New member
As an early user, spending with WP since release may sound very committing, and I gotta admit that I've been getting bored easily with the UI. But if I had to leave WP, I would go back to the N9 or N8.
I am moving on from Windows Phone, and can not decide who to move to....iOS or Android. If you absolutely HAD to leave WP, which would you pick? I want iOS, but its so boring.....and I'd like Android, but it's so laggy and fragmented.
BB started tempting me.........because we can install android apps directly in latest BB os
As an early user, spending with WP since release may sound very committing, and I gotta admit that I've been getting bored easily with the UI. But if I had to leave WP, I would go back to the N9 or N8.
its a great platform but hardware issues with the battery and poor compatibility with most android apps(some of which refuse to work without play services) is the drawback,otherwise its a delightful platform on the whole
LG G3. I feel yah man, I'm leaving too. Not for good, but it gives me a break and time for WP8.1 to grow (both in features and in apps). Honestly I'm excited to leave so I can come back and see how many new features and everything will feel fresh!
Symbian on a Nokia N8 without a second thought.
Thanks for keeping this thread civil. It sure could have been turned into a flame war, and everyone has been cool.
If I had to leave? Where is that stinking portrait slider from 2009 with the full keyboard.....
Didn't a tizen phone just come out not too long ago?
Thanks for keeping this thread civil. It sure could have been turned into a flame war, and everyone has been cool.
If I had to leave? Where is that stinking portrait slider from 2009 with the full keyboard.....