If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?


A Nokia-X, because i'm a Delicate Flower and too much change scares me.
Well my GF just got her new HTC One today. Lovely phone, and it has an IR blaster. She is bowled over by that feature. The thing rocks an 801 processor and is very smooth. The scrolling in apps and on the screen is so slick. My 920 can be jerky, especially when using the Verge app. My WPC also jerks a bit too, especially in landscape mode. She nearly plumped for a 930, but she wanted to stick with Android. I think the battery would be better a bit bigger, but other than that, it is a nice phone.
Android. First and only (Other) choice. Mainly because of everything you can do it it. Almost abuse the OS or replace it. Sounds good to me, Especially CyanogenMod.
I would 100% go for Android on a HTC device such as HTC M8. I already own a HTC One M7 which is amazing, I just cant stand android on Samsung phones.
Dying a slow death?

Don't fret, webOS has been dead for almost 3 years now and The Nation still supports it with homebrews, patches, etc. At least BB OS10 has the advantage of running Android apps as long as they're not tied to the Play Store.

Posted on a real computer with a real keyboard, imagine that!
Since webOS is not happening...I think if I had to leave, it would be h e double hockey stick for me. When my Pre 2 started having issues keeping a charge no matter what battery I put in it, I had to make a choice. I had been trying to figure out which OS I hated the least and could deal with, bouncing between iOS and Android. WP7 didn't appeal much too me for several reasons. Thankfully, WP8 came out and gave me the third option. I'm glad I went this route because, with the exception of some of the 8.1 DP bugs, my Lumias have been great and don't make me curse them when I use them, something both Android and iOS would make me do.

So right now I just hope I never have to make that choice.
If I left WP, which I'm considering (not for lack of interest; just bored), I would go to Ubuntu Touch and/or Android with the Launcher8 theme installed. Ubuntu Touch looks amazing, all its missing are apps. Android, I can't stand certain aspects of it, but I love the openness of it. So, I'd probably run an Ubuntu Touch/Android (again, with the Launcher8 theme) dual boot. Covers the best of everything. Apps through Android (until UT gets the essentials), live tiles through an Android skin, and the pure incredibility of UT.

Slightly off-topic: Since UT is lacking in apps right now and will be for a long, long time once its actually launched, Canonical should really focus on getting convergence ready. Then whenever there's an app I need, I can just plug my phone into a KVM. I use my laptop a lot more than my WP anyway, so this would be perfect for me as a developer.

I would totally go full ubuntu touch. the OS is great. and the ui. just the apps are missing. :)
Android, but only to Nexus line or maybe Moto line. I don't want to wait forever for the OEM to release any OS updates.

I don't really like iOS interface. Bought an iPad Mini once, but ended up selling it away.
Thanks for keeping this thread civil. It sure could have been turned into a flame war, and everyone has been cool.

If I had to leave? Where is that stinking portrait slider from 2009 with the full keyboard.....
I'd go back to Android. In particular, i am going to buy Galaxy Note 4 if the quality increases because the ecosystem (UI ugliness aside) allows me to maximize efficiency for my work. As an alternative, the next coming HTC phablet (which according to my infos should come up around fall). That would be just one bigger phone but with chances to add options making it similar to a Note 4. Only side effects: A) It's Google; B) Android gets slow over time (My Note II is almost unusable at times). My Lumia 1520 is already a spare in any case as the OS and the apps are too lacking for my needs. So rather than a return to Android in my case is like changing device every 2 years.
If nothing specific but wanted a general experience I didn't have to think about and without a Linux-y feel, then iOS. Android if there was some specific application like using my phone as an impromptu wireless cell modem.
I'd move to Android on Sony Xperia Z1 compact for the waterproof reason. Z2 is still very new and expensive.

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