If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

Locked to iTunes and lack of customizations will have you thinking more about this. I agree about the Android security concerns, but there are ways around it...where as with iOS its one way and that's it.

you can jailbreak ios for a overhaul
stock ios is actually better looking than stock android which feels bare in comparison(without launchers etc)
its not really locked to itunes, you can use third party software like ifunbox or even icloud to sync etc
You're the 2nd person who mentioned the G3, so I had to go check it out for myself...and boy is it a contender! This the review I watched: LG G3: Unboxing & Review - YouTube Simple things like being able to resize the keyboard, multi windows, notification light, and other easy, but sensible customizations...and not to mention that gorgeous display...seems like a win to me!
Yep, not saying it's gonna be the greatest, but that's the word a lot of reviewers are giving it. They're saying it can knock Samsung off until next release, so much that Samsung actually made a second version of the Galaxy S5 to compete with the LG G3! I really like it though. They're saying a better camera then the Galaxy Series, with a bigger screen real estate (.4") while keeping the same profile as the S5. The QHD display pops and all of the LG Features looks nice. The UI looks really nice to me aswell!

Samsung unveils new Galaxy S5 with LTE-A capability for Korea - CNET
you can jailbreak ios for a overhaul
stock ios is actually better looking than stock android which feels bare in comparison(without launchers etc)
its not really locked to itunes, you can use third party software like ifunbox or even icloud to sync etc

Sure you can jailbreak the phone, but do all the apps from the App Store work properly? And isnt it much more difficult to jailbreak nowadays, as Apple is frequently updating their OS making it harder for jailbreaking to happen? If you want the latest OS updates and latest Apps you cannot jailbreak from what i understand...if im incorrect then opps.

iOS7 looks pretty...but that look quickly wore off for me, im saying a month or so. But what you're stating is a preference, whether WP, iOS or Android look "better" is all selective. In the end to me both Android and Apple look identical when booted up from scratch, but once you get the customization apps installed (lets ignore launchers for a sec), Android can quickly be modified to look completely different while with iOS7 your only visual customization change is the background. This is from a user who had a 5S for 6 months, but of course this is all opinionated. iOS7 had me sold, i used my wifes iPhone 5 for a few days and was super pumped for my 5S...6 months later i realized the OS hadnt changed much since 3G (my last iPhone prior to 5S), so i was tired and done.

I am not saying Android is the perfect choice or best alternative option, but would recommend if avaliable that users get a chance to play with both platforms as long as possible before making a decision. If i HAVE TO LEAVE WP, it wouldnt be an easy decision...but i would pick Android after my recent experience with 5S and iOS7. iOS8 looks to add some nice features, but nothing that would draw me back.
If I HAD to leave WP it would be a switch to a dumb phone, which would only occur if I became homeless and had enough spare change leftover from begging on the street. Otherwise I'm all in on WP.
I would begrudgingly switch back to android, the Amazon phone looks interesting but it being an AT&T exclusive doesn't interest me and I have no interest in Apple

glad I don't have to make that decision because I am very happy with my Icon :love:
Hmm, it would be a pretty tough question to answer. Assuming you mean Windows Phone in general.

I do keep a backup Palm Treo 650 around ready to go (heh).
There's a slight chance I'll give a Pre 3 or a Veer a go, but not likely. Already experienced webOS, look back on it fondly, but won't use it for the most part.

I would to say Blackberry, as its the one major OS I haven't tried yet (well, not including Nokia's pre-WP exploits) and it looks like I could enjoy it.

I messed with Android, might give it a go with a Moto X, but I'm meh on that.
iOS is a safe option, I can live with it, but it isn't very unique either.
Android is probably most likely, other than BB, but not without heavy modding on my end.

Tizen? Nope.
Windows Mobile is a potential option, but probably not.

TL;DR, Blackberry, then Android, then iOS
I am moving on from Windows Phone, and can not decide who to move to....iOS or Android. If you absolutely HAD to leave WP, which would you pick? I want iOS, but its so boring.....and I'd like Android, but it's so laggy and fragmented.
Why are you moving. You don't like the 8.1 update
Blackberry 10. Honestly it is extremely underrated. Plus with BB10.2 u can run any android app, u can even download a third party android market. In addition Blackberry and Amazon signed an agreement so when BB 10.3 comes out the entire amazon market catalog will be available to Blackberry. Did I also mention the idky or how but a Z10 runs android apps better than and more efficient than some android devices (GS4, Note 10.1 just to name a few)
Android. Just too many solid choices, for hardware. Maybe if the iPhone 6 was nothing like previous models... Lol G3, Nexus 5, Galaxy S5, Note 3/4, HTC One M8, etc... Grabbed a Nexus 7, as my first Android device, a couple weeks ago. Stock Android runs good. Really good.

Although I'd consider Blackberry too. Used it for a couple years before and the new OS looks really nice. But its in the same App struggle as WP. Kinda sick of that...
Actually no u can put any android app/ game on it and even download an android market once you're running version 10.2 or later. Talking about blackberry
you can jailbreak ios for a overhaul
stock ios is actually better looking than stock android which feels bare in comparison(without launchers etc)
its not really locked to itunes, you can use third party software like ifunbox or even icloud to sync etc

I haven't tried in a while but last I used my iPod was iOS5, and syncing music without iTunes was a significant feat that was in no way easy or for the faint of heart. I ended up using the terminal to copy all music over ssh via rsync, and I had a shell script I'd run from the iPod to get wireless updates to my songs... Was actually pretty neat. But the jailbroken app that would inject songs into the music database so they would appear in the normal music app (and subsequently all third party music apps) was very unreliable.

Sure it's possible to have music locked behind one specific app's sandbox, but that is not a solution imo.
I'd go to iOS, I hate Google and refuse to use any of their products (except watching Youtube if there's no other option)
Hopefully there will be no need to actually consider the move.
Thanks for keeping this thread civil. It sure could have been turned into a flame war, and everyone has been cool. If I had to leave? Where is that stinking portrait slider from 2009 with the full keyboard.....

This. Thanks for just telling us/me what you'd go to, if you had to switch from WP8.1....I was not trolling. I am a curious soul who is interested in what other people think about other OS's out there. I don't hang out with any "phone people" like I am, so this forum is a great medium to hear what like minded folk think. So thank you very much for being cool with my question at hand.

Althoooough, David P2 summed it up quite tight! -
Well we are in the war room, and everybody knows you don't fight in the war room. :smile:

Why I'm leaving WP!? (as you read on, you'll notice I have a habit of returning to OS's after a year or so...so this WP departure (most likely) will not be permanent.)

I started with Android, the HTC HERO, then after like 6-8 months I went to the HTC EVO 4G, developed and owned that beauty for a good year or more (under the XDA name - konikub). I moved on from Android to the iPhone 4S...had that for about a year, then went back to Android on the Galaxy Nexus (swearing off iOS for good, lol). The GNex hung around for a good year or so, then I saw the iPhone 5, lol. Yup.....I moved to Verizon from Sprint and got the iPhone 5, haha. I was with Verizon for about 8 months till I found out I hated them, and their coverage blew, so I moved to the iPhone 5 on AT&T.....and in three months, magically I got a rep to redo my contract, start it over and she shipped me a Lumia 1520 over night. I have NO IDEA how that happened, I didn't even ask. I just told her I'd LOVE to have the new Lumia 1520 in white, she said hold on, came back and said I redid your contract for two years, starting that night (I was only with AT&T for 3 months, lol.....unbelievable...but I was very happy). I thanked her profusely.

So here I am today....on AT&T with a gorgeous white Luima 1520, and I am just plum not happy anymore. FB app blows (including the one that just came out today, albeit it's a GREAT start)...Twitter app blows...snapchat is no good, Foursquare works when it wants to....some webpages do not work in IE, like Salon.com and a few others....Uno and friends rarely starts up at all....Xbox Music is a beauty WAITING to happen, but it not good currently....the me hub has been stripped....and several of my beloved apps are not on WP, I thought I could live without them, but I seem to have been wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all the new features in WP 8.1, and when I downloaded it I was like, YAAAAAAHhhh baby....this one's a keeper. Cortana, Action Center, Notification Center, updated volume controls, quiet hours, updated calendar app, ect. However, the more I used it...the more I wanted, well....more. Android has all those new 8.1 features, and a ton of new gadget features, phones like the LG G3 and SGS5. There is just one thing wrong with android and those two phones I just mentioned....I loath OEM skins like touchwiz and such. If I was to do android, it would be the Nexus Line for sure.

BUT....I think I'm going to go with the new 4.7" iPhone 6 (what I wouldn't have done for an even 5" iPhone 6). It has all the apps I'll ever need and miss, and especially the new health app, it's like MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, MapMyRun all rolled into one....and other good fitness stuff they'll keep adding to it. Bing Health and Fitness is great, but I need my wearable's to work seamlessly with it. The iPhone 6 is bigger, has a killer camera, with slo-mode, time-lapse, and other brilliant features in the camera app. It has a compass, timer, stopwatch, and alarm all built right into the OS, and flashlight is in the quickactions (big one for me, I use the flashlight alot). Now it has quick reply to incoming messages and events....nice. It's a nice tight, neat little package that just works....like WP, only with a few extras "built in". They get the top priority when apps are being developed and are in need of fixing, WP has to complain for a year to get the app, then once we get it (and it's buggy as heck), we complain to have it fixed...and mostly get ignored. iOS is walled in, yes, but I really don't want to be tempted to side load an apk that I didn't pay for...<shame> yes I did find apk's online to download, and side load for free when I had both my Androids <shame>...and I want to avoid that completely with iOS. Oh and a fairly big one....I want my OS updates when the rest of the world gets them, not when my carrier decides to give it to me a month or more after it's been out to the public.

Yes I swore off iPhone not once, but twice....and looks like I'm coming back for the iPhone 6 (my friends are going to get a kick out of this one, lol)...but I just can't get myself to go Android, I hate their services and the UI is extraordinarily unattractive to me, just my personal preference.

So, for fun....I thought I would tally all the OS's you said you would go to if you had to leave WP 8.1...and here they are

iOS - 26 (me included)
Android - 40
Blackberry - 11
Symbian - 5
Ubuntu Touch - 2
WM 6.5 - 1
Nokia 3310 - 1
2009 Portrait Slider w/ Full Keyboard - 1 :wink:

So far it seems like Android would be the choice for most WP users had they had to leave WP.
No way I am going back to that buggy mess called Android. It would have to be a jailbroken big screen iPhone. 4" screen won't cut it.
I haven't tried in a while but last I used my iPod was iOS5, and syncing music without iTunes was a significant feat that was in no way easy or for the faint of heart. I ended up using the terminal to copy all music over ssh via rsync, and I had a shell script I'd run from the iPod to get wireless updates to my songs... Was actually pretty neat. But the jailbroken app that would inject songs into the music database so they would appear in the normal music app (and subsequently all third party music apps) was very unreliable.

Sure it's possible to have music locked behind one specific app's sandbox, but that is not a solution imo.

ifunbox doesnt need a jailbreak and doesnt have itunes restrictions and has been present since ios 3 atleast
the thing you posted was a method iphone 2G users used to use or something

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