me, im saying a month or so. But what you're stating is a preference, whether WP, iOS or Android look "better" is all selective. In the end to me both Android and Apple look identical when booted up from scratch, but once you get the customization apps installed (lets ignore launchers for a sec), Android can quickly be modified to look completely different while with iOS7 your only visual customization change is the background. This is from a user who had a 5S for 6 months, but of course this is all opinionated. iOS7 had me sold, i used my wifes iPhone 5 for a few days and was super pumped for my 5S...6 months later i realized the OS hadnt changed much since 3G (my last iPhone prior to 5S), so i was tired and done.

I am not saying Android is the perfect choice or best alternative option, but would recommend if avaliable that users get a chance to play with both platforms as long as possible before making a decision. If i HAVE TO LEAVE WP, it wouldnt be an easy decision...but i would pick Android after my recent experience with 5S and iOS7. iOS8 looks to add some nice features, but nothing that would draw me back.

hmm i get your point,i hate ios 7 personally too
i updated my ipad 3 to ios 7, hated it so much, i didnt update my other idevices(ipad 2 and 4's) to ios 7, they are jailbroken on ios 6.1.3
i love ios but not ios 7 and 8,stock android jelly bean (onwards) and wp8 and 8.1(onwards)
i hate the new design of ios , preferred the old one
You would have to put a gun to my head to make me leave WP....but I guess back to Android if I had to.

Why on Earth are you leaving WP
Tbh, I would like to check out nexus 5. I wouldn't mind using it instead of my 520.
I moved to the Nexus 5 from the 1020 for a couple of months. I have had extensive experience of all iPhones and Windows Phone 8 and felt I needed to experience Android so I could then make an informed decision about where I wanted to be. The Nexus 5 is a lovely phone, Stock Android is nice and the Nexus camera is actually rather good despite many negative reviews. It didn't really feel like much of a step down from the 1020, but I felt my heart is with WP. I bought a second hand 920 to tide me over while waiting for the 930.
I've never HAD to leave WP, I've done it of my own free will. I switch around very frequently but I always end up back on WP. Basically, it comes down to my dependence on other Windows products. As well as OneDrive works on Android and iOS, I'm rarely in Wi-Fi range to have my stuff auto-uploaded. I'm not very fond of KitKat but Jelly Bean is an awesome OS if you have the proper hardware to run it. I use an iPhone from work but.......never mind, it's iOS (meh). My eyesight has deteriorated rapidly in the last few years so that 4" screen doesn't cut it. In short, my Ativ S Neo will be around for a while. At least until I get my hands on a Sailfish or Tizen (just for s***s & giggles you know).
If I had to switch I'd go back iOS. Not much change went through using Apple products or ecosystem to Microsoft (iTunes is still required to upload music to my phone). Or perhaps try out an Android phone for the first time.
Instead of having to leave I'll put the situation in where it just discontinued tomorrow and Microsoft has no further plans for smartphones. I'd probably either grab a BB or an iPhone 5 (yes the one from 2012).
Maybe he likes MeeGo. Maybe it suits his needs just fine.

Yes except it's very difficult to get since it's only available in one phone that is long discontinued and was never widely released. That's why I suggested Sailfish which IS MeeGo v.2.0 with the exception that it's still supported by a company (Jolla) and is easier to get (actually, you'll apparently be able to install it in Android devices) ;)
I've actually just come back to Windows Phone from BlackBerry. I plan on trying it for at least 30 days. I'm already loving the native app selection and quality much more than BB10's.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 822 using Tapatalk
I had 4+ Android phones. All of them got laggy over time. Only way to fix was to do a factory reset then again over time it would get laggy then I did the factory reset. It was a endless cycle. My last Android phone was the Samsung Note.

Microsoft is actually making it comfortable for me to move onto iOS or Android with all their superior software updates and OneDrive / Office integration.

I can't send files with Skype and that just explains where WP is at. WP has all the essential apps but they are still behind in 3rd party hardware support. It took them from WP7-WP8.1 to add what, Cortana, notification center and some minor things that should've been out of the box.

Apple has added quite a lot of features in 1 year (iOS7 to iOS8) and they could ensure I get all the updated hardware.

Been with WP since WP7 days and I still love the OS but it could be time. WP8.1 is fast but support is just way too slow.
I'd go back to BlackBerry or iOS.

I haven't lusted after an Android device in some time. I work in cellphone support and the majority of my calls are Samsung devices that won't charge properly, LG G2 with partially dad touch digitizers, and HTC devices t that have SIM issues.

Each of those manufacture's WP devices work great. Except for LG, I haven't seen their WP work yet.

If i could only do one: iOs

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