If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

I would go with apple. I just can't stand android it's too laggy and slow. My mom has an iPhone and I have to admit, it's really fast

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Back to Blackberry, its the only other platform that works for me. I wish I could have a Blackberry WP Hybrid :)
You would have to put a gun to my head to make me leave WP.........but I guess back to Android if I had to.

Why on Earth are you leaving WP?

After using Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 with not exception, I've bought an iPad Air recently. Also, I had to use a Galaxy S4 Mini for a while when I was sending in my 8X for repair. With these devices I realized for the first time what I'm really missing, feature- and app-wise.

Windows Phone 8.1 really satisfies me for the first time after the other releases always were slight disappointments, even though VPN is still not usable for me. But the lacking app ecosystem and the lack of real high-end devices (When McLaren really will be announced in autumn it will take it until 2015 to be in stores) will most likely make me move to iOS when a bigger screened iPhone will be released in fall.

I think iOS is great on my iPad and I think it will become even better with iOS8. Also, the app situation is not even comparable. And the good thing is that the Microsoft services I use the most - OneDrive and Exchange - work perfectly on iOS.
IOS if you love their simplicity and their user friendlu controls. Android if you're looking for the abundance of apps and their google services. Please do,correct me if i am wrong.
iOS 8
(and it will not be unexpectable to see Metro UI app for ios 8 which will be developed by MS, or maybe most improved one like Office and Skype on ios)
I'd go back to Android and customize it to work like WP as much as possible. Don't think I could give up the simply beauty of the UI that I'm used to in WP now though.

Otherwise, Blackberry...can't do Apple. My daughter has one, and I just can't get used to their UI. (Even though its a good solid platform.)
If it had to be iOS or Android, I'd probably go for a Nexus device as the absolutely least disgusting option and use Microsoft services to minimize the data leached by Google.

In reality though, I'd probably go back to a Windows Mobile device like my old HP614c and tether it with an 8" Windows tablet like the Lenovo miix 2, or get a dumb phone and a tablet with a built in SIM.
Definitely not iOS again. I'd go back to Android. IDK where people get lag from. I had a GS3, rooted with the bloat removed and it was smooth as butter. I even kept the stock ROM. Definitely a great experience.

Had the iPhone 4 from day one, and in the first 6 months the phone OS was corrupted 7 times and had to be wiped and reinstalled. Lost everything time and time again.
Android. While I'm a huge fan of WP, I've always been a bit jealous of the customization, app market, and freedom the OS provides. I have a few Android tablets and love them.

iOS, I couldn't care less for. I bought into the iPhone hype once and regretted it almost immediately.
I have multiple devices on all three OS. iPod touch and iPad on iOS. Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 on Android and Lumia 810, 925 on WP and Surface for MSFT tablet. If you want to leave WP please consider stock Android on Nexus devices. I had a Samsung before (actually two of them) and those are crappy, laggy phones along with a whole lot of junk piled on by Touch Wiz and carrier bloatware. Once you root a Samsung and get rid of the junk it does tend to run quite smoothly but everyone does not need to learn how to do that. The stock Android experience on Nexus (or any GPe device for that matter) takes care of that issue and tends to run lag/crash free.

iOS is nice but even with multi finger gestures it is still a bit clunky to use IMO. I find a happy medium to be a WP phone and a Nexus 7 tablet. The iOS devices are primarily used by my other family members.
I'd get a second hand Nokia E7 and go back to Symbian. iOS and Android would both get a single two finger gesture I can't repeat less I get banned..
Personally, I would activate my Z10 and use that. I think BB10 is the most intuitive OS available, and the granular control is amazing. If you are leaving because of the App shortage, I would probably pick up the One+ One or the HTC One. I have been on android before and thought it was okay. My only complaint was the terrible wait and/or lack of updates to the OS. I'll reserve judgement on iOS8 until the devices are available. $700+ for a phone is a large commitment, so I tend to lean away from Apple Devices. Thankfully, I am happy with my Icon so I don't anticipate updating my device for some time (unless they release a variant with an SD card slot. <3

iOS is more secure and first for developers over Android. So would be that.

However no plans to move as enjoying WP too much!
Back to Blackberry, its the only other platform that works for me. I wish I could have a Blackberry WP Hybrid :)

That would be awesome! The security, notification light, encryption, etc of a BlackBerry and live tiles of a WP...a match made in heaven!

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