If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

As an early user, spending with WP since release may sound very committing, and I gotta admit that I've been getting bored easily with the UI. But if I had to leave WP, I would go back to the N9 or N8.
No deal-breaking reason for me to leave WP at the moment, but unfortunately I would probably go join the Android crowd and buy the LG G Pro 3..if they ever released a Google Play Edition. iOS was and is still too boring for me
Android. Hardware offers endless choices and iOS is now in the hands of far too many teenage girls and 65 year old men to make it intriguing to me. Plus I do not want to be a slave to the "innovations" of a man who is quickly relegating his brand to the equivalent of the 45 year old guy in a rural town talking about the game winning touchdown he made back in '68.
I am moving on from Windows Phone, and can not decide who to move to....iOS or Android. If you absolutely HAD to leave WP, which would you pick? I want iOS, but its so boring.....and I'd like Android, but it's so laggy and fragmented.

ios anyday but its limited sometimes or get a WP + an ipad like me
BB started tempting me.........because we can install android apps directly in latest BB os

its a great platform but hardware issues with the battery and poor compatibility with most android apps(some of which refuse to work without play services) is the drawback,otherwise its a delightful platform on the whole
As an early user, spending with WP since release may sound very committing, and I gotta admit that I've been getting bored easily with the UI. But if I had to leave WP, I would go back to the N9 or N8.

totally agree,sometimes i miss the good old symbian and maemo/meego days
LG G3. I feel yah man, I'm leaving too. Not for good, but it gives me a break and time for WP8.1 to grow (both in features and in apps). Honestly I'm excited to leave so I can come back and see how many new features and everything will feel fresh!
Back to iOS or Blackberry for me. Definitely not Android, I've never been a fan, find it too laggy and messy.
I'm entrenched in WinPhone & after running 8.1 Dev Preview for almost two months, liking the evolution of the OS. I see catchup to iOS / Android happening this year. Using a Lumia 1520 & no going back to small(er) screens.

Sooooo, if I had to leave, it would prolly be Android - possibly SGS Note3 (or 4) or some of the large screened alternatives from Sony, LG or HTC. It would need to be at least a 5" screen - the OnePlus One is intriguing. I would then be exploring root & a custom rom (CyanogenMod) to customize & bring the device back to straight Android.

iOS is NOT an option, I would tire of Apple's silly restrictions.
iOS. I had Android and liked it mostly but every phone ended up a buggy mess as time went on and updates were hit and miss. Yeah, I find iOS was too simple and somewhat behind the times but if it really is about the "apps", then I'd be safe there.
its a great platform but hardware issues with the battery and poor compatibility with most android apps(some of which refuse to work without play services) is the drawback,otherwise its a delightful platform on the whole

The Z30 has fantastic battery life and most Android apps I've tried from the Amazon Appstore work fine.

I'm typing this post on the Android version of Tapatalk. :)

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30 via Tapatalk
Android, LED notification light is the next best thing to Glance and I rely on it quite a lot when driving etc. Also like being able to customise notification/ring tones for every app. That being said I'll almost definitely be buying the 5.5" iPhone in September.

Sent from my iPad using WPCentral Forums
LG G3. I feel yah man, I'm leaving too. Not for good, but it gives me a break and time for WP8.1 to grow (both in features and in apps). Honestly I'm excited to leave so I can come back and see how many new features and everything will feel fresh!

You're the 2nd person who mentioned the G3, so I had to go check it out for myself...and boy is it a contender! This the review I watched: http://youtu.be/IaLzjSDG5Pc Simple things like being able to resize the keyboard, multi windows, notification light, and other easy, but sensible customizations...and not to mention that gorgeous display...seems like a win to me!
Symbian on a Nokia N8 without a second thought.

Or if you want a proper keyboard, grab the E7 - looks like the N8 but screen slides up at an angle to give a full qwerty keyboard.. Only thing is you lose the memory card slot, but it does have 16GB of storage, AND USB OTG. And mine came with the AV lead, and you could get an HDMI cable for it.
Thanks for keeping this thread civil. It sure could have been turned into a flame war, and everyone has been cool.

If I had to leave? Where is that stinking portrait slider from 2009 with the full keyboard.....

Sounds like a Palm Pre.
Thanks for keeping this thread civil. It sure could have been turned into a flame war, and everyone has been cool.

If I had to leave? Where is that stinking portrait slider from 2009 with the full keyboard.....

Well we are in the war room, and everybody knows you don't fight in the war room. :smile:

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