If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

meego was my favorite UX, on the nokia n9, jolla is ok, but doesnt quite flow as smooth and simple as meego, wp next, then IOS, then symbian last of all android, too messy / illogical

so if i had to leave wp, the only modern viable alternative would be ios. (as meego to old now)
I'd go iOS since it's just one of those things where everything just works and has a good design for me. Google play services to me are too intrusive. Now Android phones require Google play to be enabled to be able to open apps like youtube and maps. If I were to choose Android it'd be something like a LG G3 or HTC One, beautiful phones in their own right. But as of now, iOS for sure.

Most of my data is invested in MS services and all of those work great on iOS platform. They work on Android, but for the most part developers still go iOS first
I would go to Windows Phone because "iOS, but its so boring.....and I'd like Android, but it's so laggy and fragmented". If you can figure out Windows Phone is not for you, but you can't figure out what to do next, I'd say you are just being disingenuous. Looks like trolling to me.
Honestly I'd go back to WM6.5 on my HD2.

The HD2 can triple boot WM6.5, Android, and WP7. You can have multiple boots of Android even- one you know is stable, one for testing new and buggy things, etc. Don't know how much I'd go into WP7 though. Afaik Dodonpachi Maximum is the only thing WP7 still has going for it...
androids lag a lot...! higher ends might not lag or phones in initial period maybe good but dey r surely not durable...!
I have been test driving the HTC One the last few weeks and love how stable Android has become - and realized how Androidish Windows Phone has become. This is not to say that Windows Phone is bad in any way, shape or form, but Android has come a LONG ways since I left it for WP back in the day. Here's my short list of pros and cons for anyone that cares though...

App Race - As much as MS has closed the gap on Apps, there is still a huge imbalance of them. Probably my biggest complaint is how much better the Android Apps for MS services are than their WP counterparts. That said, there is still a big gap for my personal uses:

My bank has an App on Android, but not WP... SwagBucks (a search rewards program) not on WP...

Email Handling - I still prefer MS's way of handling multiple accounts, but Android isn't that far off. I just wish that they could get the accounts back to separate icons.

Launcher screen - fully customizable with Android - they even have launcher 8 pro or whatever it's called that turns your droid into a WP...

Overall, the Android experience is great, but it isn't as sharp as Windows Phone. You don't have access to the same amount of information on one screen. With the 6up tiles on the Lumia 925, I am able to see every piece of information that I want in one peek. A quick swipe up brings up all my common Apps and games at the bottom of the screen. Android's layout doesn't allow for that much info on one screen - nor do the icons replace live tiles. Even the emulator launchers don't hold a candle to the real 'power' of WP.

That said, I will not go iPhone for the simple reason of - I will not use iTunes on my computer. I hate that software with a passion and just won't go there.

Just my two cents - and I highly recommend a look at the HTC One M8 (or M7) if you want the best Android Hardware...
I've been using android before (and still do on my tablet), and I've never used an iPhone, so I think I'd go with android. They are cheaper than iPhones (yes, flagships cost the same as iPhone, but you can't get an iPhone for 250€)
...With the 6up tiles on the Lumia 925, I am able to see every piece of information that I want in one peek. A quick swipe up brings up all my common Apps and games at the bottom of the screen. Android's layout doesn't allow for that much info on one screen - nor do the icons replace live tiles. Even the emulator launchers don't hold a candle to the real 'power' of WP...

I'm a big fan of vertical layout. I always use 3rd party launchers on Android so I can get vertical app drawer. Multiple homescreens confuse me much more then long Start screen. And I've used android before, but I was still getting lost on 3 horizontal screens, I never knew if I had to go left or right to get to the app, so usually I'd just keep going one way until I found it (continuous loop, very time consuming)
Android, but only to a Nexus or Moto device.

I moved to iOS and in less than half a year quickly came back to WP.
Either Jolla or then some very specific Android-phone. Thinking about something akin to HTC One or some of the Sony high end phones.. Something that actually comes close to the kind of design and feel of Nokia's flagships. Samsungs and Nexus-line I wouldnt even consider.

Apps arn't really the issue for me, however a pretty decent camera is. It doesn't need to be a 1020-level camera, but it would have to be very close to 920 at least. Jolla is finnish, so I'd like to support that and I quite liked the idea of MeeGo before Elop trashed it.
Waiting on Tizen. I'll see what they offer before I think about jumping ship. Honestly, if I was forced to switch this instant, I'd probably go for a Blackberry.
If I 'HAD to leave WP 8.1', I would go to WP 9. ;) Seriously though, let's say Microsoft is unable to gain enough market share in the next couple of years and they decide to abandon the project. This is certainly not what I want or expecting but there is always that possibility and that would really be the only way I would switch. I'd have to pick iPhone. I use iPads already so I'm familiar with the OS. It's fast and stable, not quite as nice as WP but it works and there is never a problem with apps being nonexistent or lacking in features, and best of all it doesn't involve Google. The only thing is that I would want a larger screen, close to 5 inches anyway if not larger. Android is just a big fat mess. I want my phone to work; not be unstable and crash all the time. It is too fragmented and many phones are bloated and I'm over having to flash ROMs just to get a better experience like I used to have to do in the Windows Mobile 5 & 6 days. It's a phone; it needs to fast and reliable and iPhone wins there. I rarely use Google services and can do without them with the exception of maybe YouTube.
Definitely Sony's Android offerings.

And I will have to go IF Sony doesn't join the WP OEM bandwagon in the future, anyway.

Though I'd give a look at Jolla too.
If you HAD to leave the Earth, where would you go to?
I'm sorry but these questions are just so stupid... We don't have to leave it so why would we think about the impossible scenario that we would?

But to answer this hideous question:
WP 8.0 (like I currently have on my L925)
or if that wouldn't be an option:
Nokia Symbian Belle. :P
Call me old fashioned... Nokia ****** alert!
i would go back to android. although it would suck as i will miss the tiles. i know you can make a skin on android to make it look like tiles, but it wont be the same.
I'd go back to BB10, an operating system I truly love and may visit again one day! I also did enjoy the good old webOS days!
if Microsoft suddenly kill of WP, i'll sadly have to go to iOS.
no way I'd go to Android and get scroogled. and Blackberry's dead.
Android for one main reason only: Larger screen size on Android hardware. I'm getting to old to be squinting at that little iPhone screen.

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