If you HAD to leave WP who would you go to?

If I HAD to leave WP, it would be IOS hands down. Yes the OS is boring but it is original whereas android is largely a clone of IOS. But lets hope it never happens that I abandon WP. I also hope that WP doesn't abandon me.
If I HAD to leave WP, it would be IOS hands down. Yes the OS is boring but it is original whereas android is largely a clone of IOS. But lets hope it never happens that I abandon WP. I also hope that WP doesn't abandon me.

With Nokia in Microsoft's hands now, I believe they are in it for the long haul...despite the general perception of the sales and usage of Surface, they are still standing by it and why not...love my Pro 2 (Pro 3 on pre-order)
The Z30 has fantastic battery life and most Android apps I've tried from the Amazon Appstore work fine.

I'm typing this post on the Android version of Tapatalk. :)

Posted from my BlackBerry Z30 via Tapatalk

i know, my point was the battery went bad on 3 phones for me within 6 months of each phone ,one of the reasons why i switched to WP
i still love BB though(my other phones a 9790) except for the battery thing
as for apps,some apps like clash of clans and minecraft PE have issues with BB10(still playable though to some extent)
I'd go back to Android. I've used all three. Had an iPhone 4 for a company phone and upgraded it to iOS7 when it came out. Even with iOS6 it was less stable than my wife's old HTC Thunderbolt running Android 2.3 with HTC Sense. I'd imagine a top of the line HTC, Galaxy, or Nexus would blow the current Apple line-up out of the water! However, as long as MS keeps pumping out Lumia's the quality of my Nokia Icon, I'm sticking to Lumia and WP.
I'd go to Android, and maybe choose a device that last longer battery time, like Droid Maxxx. It's weird that if you want to have a nice experience in android you have to buy a middle range device. But, that is. Hopefully microsoft is doing a good job and I feel fine and happy using my windows phone :D
I would choose Android. While I have three WP8 phones, my two tablets are Android. So I am used to using both. Apple has never even entered my mind. Not that I have anything against Apple. Its just not my chunk of fruit.
I'm a big fan of vertical layout. I always use 3rd party launchers on Android so I can get vertical app drawer. Multiple homescreens confuse me much more then long Start screen. And I've used android before, but I was still getting lost on 3 horizontal screens, I never knew if I had to go left or right to get to the app, so usually I'd just keep going one way until I found it (continuous loop, very time consuming)

Is there a good Android vertical layout theme? Everything I have found is horizontal except for Launcher 8 Pro (which makes the One look like it has Windows Phone on it)... Anyone else can jump in on this one too if they want to!
iOS. Imagine a world where you get the apps first, usually high quality ones, even with Google support on it , while still keeping malware and bad UX decisions at OS level away. It's like less of amazing stuff WP does but even less of ugly stuff Android does!
My second choice would be stock android , but after playing with it a bit I still believe iOS is much easier to shift to , for a WP user.
With a little hesitation; Android. Due to the open source and wide variety, both in hardware and software. I kind of hate the closed ecosystem of Apple.

I, on the other hand, am moving away from Android and Samsung. Because of Android being as bloated as it is today. From my point of view the WP appears to be cleaner, more to point, focused on functions. Apposed to Android in general, and Samsung in particular who has overfocused (IHMO) on personalization, to the degree where that has taking the priority before practical functions.
Android started up rather simplistic, nice and tidy, but got cluttered on the way. Hopefully, one day, they will return to the old values that I used to love.

So instead, at this point I'd say: stay where you are... ;-)
For me, I would go and pick up my old N9 again! :P

On a serious note, I'd go with a phone running forked Android like the Nokia X. A second choice would be Sailfish. Both OS can run Android apps without tying myself to Google's services.
Or if you want a proper keyboard, grab the E7 - looks like the N8 but screen slides up at an angle to give a full qwerty keyboard.. Only thing is you lose the memory card slot, but it does have 16GB of storage, AND USB OTG. And mine came with the AV lead, and you could get an HDMI cable for it.

All that's fine and dandy but the E7's only flaw is not using an auto-focus camera. That, and the cumbersome way of opening the slider.
iOS. Imagine a world where you get the apps first, usually high quality ones, even with Google support on it , while still keeping malware and bad UX decisions at OS level away. It's like less of amazing stuff WP does but even less of ugly stuff Android does!
My second choice would be stock android , but after playing with it a bit I still believe iOS is much easier to shift to , for a WP user.

Locked to iTunes and lack of customizations will have you thinking more about this. I agree about the Android security concerns, but there are ways around it...where as with iOS its one way and that's it.

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